Page 18 - 30NOV2019EA
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         activists and lawyers in India had been targeted. Glob-  While government has
         ally, 1,400 was the number of such users, also includ-
         ing diplomats, political dissidents as well as senior   not denied or accepted
         government officials. Pegasus could compromise the
         entire cell data, including that from Skype, Telegram,   that it used Pegasus
         Viber, SMS, photo, emails, contacts, location, files,
         browsing the history, besides microphone and cam-
         era recordings.                                         even as it expresses
           Pegasus could be installed using targets’ phone
         numbers. It can activate targets’ camera and mic to     anger at being linked
         collect data. A person’s phone number is the only
         requirement to install it. The most common way is       to the product, the
         through SMS or flash SMS. WhatsApp declined to
         name those who were targeted, but it said that they     names of those who got
         contacted each one of them and told them about
         the breach.                                             snooped upon reveal
         This was after WhatsApp said that journalists and       that it is mostly
         human rights activists in India have been targets of
         surveillance. WhatsApp has filed a lawsuit in a Cali-   the dissenters
         fornia federal court against Israeli cyber intelligence

                      PARLIAMENTARY PANEL ON IT

                     EXPRESSES ‘GRAVE CONCERN’

            HE STANDING Committee on      ogy, I have received a number of   on a vulnerability in the video call-
         TInformation Technology issued a   requests for comments on the recent   ing mechanism of WhatsApp to gain
         circular to its members on November   disclosure of “snooping” on Indian   access to a user’s device. The Govern-
         5, 2019 seeking their comments on   citizens using WhatsApp, through   ment of India has announced that it
         a statement issued by Chairman of   a software installed by an Israeli   has demanded an explanation from
         the Committee, Dr Shashi Tharoor.   firm, the NSO Group. The media has   WhatsApp, which itself has taken legal
         The statement says that government   released several names of Indian   action against the NSO Group.
         “demanding explanations from What-  citizens who appear to have victims of   The statement adds that “there is
         sApp, which considers itself a victim   this. It also seems that the list released   no indication that the Government
         of the hack, and not from NSO, which   through media is not complete and   has written or complained to the NSO
         appears to be the perpetrator, seems   that the interceptions may be larger in   Group about its action in installing the
         to serve little purpose”. While seeking   number”.               hack required to intercept commu-
         comments of the members, it says that   Recent press reports claim that a   nications. This is all the more curious,
         the committee will be deliberating   software known as Pegasus was used   since reports suggest that the NSO
         on this matter at their next sitting on   on a number of Indian citizens. Those   Group only provided this technology
         November 20, 2019 while taking up   reports also state that WhatsApp has   to governmental bodies and not to pri-
         the subject  ‘Citizen Data Security and   contacted a number of activists and   vate citizens. Demanding explanations
         Privacy’.                        lawyers (who they believe were not   from WhatsApp, which considers itself
           The statement says that “as Chair-  on any known criminal or national   a victim of the hack, and not from NSO,
         man of the Parliamentary Standing   security threat list) who were victims   which appears to be the perpetrator,
         Committee on Information Technol-  of data interception. Pegasus relied   seems to serve little purpose”.

                                          TEHELKA / 15 MAY 2017  12 18  WWW.TEHELKA.COM
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