Page 56 - 30NOV2018E
P. 56

t is not official, yet most of us are
               not unaware of the shadow of
               the drug trafficking on any peace
               talk in the region comprising the
          I north-west frontier districts of
           Pakistan and Afghanistan. Both the
           Afghan Talibans and Pakistan’s secret
           service, the Inter-Services Intelligence
           (ISI) is known to have common stakes
           in this business. This worldwide illicit
           trade has international connections
           and ramifications.
             India too is not insulated from this
           nefarious drug trafficking. It has already
           adversely affected the youths of the In-
           dian side of Punjab having its patrons
           in the state politics. Many attribute its
           penetration to the growing crimes and   Afghan elections
           even the Islamic zealots’ intrusion into
           the Pathankot cantonment. Across the
           border, in the neighbouring Pakistan, it
           is believed to be one of the key perenni-  script new peace
           al sources for the liberal funding to the
           Islamic terrorists. In this backdrop it is
           quite natural to harbor the apprehen-
           sions about the outcome of the ongoing           initiative
           US-Afghan Talibans secret peace talks
           in Doha.
             In spite of the much opposition
           from Pakistan, the newly appointed   Realising the limitations of violence, Talibans now prepare for a
           US ambassador, Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad,   US-friendly role in its attempt to wade through the complicated
           a weather-beaten diplomat of Afghan
           origin, is leading the talks. For many,    situation in Afghanistan, writes gopal misra
           Khalilzad’s presence has diluted the Pa-
           kistani role in the talks, but it may prove
           beneficial to it in the longer run to en-  ties, when the US and its allies had   Thus, the allies turned against each
           sure peace.                     poured in vast funds to Pakistan under   other. Almost after a gap of 17 years, the
             The initial success of the direct talks   its military dictator, Zia-ul-Haq. Zia re-  talks have begun between the US rep-
           between the US representative and   ligiously toed the West’s line in turning   resentative and the Talibans. During
           the Taliban leaders representing the   Pakistan into a nursery of terrorists,   this period, the Afghan farmers have
           “Islamic Emirate Afghanistan” could   which helped in expelling Russians   evolved their own flourishing economy
           be appreciated on the basis of the suc-  from Afghnaistan.  The Islamic terror-  through the drug business. An illiterate
           cess of the elections to the lower house   ism helped the West to chase out Russs-  Afghan farmer, who could be a local
           of the Afghanistan parliament, Wolesi   sian republics too. In this context, USA   Taliban commander, earns a million
           Jirga, on Saturday,October 20 this year.   and Talibans are natural allies. The par-  dollar a month from this business, what
           In spite of their initial opposition to the   adigm changed following the terrorists   would he earn if peace returns in the
           elections, Talibans did not sabotage it.   attack on the twin towers in New York,   country. This key question haunts both
           Both the Afghan Talibans and the gov-  when on the morning of September   the sides. However, the optimism may
           ernment in Kabul have declined to give   11, 2001, Afghanistan-based al-Qaeda   be attributed to the statement of the
           any role to the Russians. The President,   hijackers rammed two Boeing 767 pas-  Taliban’s spokesman, Ali Haj Sher Mu-
           Putin’s initiative to broker peace in the   senger jets in the massive buildings.   hammad Abbas Stanikzai, who hopes
           strife-torn country have been politely   Within minutes, the towers collapsed   that US accepts the “ground realities
           declined by both sides.         killing more than 2,600 people in and   of Afghanistan and deals with the core
             The  Talibans’  preference  for  US   within the vicinity of the towers, as well   issues.” Earlier, Alice Wells, the State
           could be traced to its inception in nine-  as all 157 on board the two aircraft.   Department deputy assistant secretary

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