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“It’s all about change. It’s all about that  thus making all sexual acts, except vagi-  those that “never have sex at all, such
                       elusive state. Freedom.”  nal intercourse, illegal. The fact that this  as sea urchins and aphis.” Chief Justice
                                          brought the entire LGBTQ community   of India Dipak Misra also wrote, “What
                   Diriye Osman, in his book    under vigilance, against a fraction of a   nature gives is natural. That is called
                 ‘Fairytales For Lost Children’.  majority heteronormative community,   nature within.” A number of other cases
                                          has not only made their official exist-  in the High Court of Delhi and the Su-
                 rom subsistence to defensive  ence illegal for more than a century   preme Court, such as the Naz Founda-
                 existence, the queer identity   but also shaped a biased society along   tion case and the National Legal Ser-
                 in India has devolved with   the way. Individual freedom and pri-  vices Authority v. Union of India, serve
                 the passage of time. The In-  vacy are constitutional rights that sec-  as critical markers in this journey.
                 dian LGBTQ community is   tion 377 infringed upon. The Hon’ble    India is one of the few countries
        F perhaps as old as the history   Supreme Court of India recognised the  where history celebrates its diversity as
         of the country itself. And yet a draconi-  fact in its present ruling. The judgement  well as its love stories. From Khajuraho
         an law drafted by our erstwhile British   is more than 500 pages long, compris-  to the Hijras, we can see symbols of free
         colonisers, in 1860, usurped their iden-  ing of four separate judgements written  love everywhere. Though traditional
         tity and freedom till now. In a landmark  by the five-judge bench of the Supreme  religious literary sources do not speak
         judgement delivered on September   Court – Chief Justice Deepak Misra and  of homosexuality directly, the Indian
         6th, 2018, the Indian Supreme Court in   Justices A.M. Khanwilkar, Rohinton    history and mythology are replete with
         the case of Navtej Singh Johar and Oth-  Nariman, Dhananjaya Chandrachud   references of changes of sex, homo-
         ers v. the Union of India has ruled that   and Indu Malhotra.    erotic encounters, and intersex or third
         the part of Section 377 of the Indian   The ruling explores issues of gender   gender characters often found both in
                  LGBTQ celebrates as                                                                                    years ago, I was asked if I had plans of   mosexuality. Mehra, 63, is a well-known  was initiated by AIDS Bhedbhav Viro-

                                                                                                                                                         journalist (the former editor of the In-
                                                                                                                                                                                          dhi Andolan in 1991. On 24 August 2017,
                                                                                                                         getting married soon. When I replied
                     India bids adieu to                                                                                 that I never planned to, they asked me   dian edition of Maxim magazine), while  the Supreme Court upheld the right to
                                                                                                                                                                                          privacy as a fundamental right under
                                                                                                                         the reason for it. Once I replied that I did  donning many other hats. Johar, 59,
                                                                                                                                                                                          the Constitution in the landmark Put-
                                                                                                                                                         travels the world as an award-winning
                                                                                                                         not dig boys, the room fell silent. That’s
           colonial-era Section 377                                                                                      when I knew the interview was over   Bharatanatyam dancer, choreographer  tuswamy judgement. The Court also
                                                                                                                         and I wasn’t getting the job. They never  and yoga teacher. They were a private
                                                                                                                                                                                          called for equality and condemned dis-
                                                                                                                         called back. Since then I am very careful  couple who chose to put their name
                                                                                                                                                                                          crimination, stated that the protection
                                                                                                                                                         on a writ petition to abolish section 377.  of sexual orientation lies at the core of
                                                                                                                         about not disclosing my lesbian iden-
                                                                                                                         tity in my workspace. Even my friends,
                                                                                                                                                         clutch of other gay and lesbian person-
                                                                                                                         who are from the same industry, don’t   Their petition was accompanied by a   the fundamental rights and that the
                                                                                                                                                                                          rights of the LGBT population are real
         In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India on September 6, 2018, scrapped the Section 377               know my truth. I sometimes felt claus-  alities who had previously been equally  and founded on constitutional doctrine.
                                                                                                                         trophobic in their company. Though the  private about their sexuality. They came  This judgement was believed to imply
          of the Indian Penal Code that criminalised homosexuality and said that any discrimination on basis             change in the attitude of the society will  out in the open about their choices and  the unconstitutionality of section 377.
                         of sexual orientation is unconstitutional, reports SHUBHANGI SINGH                              take time, I now feel hopeful that day is  beliefs, just to give a human face to the   The road to true inclusiveness is still
                                                                                                                         near after this judgement.” On the other  long running battle to love freely.  long and bumpy. This is just the begin-
                                                                                                                         hand, Josey (name changed) from Bhu-  The movement to repeal Section 377  ning. The LGBTQ community can claim
         Penal Code (IPC), which criminalises   identity, sexuality and sexual orienta-  traditional religious narratives as well   baneshwar reveals,” A few years ago, a                their rights and their love, knowing the
         homosexuality, is unconstitutional. The  tion. It relies on biology and science as   as in regional folklore. But a law created   cop who was an acquaintance, black-            law of the land is on their side. But we,
         Indian Supreme Court, in this case, did   much as all that which makes us hu-  by a willful king (Henry VIII) but long   mailed me for months to out me as a   Thanks to the     as a society, still need to let go of our
         not merely strike down a piece of bad   man, to arrive at its conclusion. It relies  abolished in the country of its origin,   gay man if I did not pay him. The experi-  latest Supreme   biases and support our own in this jour-
         archaic law but delivered a judgement   on judicial precedents from India and   paved the way for a homophobic Indian   ence scarred me for life. I am so happy                  ney. The government and public needs
         which is overwhelming in its reach.   across the world. It traces the colonial   society as we see today. Though there   the law is on my side now.”  Court verdict, the         to come together in their efforts to sen-
         Team Tehelka applauds and celebrates   history of this law and looks to a future  may not have been many incarcera-  Only a member of the Indian LGBTQ                           sitise the young and the old, the rural
         this decision, which is the culmination   in which we can leave these unjust and  tions over more the 150 years that have   community can understand the sense   decriminalisation   or the misinformed, about the need
         of a long struggle waged by the activists  violent pasts behind. It dispels any no-  passed since an entire community was   of independence to love and live, that   of the gay law has   for acceptance of our gay brothers and
         as well as the oppressed, through time   tion that decries homosexuality be-  subjugated to a secret life filled with   the rest of us have always taken for                     sisters. Let us come together and paint
         and political transitions.       ing against the order of nature. Justice   fear and discrimination.            granted. The principal petitioner Navtej   brought to end        the sky in rainbow colours for Indian
           Contrary to popular perception, Sec-  Chandrachud quoted from an article   As Sonia (name changed), a 27-year-  Johar and his partner Sunil Mehra have   centuries of infamy   society free of prejudice and full of love.
         tion 377 earlier criminalised any sexual   he read which said that homosexual   old software engineer from Bangalore   been a couple for 24 years under the
         encounter ‘against the order of nature’,   behaviour existed in all species except   puts it, “During a job interview two   shadow of India’s archaic law on ho-  and social isolation           LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
                                                                                                                                                           suffered by the gay
                                      TEHELKA / 30 SEPTEMBER 2018  14  WWW.TEHELKA.COM                                                                     community

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