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 while power sector suffered a loss   landslides, floods were discussed
 to the tune of  24.50 crore.   thoroughly and said to be more dis-
 astrous for state in future if proper   Ravan’s release may
 Experts view  steps are not taken soon’’, he said.
 Experts believe that the main rea-  The  total  Geographical Area
 son behind cloud bursts and land-  (GA) of the state is 55,673 sq kms
 slides is uncontrolled tree-felling   with a total forest cover of 15,100
 due to various reasons which also   sq km, which is 27.12 per cent of the
 include developmental projects.   geographic area. The forest cover   intensify Dalit stir
 RL Jain, Vice-President of Shimla   includes 3,110 sq km Very Dense
 Amateur Gardens and Environ-  Forest (VDF), 6,705 sq km Moder-
 ment Society (SAGES), said that the   ately Dense Forest (MDF) and 5,285
 government should come forward   sq km Open Forest (OF). However,
 to save the environment in the hilly   there are 15 states and UTs ahead of
 state. ‘’Though few of the projects   Himachal Pradesh with forest cover   Dalit leader Chandrashekhar Azad alias Ravan, who was imprisoned   drawing  NSA  from  Chandrashekhar
 are important keeping in view the   of more than 33 per cent of the geo-  @ Ravan and hastily released him at
 demand of the increased popula-  graphic area. The fifth India State of   in June 2017 after being charged under the National Security Act in   midnight from the Saharanpur Jail.
 tion, there is big need of saving the   Forest Report (ISFR)-2017 by Forest   connection with the Saharanpur caste violence case, is finally out of jail   In a jam packed court room when
 trees in the state,” he added.  GOVIND SINGH THAKUR,    Survey of India (FSI) also reveal that   human rights lawyer and senior advo-
 Recently a three day state level   Forest Minister, Himachal Pradesh  with an increase in 0.71 per cent   and planning future course of action, writes. MUDIT MATHUR reports  cate Colin Gonsalves assisted by Shreeji
 workshop at Dharamshala (Kangra)   forest cover, Himachal Pradesh is      Bhavsar stood to argue the merits of the
 by the Ministry for Environment,   eighth amongst the states and Un-  he Uttar Pradesh (UP) govern-  mitting the petition challenging detention  case, state’s counsel Sanjay Tyagi passed
 Forest and Climate Change in which   Forestry and environment   ion Territories in the country to re-  ment preferred to revoke its   of Chandrashekar @ Ravan (founder of   on the notification to the bench inform-
 most of the participants felt strongly   protection can’t be successful   cord rise in forest area.  decision to avoid the test of    BHIM Army) under NSA. As soon as the no-  ing that the petitioner Chandrashekhar
 about the need to saving the trees.   without proper guidance and   According to the report, the main   judicial scrutiny before the apex  tice was served upon the state government  had already been set free from prison
 Anu Anand, head advocacy of CMS   public participation. The participa-  reason for the net increase of 393 sq  T court where the unlawful de-  and District Magistrate, Saharanpur on   as  government  had  decided  to  with -
 (Centre for Media Studies) said, “To-  tion of Panchayats is necessary   km in forest cover in the state can   tention of Chandrashekhar Azad @ ‘Ravan’  21.08.2018 to justify its decision to put him  draw  the  charges  against  him  under
 day most of the people know about   for forestry and environmental   be attributed to plantation and con-  had become unsustainable and arbitrary   behind the bars for about a year in prison   NSA. The Bench comprising chief justice
 climate change, global warming   protection. In order to ensure the   servation activities both within and   action aimed at settling score with politi-  under preventive detention on the ground  Dipak Mishra, Justice A.M. Khanwilkar and
 and pollution and problems cre-  maximum role of panchayats in   outside the Recorded Forest Areas   cal adversaries.   of security threat to national interests and  Justice DY Chandrachud took the revoca-
 ated by tree-felling. Though every-  forest activities, the state govern-  as well as improvement in inter-  Azad was emerging as a champion of   integrity, the government found it to be in  tion order on the records of the case and
 one seems to be worried about the   ment has started Mukhya Mantri   pretation due to better radiometric   Dalit resurgence under his newly formed   a tight spot as there was no substantially   disposed of the matter becoming infruc-
 changing climatic conditions but a   Van Mitra Panchayat Puraskaar’   resolution of the recent satellite   outfit Bhim Army. His counter-influence   credible evidence to support the charges    tuous in view of the steps taken by the
 very few people have proper knowl-  scheme. Under this scheme, first   data. However, there was only 18 sq   had become perennial headache for saf-  before the apex court.   government.
