Page 15 - 31MAR2019E
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gender bender
election 2018
their male counterparts in education. In 2018, in the women of India and their workplace concerns which
Class XII CBSE examination, 88.31% of girls passed, noted that 71 per cent men and 66 per cent women
compared to 78.99% boys in all streams-science, feel that gender parity needs to be a top priority for
humanities, and commerce. their organisations. As high as 60 per cent of the
working women felt that they are discriminated at
19% less salary for women work. The survey says that there is a perception that
They why this discrimination? Why women in women are less serious about work once they are
India earn 19 per cent less than men? Indeed gender married. About 46 per cent women feel that mater-
pay gap is still high in India, as women in the country nity leads to a perception that they will quit. About 46
earn 19 per cent less than men, and wage inequalities per cent women also believe that there is a notion that
in favour of men are present in all
the relevant sectors, a survey
said. According to the latest
Monster Salary Index (MSI), the
current gender pay gap in India
stood at 19 per cent where men
earned 46.19 more in com-
parison to women. The median
gross hourly salary for men in
India in 2018 stood at 242.49,
while for women it stood at
around 196.3.
According to the survey, the
gender pay gap spans across
key industries. The IT and ITES
services showed a sharp pay
gap of 26 per cent in favour of
men, while in the manufactur-
ing sector, men earn 24 per
cent more than women. Sur-
prisingly, even in sectors like
healthcare, caring services, and
social work, men earn 21 per
cent more than women, even
as notionally these sectors are
more identified with women,
the survey said.
Financial services, banking,
and insurance is the only in-
dustry where men earn just 2
per cent more, it added. Accord-
ing to the report, the gender pay gap widens with the women can’t put the same number of hours as men.
years of experience. In the initial years, the gender pay
gap is moderate but rises significantly as the tenure enquility in jobs
increases. For those with over 10 years of experience, One can notice another disparity. Young men with
the gender pay gap in favour of men reaches the peak, Class 10 or 12 education can find jobs as mechanics,
with men earning 15 per cent more than women. In drivers, sales representatives, postmen and appliance
2018, the gap has narrowed only by one per cent from repairmen. But few of these opportunities are avail-
20 per cent in 2017. The MSI is an initiative by Monster able to women.
India in collaboration with (managed by National Family Health Survey data suggests, 48% of
WageIndicator Foundation) and IIM-Ahmedabad as a women with no schooling do not go to a health cen-
research partner. tre alone; the proportion for college graduates is only has also conducted the Women of In- slightly lower at 45%.
dia Inc survey aimed at understanding the working It is a double whammy for India because touted as
Tehelka / 31 march 2019 15