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            “Measles is far too contagious,” said                              Many countries have not introduced
         Fore. “It is critical not only to increase                          the second dose, which is given after
         coverage but also to sustain vaccination                            the age of four. Twenty countries in Sub-
         rates at the right doses to create an um-                           Saharan Africa do not have it in their
         brella of immunity for everyone.”                                   immunisation schedule, which means
           Resurgence of the once-eradicated,                                that 17 million infants are at higher risk.
         highly-contagious disease is linked to                              Between one and three people in every
         the growing anti-vaccine movement in   In the first three           1,000 who catch measles will die, it is
         richer nations, which the WHO has iden-  months of this year,       estimated, and there are serious com-
         tified as a major global health threat.                             plications in some who survive such
           The anti-vax phenomenon has        more than 1,10,000             as blindness, encephalitis  (an infec-
         adherents across Western countries   measles cases were             tion that causes brain swelling) and
         but is particularly high profile in the US,                         pneumonia.
         where it has been fuelled by medically   reported worldwide           Dr Robin Nandy, Unicef’s chief of
         baseless claims spread on social media.  — up nearly 300 per        immunisation, said:  “I’m extremely
           The US recorded 695 cases of measles                              worried and everybody should be
         in 2019, the most of any year since the   cent from the same        worried. I’d be  very disappointed if
         disease was declared eliminated at the                              we were not worried about it. We have
         turn of the century. “The high number   period last year. An        had a  vaccine for a number of dec-
         of cases in 2019 is primarily the result   estimated 1,10,000       ades now. It is inexpensive, efficacious,
         of a few large outbreaks — one in Wash-                             safe and widely available. Despite this
         ington state and two large outbreaks    people, most of them        we are seeing outbreaks all across
         in New York that started in late 2018,”    children, died from      the world.”
         the Centres for Disease Control and
         Prevention said.                       measles in 2017                     

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