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                                           ing for space tourism, which he howev-  ing more spacecraft, capable of taking
                                           er intends to restrict to low earth orbit.   astronauts to the space. Even the means
                                           Virgin Galactic has successfully tested   of launching the astronauts aboard the
                                           its latest spacecraft after a few failures   ISS are provided through Russia, using
                                           last year.                       their Soyuz craft. After the US retired its
                                              Humanity’s most groundbreaking   space shuttle programme in 2011, there
                                           progresses in space exploration have   has almost been little to no progress
                                           always been the result of some sort of   to build more spacecraft, owing to the
                                           competition. The Apollo Missions that   ever-shrinking space budget.
                                           took us to the moon in the 1969, and   The global experts agree on the fact
                                           the later years, was a result of Cold War    that if space exploration is to advance
                                           rivalry. This time around, it’s about   there has to be aggressive privatisation
                                           commercial rivalry. Except this time,   — since the governments can no longer
                                           instead of the governments, it’s the pri-  take it. The budgets involved in space
                                           vate billionaires, fighting for a chunk in   transportation are massive. Ironically,
                                           the evolving space travel market and   the  defence  and  war  budgets  mas-
                                           the tremendous potential it holds in   sively surpass those of space explora-
                                           the future.                      tion, while in an ideal world, it should
                                                                            be the other way round. The world right
                                                                            now is involved in a series of wars and
                                             The foray of                   tensions, leading to staggering race for
                                             private companies              firepower, ever powerful defense and
                                                                            the most modern weapon systems.
                                             and players in the             This is resulting in nations spending
                                             space exploration              more and more on modernisation and
                                                                            upgradation of weapons, powering
                                             has increased the              the armies and stockpiling weapons,
                                                                            whether by import or indigenously.
                                             stakes of space                Other areas, like space have therefore
                                             travel by encouraging          remained thirsty for funds, resulting
                                                                            in a stagnation-like situation for space
             The foray of private players in the   renewed research         agencies around the world.
           space exploration has increased the   and development of           Conclusively, in order for the hu-
           stakes of space travel by encouraging                            manity to advance its interests beyond
           renewed research and development of   space transportation       the earth and get into space explora-
           space transportation amongst organi-  amongst                    tion, governments around the world
           sations. It has helped to break the bar-                         will need to prioritise space research
           riers of miniscule funding by govern-  organisations             and innovation. Space travel needs far
           ments and create avenues for greater                             more attention than it’s getting from
           participation by scientists and corpora-                         academicians, technologists, govern-
           tions alike. The privatisation era will be   NASA on the other hand has its own   ments and organisations worldwide,
           a boon for the space industry and the   ambitions. They plan to create a moon   and the people in general.
           chances of extending our civilisation   outpost, known as the Lunar Orbital   The fact that there has been no
           beyond earth, as it will give a free mar-  Platform-Gateway — a moon-orbiting   manned mission beyond the earth’s or-
           ket to explorers and investors to work   space station, intended as a deep space   bit since the 70s should force our gov-
           together and help advance human    platform, besides enabling research   ernments to hang their heads in shame
           interests to dream of interstellar travel.  and commercial experiments on the   — for giving exploration and scientific
             With the shrinking NASA budget,   moon.  The agency intends to start   advancement less importance than
           the torch of space exploration has   building the Gateway in the next half-  the wars, for ignoring the colossal and
           passed on to the private space players   decade. NASA, through SpaceX, Boeing   game-changing potential space travel
           that seem overly enthused to embark   and Lockheed Martin, is developing the   holds for the humanity, and for ignor-
           on the challenge. Amazon Founder,   space vehicles for the United States —   ing possibilities that could transform
           Jeff Bezos, has his plans to colonise the   one of them being the Orion space cap-  the humankind beyond anyone’s
           moon through his little-known project   sule, for launch on the Space Launch   imagination.
           Blue Origin. Richard Branson, through   System (SLS). The space agency’s limited
           his Virgin Galactic, is aggressively push-  budgets have prevented it from build-

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