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A surveillAnce stAte country. At the same time,
it will potentially turn India
is in the mAking into a surveillance state
where police and other
agencies will rule the roost
The government wants internet service providers to help the NDA against the innocent people
government notify the draft IT rules for implementation, writes MY Siddiqui based on their predilection,
whims and prejudices at the
costs of people’s fundamen-
tal rights to privacy and
personal liberty to make
India a mere election-
centric democracy, with no
sovereignty of people and
their empowerment. All
such repressive steps are
taken ostensibly to check
terror activities committed
through internet. This will
also target those threaten-
ing the security and sover-
eignty of India.
A government source
revealed that under the
Telegraph Act, there are pro-
visions for official agencies
to tap phones of suspicious
people. However, no such
provisions were made in the
s a sequel to draft rules, issued on tion by the agencies for 180 Information Technology Act,
the Ministry of December 24, 2018, the days. 2000 as amended in 2008
Home Affairs intermediaries will deploy For such steps to be suc- and the Rules framed there
notification technology based auto- cessful, all intermediaries or under.
A of December mated tools or appropriate online platforms or MNCs Hence, the proposed
20, 2018, authorising 10 mechanisms with appropri- will have to be registered amendment in the Rules.
central security and intel- ate controls, for identifying under the Indian Compa- The draft Rules together
ligence agencies to inter- proactively and removing nies Act for effective compli- with the MHA’s snooping
cept, monitor and decrepit or disabling public access ance. All such companies notification will help the
all information on any to unlawful information or will have to appoint nodal Government command and
computing device, Union content. officer in India to deal with commandeer the online
Ministry of Electronics and The draft rules mandate law enforcement agencies platforms and companies
Information Technology has companies to not only trace on all 24 hours basis. to fall in line or face the
issued a draft Information and report the origin of According to the official consequences.
Technology (Intermediar- messages within 72 hours sources, the draft Rules are It has the potential to
ies Guidelines) Rules under of receiving a complaint intended to strengthen state restrict free flow of informa-
Section 79 of the Informa- from law enforcement power with big companies tion, jeopardizing people’s
tion Technology Act, 2000, agencies but also disable including MNCs in India sprit of inquiry and evolving
to elicit response from access within 24 hours. contributing to consolida- scientific temper among
internet service providers Draft rules provide for the tion of country’s cyber them. With such blanket
(intermediaries or online content deemed defamatory sovereignty. It is surmised and wholesome fascistic
platforms) till January 15, or against national security that the proposed Rules anti-people and anti-dem-
2019, to help the NDA Union and other clauses under are draconian for its failure ocratic measures, India is in
Government notify the draft Article 19 (2) of the Constitu- to provide any effective for bad days ahead!
rules for implementation. tion to be kept as records remedy to victims of cyber
Under the four-page and preserve such informa- crime offences across the
Tehelka / 31 january 2019 9