Page 57 - 30NOV2018E
P. 57

COLUMN                                                                                        FOREIGN AFFAIRS

 Debt-stricken Pakistan   into financial chaos which may be   Pakistan’s financial   to blame for this ugly scenario or the

                                                                          military dictators who have been run-
         exploited by extremist elements to
 approaches China  promote their dangerous agenda. In   condition is so   ning Pakistan either as rulers or from
                                           critical that even
                                                                          behind the scene?
         any case, it is generally believed that
         the loan Pakistan seeks will be used for
                                                                             Most financial experts are of the
         meeting financial obligations to China,   if the UAE obliges     view that Pakistan’s financial crisis has
 Pakistan PM Imran Khan reached out to Beijing for financial    which has created a debt trap through   it with an    been caused by reckless spending by
 ASIAN DRAMA  assistance. It, in turn, promised Rs.6 billion aid, besides spending on   the controversial CPEC project.  assistance package,   its civilian rulers and their failure to
                                                                          effectively curb corruption. But there
           According to the figures released by
 SYED    CPEC project, to help the country come out of the financial distress  the State Bank of Pakistan, Islamabad’s   it would be difficult   have other major factors too like ter-
         current account deficit increased by 43
                                                                          rorism, poor performance on the ex-
 NOORUZZAMAN  per cent to $18 billion in the fiscal that   for Islamabad to   port front and dwindling remittances
 hough it was a howler that   his readiness to review his stand as a   ended in June 2018. Its foreign curren-  avoid going to the   from Pakistanis settled abroad.
 the Pakistan government-  bargaining tactic.  cy reserves came down to $8.4 million   Extremism and terrorism  have cre-
 The columnist — former   controlled TV channel   Pakistan now has plans to ap-  by the October-end from $627 million   IMF for a fresh   ated a situation in which foreign inves-
 Deputy Editor of The   (PTV), carried the word   proach the United Arab Emirates (UAE)   in late September. Pakistan is, there-  tors are scared to set up their establish-
 Tribune, Chandigarh —   “Begging” instead of Beijing  leadership for financial aid as it does   fore, faced with a major balance of   bailout loan  ments there. According to a State Bank
 specialises in foreign   T while showing Prime Min-  not want to borrow a big amount from   payment crisis. It can fulfil with great   of Pakistan report  for 2016, the war on
 affairs. With a career   ister Imran Khan address a gathering   the International Monetary Fund (IMF)   difficulty its foreign debt obligations till   terrorism has cost $118 billion to the
 spanning 41 years, he   in the Chinese capital during his recent   owing to certain restraining conditions   the year-end. The public sector debt of   through, I don’t need to tell anyone   country’s exchequer. The Global Ter-
 keeps close watch on   official visit, the mistake reflected the   it imposes on borrowers which nobody   Pakistan stands at $75.3 billion, which   about it, everyone knows the crisis the   rorism Index (2016) says that out of 163
 issues related to South   bitter reality in his country. Khan was   likes.  is 27 per cent of its gross domestic   previous government left us with.”  countries, Pakistan stands fourth worst
 Asian countries. The   there looking for financial assistance to   However, Pakistan’s financial condi-  product.  But what happened to Pakistan dur-  hit by the scourge of terrorism.
 views expressed are   tide over the debt repayment crisis Pa-  tion is so critical that even if the UAE   Earlier, the Pakistan Finance Min-  ing the previous government which   Pakistan’s exports declined by 20
 personal  kistan is faced with today. The Chinese   obliges it with an aid package, it would   ister had said, “The difficult financial   resulted in this crippling financial   per cent during a period of 10 years
 promised him to help Pakistan with an   be difficult for Islamabad to avoid going   situation that the country is going   crisis? Are Islamabad’s civilian rulers   from 2011 to 2017, according to the
 aid package of  6 billion, which would   to the IMF for a fresh bailout loan.  World Bank’s lead country economist
 be released besides what China  Obviously, with a view to sending        Enrique Blanco Armas. The reasons are
 has been spending through China-  positive signals to the international   a discouraging business environment,
 Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)   community, Pakistan Finance Minister   an overvalued exchange rate, relatively
 projects. However, more negotiations   Asad Umar has asserted that with the   weak trade facilitation and poor infra-
 need to be held for Beijing’s aid to reach   Chinese assurance of the $6 billion   structure facilities.
 Islamabad, as Chinese officials indicated  aid package, his country’s balance of   These factors could not have led to
 to media persons during Khan’s visit.  payments crisis is over, as the situation   Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves
 Earlier, Khan, a cricketer-turned-  stands today.                        declining to an alarming level had
 politician, had visited Saudi Arabian   “We had told you about the $12 billion   there been adequate support from the
 apparently to participate in an interna-  financing gap, of which $6 billion have   remittances from its nationals work-
 tional investment conference there, but  come from Saudi Arabia, and the rest   ing abroad. But this was unavoidable
 his real purpose was to approach the   has come from China. So, the immediate   because of the disturbances in the
 Saudis which he did for urgent funds   balance of payments crisis of Pakistan   Middle-East, resulting in lakhs of for-
 required by cash-strapped Pakistan for   has ended. I want to make that clear in   eign workers losing their jobs. Over 3.5
 clearing its import bills and loan repay-  unequivocal terms that we do not have   lakh Pakistanis lost their jobs in Saudi
 ments. Khan was obliged by the Saudis,   any balance of payments crisis now,”   Arabia alone.
 Pakistan’s traditional lenders, with a $6   Umar told the media the other day.  The financial crisis faced by Paki-
 billion package of assistance. However,   Yet Pakistan cannot afford to ignore   stan has lessons for India too. We must
 it has strings attached: Pakistan must   the IMF, which is likely to come to the   limit our non-productive expenditure
 maintain its silence over the journalist   rescue of Islamabad in this hour of   and strive to maintain an environ-
 Jamal Khashoggi murder controversy   crisis, as it has done earlier too. Though   ment in which foreign direct investors
 and support the Saudis against Iran in   the IMF is under pressure from the US   feel encouraged to come and invest
 the ongoing war for dominance in the   and other Western countries to impose   their funds without fear of any kind.
 Arab world. It would be a tricky job for   tough conditions on its bailout package,   Populism being indulged in by the
 Pakistan as it has been indicating to   so soon after the IMF completed the   NDA government can lead to serious
 maintain its friendly relations with both  payment of an earlier loan in July this   repercussions in the long run.
 countries. But Imran Khan needed the   year, it cannot refuse to help Islamabad
 funds he got and, therefore, expressed   with a view to saving it from slipping           LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM


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