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P. 3

Editor’s Note

                 CBI mustn’t forget ‘Industry,

                 Impartiality and Integrity’

                               The resignaTion by the former   being even-handed in asking both Verma and Asthana
                                CBI Director Alok Verma a day   to proceed on leave. The case has exposed an uncom-
                                 after a high-powered commit-  fortable truth that the legal protection for the CBI
                                 tee removed him from his post,   Director from external interference is still not as strong
                                 is a disturbing denouement to a   as the Nation had been made to believe. Though the
                                sordid episode. Institutions judge   Supreme Court had declared that no authority, other
                               a country. It is ironic that the pre-  than the high-powered selection committee, could
                              sent government appointed him as   transfer the Director of CBI, the ball was still in the
                          its choice but soon the incumbent fell into   court of the government.  In tearing hurry, the gov-
                 disfavour with it. Questions will be raised as to why   ernment quickly convened a meeting, which despite
                 in the first place, the due procedure was not followed   a dissenting note by Leader of Opposition, Mallikarjun
                 for his removal, leading to its reversal by the Supreme   Kharge, ordered Verma’s transfer as the Prime Minis-
                 Court. Again, he was not given the natural justice-  ter and Justice Sikri sealed his fate 2-1. Such an act has
                 an opportunity to explain. This becomes even more    serious implications for CBI’s autonomy. An important
                 important keeping in view the fact that the entire CVC   lesson from the entire episode is that existing safe-
                 report was based on the charges by CBI Director’s   guards are still not enough to checkmate political inter-
                 deputy, who himself is under investigation by the CBI.    ference. The CBI has been politicised and its credibility
                 Verma has claimed that the CVC report was based only   put to test. It should be made clear that in a parliamen-
                 on the complainant’s corruption charges and not on   tary democracy, the executive should not be allowed
                 the ‘findings’ of CVC, making it CBI versus CBI. To add   to infringe on the rights and autonomy of institutions.
                 to it, a majority of members of CVC is appointed by the   Now the onus is on the government and the CBI to
                 ruling dispensation.  It appears that the committee did   restore the credibility of this premier probe agency of
                 not hear the CBI Director because the CVC, had already   the country. Uphill task for the agency is to get its act
                 heard him in the presence of the retired judge, Justice   together to change its public perception.  It has to live
                 A.K. Patnaik, a supervisor appointed by the Supreme   unto its motto- ‘Industry, Impartiality and Integrity’!
                 Court. The CBI Director may have been guilty, but the
                 way his case was handled, smacks of carelessness and
                 unpreparedness. It was obvious from the beginning
                 that the government did not want Verma to continue,
                 although it sought to give the impression that it was                 (chARAnjIt AhujA)

                                              WeB teAM                    print E r  &   publish E r
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                 Editor  Charanjit Ahuja*     Aditi Chahar, Anangpal singh  published from
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                        Volume 16, Issue no. 1&2, 1-31 january 2019, RELEASEd on 16 january, numbER oF pAgES IncLudIng covER 68
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