Page 39 - 15OCT2018E
P. 39
conian law, NSA was selectively imposed and “Ambedkar Murdabad” just oppo- with preparation carrying Swords, inflam- at Ravidas Boys Hostel at Saharan - It resulted blockage of Mallipur Road ments at the Centre and the State.
upon Chandrashekhar with oblique politi- site to the Ravidas Mandir. Some people matory material etc. started from Simlana pur to protest against the unprovoked at Ramnagar, where gathering of pro- After the all-India strike on April 2
cal motives and revoking NSA by the gov- including Shiv Kumar Pradhan and Village and firstly attacked and torched violent clashes on 05.05.2017 and hand- testers ultimately assembled. The police against the dilution of the provisions
ernment and releasing him from Saharan- other villagers who were present at the about 40 shops of Dalit community at ed over a memorandum to the SDM, forces resorted to “Lathi charge” to dis- of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
pur Jail in the midnight is a proof that he spot, objected saying, “you cannot shout Maheshpur and thereafter they reached Saharanpur demanding lodging of an perse unarmed peaceful protesters who Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act by
had been a victim of political persecution.” slogans insulting Dr Baba Saheb Ambed- Shabbirpur Village and ransacked the FIRs against the accused persons of sustained injuries in unprovoked police the Supreme Court, about 2,500 Dal -
Chandrashekhar approached the kar.” Some small scuffle between the peo- houses of Dalit community and looted and dominant Rajput caste under prop - action. This act of the administration had its were arrested in Meerut, 500 in
Supreme Court against the final or - ple of both communities took place. set on fire their abode. er Sections of the IPC and to conduct further aggravated the situation. There- Saharanpur. Government slapped NSA
der and judgment of the Allahabad Thereafter, the members of Rajput Sab- Around 56 houses and 5-10 Shops of the independent, fair and impartial investi- after, a total 23 FIR’s were registered by against Shiv Kumar, the sarpanch of
High Court wherein his Habeas Corpus ha went to village Simlana 7-8 KM far from Chamar community at Shabbirpur village gation of the incident dated 05.05.2017 the Police against the persons, all belong- Shabbirpur; Sonu, a poor person from
Writ Petition stood dismissed. He was Shabbirpur village, where the felicitation were incinerated. Furthermore, the riot- occurred at Shabbirpur Village. ing to the Dalit community for the same the same village; and Upkar Bawara,
under judicial custody from 08.06.17 in of Sher Singh Rana was going on among ers had caused grievous injuries to 15-16 The protesters also demanded alter- incident occurred on the same date and district president of the Bhim Army in
connection with five cases registered 1000 persons of Rajput community. Rana people including women and children of nate arrangements of food and shelter time. Out of 23 FIRs Chandrashekhar was Muzaffarnagar.
against him. As soon as he got bail in all shot in lime light when he brutally killed this community in presence of police. They for the victims of Dalit community, who named only in five cases. “Across the country, they have cre-
these cases his release was obstructed rape survivor- ‘Bandit Queen’ turned continued violence till 3:00 PM. have become shelter less as their houses After the police clashed with the ated fear so that no one can speak against
by detaining him under the provisions parliamentarian, Phoolan Devi, in Delhi Thereafter, when the victims of Chamar were arson by the rioters. Further, they protesters, a planned oppressive on - tyranny,” said Kamal Singh Walia, presi-
of NSA. He had challenged the order of to take revenge for restoring lost glory of community went to Badgaon Police Sta- demanded the release of the innocent slaught on Dalit outfit Bhim Army was dent of the Bhim Army of Saharanpur
the District Magistrate Saharanpur dated Rajputs as she had shot dead 22 Rajputs in tion to register their FIR’s of rioting, loot- persons of Chamar (Dalit) community launched and its members were picked district who is also facing police charges
2.11.2017 slapping NSA on him and subse- Behmai massacre in 1981. She held these ing and arson of their houses by the Rajput who were implicated and arrested by up. Chandrashekhar went under - because he always stood against atroci-
quent orders of state government dated Rajputs guilty for allegedly raping her and community, their FIR’s were not registered the officers of Badgaon Police Station on ground but was soon arrested on June ties on Dalit community.
