Page 55 - 15SEPT2018E
P. 55


 Blockchain may help media   the media industry every day, journal-  version of the truth to be published and  produce the content and the people
                                                                          who consume it. This is precisely what
         ism is under siege and blockchain could  accessible to all.
                                                                          blockchain technology stands to bring
                                            Simran Singh, a content writer for
         be the saving grace to all of these com-
 become more transparent  plications. Media houses, now more   Coinedict, said that the media houses   about.
         than ever, promote stories that reaffirm  keep their online content behind pay-
                                                                            Vajaahath Hussain, CEO of Almora,
                                                                          has been a dedicated member of the
         the status quo along with the views of
                                          walls, charging fees to access stories
         the entity that funds them. Real jour-
                                                                          sion into a full-fledged company that
         nalism and 360-degree perspectives   online. This compromises the content   blockchain industry. He turned his pas-
                                          creators because they tend to fit in the
         get lost in a deep web of paid news and  commercial models best suited for   works on the distributed ledger tech-
 Blockchain not only eliminates the role of middlemen but also   every day, Gaurang said that blockchain   propaganda. Due to the various incen-  their organisation. Blockchain resolves   nology. Almora is a crypto investment
 serves the common purpose of bringing out the truth to the   will slowly take over all the sectors be-  tives that a writer gets, the content that  a number of these issues permeating   bank based in Delhi that assists block-
                                                                          chain focused companies in tailoring
         they generate could have compromised  the industry by establishing a direct
 cause of the high degree of security it
 forefront and curbs the centralisation of information,    guarantees.   motives. Journalistic integrity gets un-  connection between the creator and   solutions and increasing investment
 writes PULKITA AGARWAL  Blockchain  makes  a  constantly   dermined and not only does this harm   the consumer. He further added that   opportunities in cryptocurrency. Here
 evolving system of checks and balanc-  the material that is published but is   the widespread use of blockchain based  is what he has to say about blockchain
 efore we delve into the un-  what time.   es a possibility. These are all stored in a   a severe violation of the principle of   technologies could bring about a mas-  and its impacts.
 derbelly of journalism and   Gaurang  Nanda,  a  student  and   chronological chain on track with all   truth on which the entire industry once  sive change in the way we receive con-
 new media, it is very crucial  blockchain enthusiast from Pune, said   other people on the network. So to put   stood. Even the most reputable news   The scope
 to understand how block-  that even though blockchain is a pretty  it simply, you have everybody’s record,   sources will present their arguments   On the scope of blockchain technology,
 B chain  works.  Blockchain   recent term in the market, he has been   and everybody has your record. Anyone   on the basis of what fits their agenda   Hussain said, “We cannot quantify the
 technology functions on a distributed   hooked on it for quite some time now.   who is interested can join the network   best, and there is no one to question it   On a blockchain   reach of blockchain technology with a
 yet interconnected network of pre-  He understands the tremendous poten-  through their personal computer and   since most of the media industry en-  network or any   metric, but wherever there are middle-
 configured nodes, which is entirely   tial of blockchain and said that the very  gain access to all the files.  cash on whatever’s more profitable.   men and a need to eliminate the trust
 encrypted. Existing on the architecture  existence of cryptocurrency can be at-  Blockchain comes into play here by   distributed ledger   factor, blockchain would be useful. Be
 of the distributed ledger technology,   tributed to the blockchain technology.   Journalism saviour  taking control of information flow from   network, every new   it in a network of supply chain, finance
 blockchain not only eliminates the ne-  As a person closely working in the field  With click baits and fake news flooding   one entity and allowing the uncensored   or the media industry; the distributed
 cessity of a third party but also has the   piece of information         ledger technology will find its way in
 potential to reduce cost and increase      is added block by             every sector eventually. But the core
 security in transactions and settle -                                    agenda here is to remove one point of
 ments. Let’s dig deeper and understand     block, so no one can          truth and decentralise the power of de-
 how blockchain will encompass the                                        livering information to the consumers.
 entire world in the coming years. Block-   go back and alter               “I used to run my startup called
 chain stores information across a net-     any one block                 as advogue from Vishakhapatnam,
 work of computers which distributes                                      Andhra Pradesh. But I had to drop that
 and decentralises the entire systems.                                    idea because it was very similar to ex-
 Blockchain, therefore, strips away the   tent on a daily basis.          isting technologies in the West and
 power from any one particular entity       The very fact that blockchain elimi-  somewhere we can see this pattern a
 controlling or manipulating the data.    nates the need of a third party to carry   lot in the tech industry. India is always
 Now how does this work? If you are       out any form of transaction or ex -  behind the curve because we lack crea-
 on a blockchain network or any distrib-  change can save this industry, which   tivity and tend to replicate the western
 uted ledger network for that matter,     as of today lives under constant fear   technologies. So my co-founder and I
 you will store vast amount of records    of dying due to its corrupt and even   wanted to research more in this area
 known as blocks in your personal com-    worse, manipulative elements. It’s quite   and work ahead of the curve. We got
 puter. Every new piece of information    evident how this network of distributed  into bitcoin, and once we started learn-
 is added block by block, so no one can   ledgers can help journalism. Through   ing more about the technology behind
 go back and alter any one block. As it   blockchain technology, we can not   it and the potential it holds, we stayed
 gets uploaded on the network, it is time   only introduce uncensored content   with it and grew from there. I read an
 stamped, verified and downloaded on      but also ensure that no one person has   article that mentioned 90 use cases of
 all the computers on the net. Each new   the power to alter facts once published.  blockchain in various sectors and I was
 block uses the previous block’s identity   This is one of the most disarming prob-  very fascinated by it. This is how it all
 to create its own identity. So suppose I   lems of media, and if we had the means  started.”
 try to delete or alter a piece of informa-  of printing uncensored content with-  On how the blockchain may revo-
 tion, every computer on the network      out the filters of a publishing house,   lutionise the media industry, Hussain
 would know precisely what it is I was    we would be able to establish a direct   said, “It will enable creators to truly
 trying to change, from where and at      connection between the people who   flourish and give them the freedom

                                      TEHELKA / 15 SEPTEMBER 2018  55  WWW.TEHELKA.COM

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