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world’s fastest economy; India has gained the dou- respondents were asked where women were most
ble distinction of being the most dangerous country at risk of sexual violence, harassment and being co-
for women. A World Bank report released on July 11, erced into sex. Experts said India moving to the top of
2018, suggested that the Indian economy has now the poll showed not enough was being done to tackle
become the world’s sixth-biggest pushing France to the danger women faced, more than five years after
seventh place. the rape and murder of a student on a bus in Delhi
The US leads the table as the biggest economy made violence against women a national priority.
followed by China, Japan, Germany, and Britain. The survey asked respondents which five of the 193
However, a survey released recently has found that United Nations member states they thought were
India is the world’s most dangerous country for most dangerous for women and which country was
women due to the high risk of sexual violence and worst in terms of healthcare, economic resources,
being forced into slave labour. cultural or traditional practices, sexual violence and
Stung by the global survey, the tourism ministry harassment, non-sexual violence and human traf-
ficking. Respondents also ranked India the most dan-
gerous country for women in terms of human traf-
ficking, including sex slavery and domestic servitude,
Young men with Class and for customary practices such as forced marriage,
stoning, and female infanticide.
10 or 12 education #MeToo exposes
can find jobs as While India faired poorly in this survey, experts said
the surprise addition of the United States in the top
10 most dangerous countries for women came down
mechanics, drivers, to the #MeToo and Time’s Up campaigns against sex-
ual harassment and violence that have dominated
sales representatives, headlines for months. India, Libya, and Myanmar
were considered the world’s most dangerous nations
postmen and appliance for women exploited by human traffickers in a global
crime worth an estimated $150 billion a year.
The poll of 548 people was conducted online, by
repairmen. But few of phone and in person between March 26 and May
these opportunities are 4 with an even spread across Europe, Africa, the
Americas, South East Asia, South Asia, and the Pacif-
ic. Respondents included aid professionals, academ-
available to women who ics, healthcare staff, non-government organisation
workers, policy-makers, development specialists and
are less educated social commentators.
The world’s most dangerous countries for women
according to the survey are India (1), Afghanistan (2)
and Syria (3), Somalia (4), Saudi Arabia (5), Pakistan (6),
Democratic Republic of Congo (7), Yemen (8), Nigeria
(9) and United States (10).
sent a letter to heads of Indian missions, highlighting
a series of initiatives the country has taken to pro- UNDp INDex
mote women’s safety. The July 6, 2018 letter from the The United Nations Development Programme’s
Tourism Secretary challenged the survey pointing Gender Inequality Index shows India ranks at num-
out that “results have not been derived from any kind ber 130, while Norway stands at number one, Swit-
of proper data and are solely based on the subjective zerland at number two and China at number seven.
opinion of 548 respondents”. Inequality Gender inequality remains a major barrier
As per the survey, the war-torn Afghanistan and to human development. Girls and women have made
Syria ranked second and third in the Thomson major strides since 1990, but they have not yet gained
Reuters Foundation survey of about 550 experts gender equity.
on women’s issues, followed by Somalia and Saudi The disadvantages facing women and girls are a
Arabia. The only western nation in the top 10 was major source of inequality. All too often, women and
the United States, which ranked joint third when girls are discriminated against in health, education,
tehelka / 31 march 2019 16