 edge to handle the situation or con-  prize of  1 lakh, second prize of    km increase of forest cover in the   fron forces as he was instrumental to rees-  So perplexed state government re -  During an interview with “Tehelka” the
 trol the problem. The role of media   75,000 and third prize of  50,000   three tribal districts with a GA area   tablish Dalit-Muslims unity with an aim to  voked its decision and withdrew NSA   counsel for Azad, Shreeji Bhavsar said, “The
 counts a lot as by disseminating   would be given for outstanding   of 26,764 sq km, which are consid-  defuse evil designs of communal polarisa-  charges before the upcoming hearing   Uttar Pradesh Government had planned
 scientific and required information   contribution in forest protection/  ered to be among most affected due   tion in the most sensitive western UP, par-  date on 20th September before chief    to malign the image of Chandrashekhar
 and knowledge regarding the issue   fire protection, raising of best plan-  to various hydel projects.   ticularly Saharanpur and its surrounding   justice court. Yogi government issued   as criminal, extremist or insurgent and
 among public, it can do a great help   tation, biodiversity conservation,   In various projects, experts said,   areas.   notification on September 13, 2018 with-  therefore registered false and fabricated
 in tackling this menace.”  developing sustainable usufruct   more trees are cut by the compa-  In Uttar Pradesh, ever since BJP came   cases against him. When Chandrashekar
 Hydel projects have also cost   and sharing mechanism.  nies than the sanctioned number.   to power, an unprecedented onslaught   secured bail through due judicial process
 heavily to eco system of the state.   This is done in the alleged conniv-  on the political rivals has been witnessed   Soon after his    in all such cases either by the Trial Court
 The  Himachal  government  has   ance of corrupt officials. This hugely   in the dictatorial behaviour of its admin-  or High Court of Allahabad as there were
 granted a large number of hydel   has been loss of crores of rupees in   impacts greenery as not enough   istrative machinery, especially target-  release from jail,   apparent malafides and abuse of the pow-
 power projects to the state and out-  terms of property and agriculture.   trees are planted to cover the losses.   ing group leaders of Muslims and Dalits   Bhim Army chief   er on the face of records. The government
 side companies. These projects are   Guman Singh, National Coor-  ‘’Most of the saplings destroy be-  by misusing draconian laws of preven-  arbitrarily blocked his release by detaining
 one of the major reasons in disbal-  dinator at Himalaya Niti Abhiyan,   cause after they are planted but no   tive detention to muzzle dissent. The   Chandrashekhar    him further by slapping NSA and kept him
 ancing the ecology of the state. Till   said that unscientific exploitation of  body takes care of them. More than   most prominent of those arrested under    Azad said he will   behind the bars for such a long time under
 1992, as many as 487 people had lost  nature could be held responsible for  half of the planted saplings are up-  National Security Act (NSA) is the Bhim   unlawful preventive detention.”
 their lives due to cloud bursts only   all environment related problems.   rooted by animals, by rains or they   Army  leader,  Chandrashekhar  Azad    campaign against BJP   Reacting sharply on his dramatic mid-
 in Kullu district. More than 1,200   ‘’Continuously increasing emission   are destroyed for various reasons,’’   @ ‘Ravan.’   to ensure its defeat   night release from prison, Shreeji said,
 people have so far died in cloud   of greenhouse gases, deforestation,   said Guman Singh of HNA.  Supreme Court took cognizance of   “Fearing final hearing and anticipating
 burst incidents in the state in the   melting glaciers, extreme weather   such detention issuing notice to state   in the 2019 Lok Sabha   rebuke from the apex court, the U.P. gov-
 last two decades. Besides, there   events, human-wildlife conflict,   LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM  government  and  District  Magistrate,    ernment got revoked NSA from Chan-
      Saharanpur on 10th August, 2018, while ad-  elections                drashekhar, which clearly shows that dra-


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