Page 43 - 15OCT2018E
P. 43


 Sky is the limit      n September 20, 30 un-  ready flying and there is a lack of clear  Air India accounted for nearly a third

                                            communication between the ATC (air  of such instances, with 27 emergency
                       suspecting passengers,
                                                                            landings. Jet Airways had 14 emer-
                                            traffic control) and the pilots.
                       aboard  a  Jet  Airways
                                                                            gency landings, SpiceJet had 11 such
                                              Increasing congestion in Indian
                       flight,  literally  bled
 when it comes to air   O through their ears and   airspace resulted in over 90 cases of   incidents and IndiGo saw 10 cases.
                                            “near miss” incidents between 2015
             noses. The 166 passengers aboard the
                                                                              Various other international car-
                                                                            riers accounted for 12 incidents of
             Boeing 737, a Jaipur-bound Jet Airways  and 2018. “Near miss” incidents gen-
                                                                            emergency landings over the past
                                            erally refer to cases where the dis-
             flight, were in for a rude shock when
 safety violations  they realised the flight crew ‘forgot’   tance between two airborne planes is  two years. As far as the violation of
                                                                            air safety norms was concerned, Air
             to turn on the control switch to pres-
                                            less than the prescribed safety limits
                                            and could result in mid-air collision.
             surise the plane cabin. The flight, trav-
                                                                            India group registered total 77 cases
                                                                            last year until November, which is
                                            Compared to other modes of trans-
             elling from Mumbai to Jaipur, turned
             back shortly after takeoff. The Indian
                                                                            of safety breaches in 2016. Private
             civil aviation sector has witnessed   port, such as rail or road transport, air  a 13 per cent increase over cases
                                            travel is safest across the globe and
             over 700 safety violations by different  also in India. When measured against  carriers  in  the  country  recorded
 Exponential growth in civil aviation in terms of increasing passengers, pending induction of   airlines operators, thus compromis-  the  number  of  air  travellers,  the   199 cases altogether last year until
 new planes, building of new airports and renovation of abandoned air strips has given rise to   ing on the safety and security of pas-  number of deaths from air crashes is   November, registering a 30 per cent
                                                                            decline in violations as compared
             sengers between 2016 and 2017.
 many challenges, writes SHUBHANGI SINGH  The number of air-safety viola-   to 2016 when their violations were
             tions is definitely alarming, but is                           at 279.
             also an indicator of the increase in   The number of             An ageing fleet is also a major
             aviation activity without a significant   air-safety violations   dampener for maintaining air safety.
             increase in the infrastructure. Ex-                            Though the average age of the fleet
             ponential growth in civil aviation in   is definitely          has come down in recent years, the
             terms of increasing passengers, pend-  alarming, but is also   transition has not been smooth. The
             ing induction of new planes, building                          national carrier Air India still has
             of new airports and renovation of   an indicator of the        some planes which are more than 20
             abandoned air strips has given rise to                         years old. Though the disinvestment-
             many challenges. Maintaining safety   increase in aviation     bound carrier will phase out its re-
             in the skies is one such complex issue.   activity without a   maining three Classic A320 planes,
               According to the Ministry of Civil                           which are nearly three decade old,
             Aviation,  India  became  the  fast -  significant increase    from the fleet by the end of this year.
             est growing aviation market in the   in the infrastructure       The Indian Commercial Pilots As-
             world, with 19.6 per cent growth                               sociation (ICPA) — one of Air India’s
             n air passenger traffic in June this                           pilots’ bodies — had in 2015 termed
             year. India has recorded double-digit   Yet India witnessed as many as   these aged planes as “lethal and snag-
             growth in domestic air passenger   375 air-safety violations in 2017 as   prone” and demanded their ground-
             traffic for the past three years. Most   compared  to  the  431  reported  in   ing.  On the other hand, Indigo and
             of  our  large  airports  are  operat -  2016.  Some of the safety violations   GoAir had to ground a part of their
             ing at capacity or are reaching peak    by various airlines included the fail-  fleet earlier this year due to a snag
             capacity. The number of aircraft are   ure to adhere to the Pilot Proficiency   found in the Pratt & Whitney (PW)
             steadily increasing and the num -  Check  (PPC),  non-compliance  of   engines, introduced on their Airbus
             ber of flying passengers has gone up   FDTL (Flight and Duty Time Limita-  A320Neo planes last year. Technical
             exponentially.                 tions) requirements, non-compliance  issues were also reported with CFM
               The year 2016 saw the highest   of pre-flight medical requirements,   engines on flights operated by Vist-
             number of near misses ever reported   unauthorised entry into the cockpit,   ara. Five persons were killed when a
             in Indian airspace in a single year, i.e.   among others.      private plane crashed near an under-
             32. The rise in the number of “near   There were a total of 99 instances   construction building in Mumbai’s
             miss” incidents in Indian airspace   of emergency landings by aircrafts in   Ghatkopar area in June while trying
             is due to growing air traffic conges-  India, in 2016-17. However, the total   to make an emergency landing. The
             tion in the Indian skies. According   number of emergency landings fell   privately-owned King Air C90 was in
             to experts, such incidents take place   by 35 per cent in 2017 as compared   service for past 22 years and was on a
             when two or more planes fly at the   to the previous year. There were to-  test run.
             same height, or a flight descends to   tal 60 cases of emergency landings   After  the  incident,  he  Bom -
             the height where another plane is al-  in 2016 and 39 cases in 2017. Of these,   bay High Court rapped the Airport

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