21.12.2017 and dated 23.01.2018 whereby keeping her in captivity after killing her by the police. Instead, the victims were intervening night of May 5th and 06th, Chandrashekhar Azad @ ‘Ravan’
the period of detention was extended from lover, another dacoit, Vikram Mallah due ill-treated by the police at the Badgaon 2017 allegedly, under the guise of false emerged as the face of the Dalit move-
3 months to six months. to caste rivalry. police station. After lots of efforts out of 45 cases registered by the Rajputs with Chandrashekhar ment when he put up a board outside
The background of atrocities on In this function many speakers’ alleg- complaints only 3 FIRs were registered on intent to harass and humiliate the people his village with the words: “The Great
weaker section of Dalits started on May edly abused and insulted Dr. Ambedkar 06.05.2017 against persons of dominant of Dalit community. Azad’s rise hasn’t Chamars of Dhadkuli Welcome You”. He is
5th, 2017 on the occasion of “Maharana from the podium. The leaders of Rajput Rajput caste for looting and arson of 56 Bhim Army volunteers tell that Bad- gone down well with born and brought up in this small village
Pratap Jayanti” at around 10:00-10:30 Sabha instigated the other members of houses of victims of Dalit community. gaon Police were exerting undue pres- near Chutmalpur in Saharanpur, west-
A.M. About 100-200 members of Rajput dominant Rajput caste to raid the Ravidas Describing the facts that led to com- sure upon the victims of caste clashes to Uttar Pradesh’s most ern Uttar Pradesh. He organised Dalit
Sabha were taking out the procession Mandir and take revenge from the Dalits. munal tension, in his petition Azad states, withdraw the 3 FIRs lodged by them on powerful Dalit leader, youths under the banner of Bhim Army
in village Shabbirpur and were shout- At around 11:30-12:00 PM, agitated mob that on 06.05.2017 hundreds of people 06.05.2017 against the Rajput commu- and set up around 300 schools to impart
ing slogans “Maharana Pratap Zindabad” of about 500-700 people of Rajput Sabha from Dalit community were assembled nity on the basis of retaliatory false FIRs Bahujan Samaj Party education to children of Dalit community.
lodged against the victims by the domi- chief Mayawati, who Muslims were also allowed to join these
nant Rajput community. The unfair and schools. He aims to evolved larger con-
partisan approach of the police further has snubbed his sensus among the oppressed and exploit-
Ready to revolt Most attacks escalated discord in the communally sen- overtures ed communities to equip them with edu-
against SCs have taken place in sitive region. Right from the chief minis- cation with better political understanding
BJP-ruled states, says Dalit leader ter to DG Police ruling the state, belong to to prepare them for a collective struggle.
the Rajput community and administra- 8, 2017 from Dalhousie in Himachal Chandrashekhar ‘Ravan’ has emerged
tive machinery naturally functions on Pradesh. While no action was tak - as a Dalit icon in the western Uttar
their directives. en against the affluent Thakurs who Pradesh challenging the might of Bahu-
The Dalit community had become attacked the villagers and households, jan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati who
restless finding no positive assurance Chandrashekhar and thousands of Bhim quickly disowned Ravan’s claim of being
to get justice from administration. They Army cadre were arrested and charged her nephew. She feels jittery over grow-
ultimately gave a call for organizing with rioting. ing influence of Bhim Army over the poor
“Mahapanchayat” on May 9th, 2017 to The popularity of the Bhim Army has masses of her community who were
press their demand of fair investigation grown multifariously till then. More blindly following and worshiping her.
and providing shelter to victims of com- than 1.5 lakh members in Saharanpur Ravan shows exemplary courage fight-
munal violence. The Dalit groups also alone have subscribed its membership. ing the forces of saffron outfits whereas
sought permission for holding peace- It has emerged as a national platform Mayawati seems to be feeble fighter and
ful protest but on the day of their meet- for the aspiration of Dalits agenda. The had poor track record aligning with BJP to
ing, the proposed venue at Ravidas Boys Bhim Army started protesting against form government. Congress leaders have
Hostel was surrounded by heavy deploy- atrocities on weaker sections. The been seen openly with Chandrashekhar
ment of security forces and they were not expanding reach of Bhim Army consid- in his fight against saffron brigade.
allowed to gather and hold meeting at ered to be perceived as a threat to the
the proposed venue. larger plan of Hindutva led by the govern- LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
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