Page 33 - 15OCT2018E
P. 33


 uslim women activists   “Triple Talaq   the Ordinance does speak of the hus-  Giving instant triple   to honor the sentiments of the people
 who had fought tooth   band providing interim allowance to               like her who has fought the battle for
 and nail against Triple   the wife during the period he is in jail   talaq is now illegal   the larger interest of Muslim women
 Talaq menace are up in   how can this be possible if the husband         against this menace which reduces a
 M arms again. This time   Ordinance totally    does not earn and does not belong to a   and void, and will   women to a mere object or commodity.
 their anger is directed against the Cen-  class that has estate or property from   attract a jail term of   “The  three years  imprisonment
 tre’s hastily brought out Ordinance   which this interim allowance can be   should be changed to one and the
 on Triple Talaq, after the Bill against it   give. She said that only those women   three years for the   husband should be taken into custody
 failed to get passed in the Upper House   ignores woman’s   whose husbands have landed property   husband. To avoid   only when he fails to take back his tri-
 of the Parliament in the last session. Re-  can benefit.                 ple Talaq pronouncement,” said Hasan,
 named as Muslim women (Protection   Naish Hasan, another Social activist   misuse of the law,   asserting that the family will be totally
 of Rights of Marriage) Ordinance 2018,   perspective”  who works for women also agreed with   the govt has included   destroyed if the man is away for three
 bearing the official seal of the President   Amber’s views. A strong advocate of the   years. According to her the entire re-
 Ram Nath Kovind, by this Ordinance,   anti Triple Talaq movement she feels   some safeguards like   sponsibility of keeping the household
 dated September 19, instant Triple Talaq   that the government has totally failed   a bail provision  together will fall on the shoulder of the
 has been made illegal and void. Treated                                  women and this will further increase
 as a criminal offence, the Ordinance   Alleging that the government      both her financial as well as emotional
 provides of three years jail term for the                                burden for which it is unlikely that she
 husband. The Ordinance will become   did not take into consideration     is prepared as triple talaq is instantane-
 an Act when it is passed by the Upper  their recommendations,            ous and catches her by surprise. She
 house within six months from the date   female activists cry foul        said that if these recommendations are
 it was issued                                                            not included the Bill will only be a for-
 Alleging that the government did  and say that the Ordinance             mality and add to the exploitation.
 not take into consideration the rec-  creates more confusion,               “It will entrench Muslim women
 ommendations made by these Muslim                                        victimised by triple talaq in the marital
 women activists, these women are both   writes KULSUM MUSTAFA            patriarchy rather than liberating them,”
 angry and disappointed. They said that                                   said Hasan. “I see that the movement
 this is not the law that they had fought   Amber in a letter dated September   against the evil of Triple Talaq got de-
 for. According to them, the government  22, 2018, addressed to the president,   railed even before it began. See the BJP
 just did as it wanted – making a mock-  CC to vice president, prime minster,    took it in its hand right from the start
 ery of the entire thing.  union  law  minister  and  minori -            and made all attempts to get maximum
 “Yeh who nahi qanoon hai jo hum -  ties minister has suggested that the    political mileage from it.”
 ney manga tha, jiskey liyey humney apna   minority department of the govern-  “By diverting all the government
 raat din ek kar diya tha…” (This is not   ment must bear the full responsibility   machinery on this issue the BJP cleverly
 the law for which we gave up our days   of the victimized family while the man   succeeded in covering up all the other
 and nights,” says Shaista Amber, social   of the house is in jail. She said that at no   major issues like lack of development,
 activist and founder of the All India   cost should the wife and children be left   social unrest that it would have been
 Muslim Women Personal Law Board   at the mercy of the brothers and parents   confronted with” said an upper caste
 (AIMWPLB).  or other relatives of the man. She said                      businessman, who did not wish to be
 Terming it as “anti Muslim women”   education, medical aid and general well    identified. “But for the BJP policymak-
 Amber said that the provisions of the   being should be the responsibility of the    ers, their purpose has been fulfilled. An
 Ordinance create more confusion and   government during the period.      upbeat government has sent home the
 fail to protect the victimized Muslim   She also suggested that instead of    message clear and loud that the BJP led
 women who was forced to take a legal   instant arrest for the instant Triple    government is committed to ensure
 recourse against her husband when she  Talaq offender efforts should first be   social justice for its Muslim sisters and
 was instantly divorced at one sitting,   made by the government officials to   daughters.”
 most of the time on a very trivial issue   strike a re-conciliation and only when   “We have seen their pain and offered
 like there being less salt in the curry   all efforts fail should the man be taken   them legal support,” says Hero Bajpai,
 served for lunch. Amber said that by   into custody.                     a BJP spokesperson. He vehemently
 putting the husband instantly in prison   According  to Amber  while  fear   denied the Opposition charge that this
 on the complaint without hearing his   of imprisonment will act as a deter-  is the game plan of the government to
 version is unjust and against the very   rent for the husband, proper media-  divert attention from the non-perfor-
 institution of marriage. She also was   tion may lead him to see what a great   mance in development sector.
 against three years of prison term and   sin he has committed in a fit of anger,
 said it should be less.   rage or impatience. She said that while                         LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM


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