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P. 17

gender bender

                                                                                       There are visible gender
                                                                                       gaps in major areas of
                                                                                       human development

                political representation, labour market, etc.—with   in 160 countries; it yields insights in gender gaps in
                negative consequences for the development of their   major areas of human development. The component
                capabilities and their freedom of choice.       indicators highlight areas in need of critical policy
                 The GII is an inequality index. It measures gender   intervention and it stimulates proactive thinking
                inequalities in three important aspects of human   and public policy to overcome the systematic disad-
                development — reproductive health, measured by   vantages of women.
                maternal mortality ratio and adolescent birth rates;
                empowerment, measured by proportion of par-     Better policing
                liamentary seats occupied by females and propor-  There could be several reasons for India’s poor rank-
                tion of adult females and males aged 25 years and   ing in the survey but India faces twin problems in
                older with at least some secondary education; and    dealing with crimes against women. India is one of
                economic status, expressed as labour market partici-  the world’s most under-policed countries with about
                pation and measured by labour force participation   130 policemen per 100,000 people while even Paki-
                rate of female and male populations aged 15 years   stan has 207, USA has 256 and UK over 300. More
                and older.                                      policemen on the streets would be a stronger pre-
                 The GII is built on the same framework as the   ventive measure against crime against women. The
                IHDI — to better expose differences in the distribu-  other problem is the patriarchal mindset as female
                tion of achievements between women and men. It   foeticide continues and successive census showing
                measures the human development costs of gender   skewed female ratio vis-à-vis male ratio. There is a
                inequality. Thus the higher the GII value the more   need for India to shed the veil of conservatism and
                disparities between females and males and the more   give respect, equality to women.
                loss to human development.
                 The GII sheds new light on the position of women                

                                        Tehelka / 31 march 2019  17
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