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ey factors that so much that comes out of
separate the There are that. I think don’t settle for
struggling from less than that,” she report-
the uber suc- edly said.
K cessful are the lessons in Further, in the conversa-
ability to create, cultivate tion with People, Priyanka
and develop successful rela- PeeCee-Nick Chopra also talked about
tionships. Priyanka and Nick her Tiffany engagement
Jonas could easily be consid- ring. “I’ve always had a
ered as one of the examples. relations romantic fascination with
The couple, which had Tiffany since I was a kid. It’s
confirmed their engage- just so chic and classy and
ment in August with a ‘roka’ timeless. So somewhere I’d
ceremony, is now planning The couple, which had confirmed engagement in mentioned it to Nick that
to take their relationship to August with a ‘roka’ ceremony, is now planning I wanted my ring to be a
the next level with a grand Tiffany ring and I think he
wedding in India. to take their relationship to the next level with a remembered, and hence the
PeeCee, who recently cel- grand wedding in India in December ring and the relationship
ebrated her bridal shower,
opened up on her relation- The 36-year-old
ship ahead of her wedding
with Jonas, 26. Priyanka actor says
was quoted as saying by
the People magazine that she does not
respect for each other in want women to
a relationship is vital. The
actor believes it is this key settle for less
ingredient that worked for than what they
her and fiancé, singer Nick
Jonas. deserve in life
“Truly this is what
worked for me; he has to
be someone who respects with Tiffany. It does play a
you. By that, I don’t mean very special role,” she said.
makes coffee for you, not According to Priyanka,
that. But someone who Nick made the first move
respects the hard work in a very bold, yet incred-
you put into your life. Who ibly stiff text message. “He
respects that if his work is texted me. The first time was
important, so is yours. Or if a text and just saying, ‘I think
he makes choices that are we should connect,’ and
important to him, so is your whatever and that’s how we
opinion. That’s respect, and started talking,” Priyanka
that’s incredible to have,” the said.
Baywatch star said. Priyanka also mentioned
The 36-year-old actor that he’s the best partner
said she does not want ever. “Just being in the whole
women to settle for less than situation of finding some-
what they deserve in life. body who can be a partner
“Then everything is so easy to you in so many more
because you give each other ways than one is amazing,
credit for your intelligence, so yes I’m very excited,” she
you give each other the said.
benefit of the doubt because
you trust each other. There’s
62 Priyanka Nick.indd 3 02/11/18 11:42 AM