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                     and remove the misgivings    2,228 crore to Punjab. Various   heinous crimes. Civil society and
                     of each other. The pictures of   government departments are   judiciary are doing well in this
                     rioting and arson have dimin-  awaiting funds for maintenance   respect, but the investigating
                     ished the image of the country   and operation for 2018-19 and   agencies are allegedly biased.
                     worldwide. It is embarrassing   2019-20.                    The accused belong to one or
                     to see political leaders instigat-  Due to free power and water   the other political party. When
                     ing crowds instead of pacifying   for the agriculture sector, the   lawmakers, or equivalents,
                     them.                        most affected departments    commit such crimes, it seems
                                    YOGINDER SINGHAL  are public health and the   extremely difficult to send them
                                                  water resources development   behind bars. This credit goes to
                     Every student in this country has   corporation.          the tenacity of the victim, her
                     the right to protest peacefully.   Due to the non-release   relatives and the judiciary.
                     The Delhi Police barged into   of funds for the operation of            DILWAR ALI MEERAK
                     Jamia Millia Islamia University   tubewells by the finance depart-
                     without the permission of uni-  ment, the ultimate sufferers are   Powerful MLA Kuldeep Sen-
                     versity authorities and resorted   small farmers. Hence, adequate   gar did everything possible to
                     to ‘state sanctioned’ violence,   funds should be released soon in   escape facing justice after the
                     brutally beating up students. Do   public interest.       heinous crime of raping a minor.
                     the young, educated and vibrant         RAJAT KUMAR MOHINDRU  His influence in political circles
                     leaders of tomorrow deserve to                            delayed disciplinary action by
                     go through this trauma? Why   Violence is not             his party and investigation pro-
                     are students not free to take a   a good sign             ceeded at a sluggish pace.
                     stand against the State?     The middle class is the back-  The victim and her family
                                       FIAAZA GOUR  bone of the country. It sends its   were traumatised, physically
                                                  children to institutions of higher   attacked and some even elimi-
                     The ruling party does not care   education without expecting any   nated. Such barbaric criminals
                     about what people want. All it   freebies from the government.   should be awarded the severest
                     cares about is votes and their   Such students get placements   verdict and their property con-
                     own rules. Neither the BJP nor   on merit.                fiscated to compensate victims.
                     the Congress has any concern   Even if some of them go    This should also be a lesson for
                     for society, especially students.   abroad, they enrich their   politicians, bureaucrats, police
                     They fear that such movements   motherland by remittances   officials and legal luminaries
                     may dethrone them.           in foreign currency. They do   to eradicate the loopholes and
                                     BHAVYA CHHABRA  not deserve condemnation. If   make the system efficient.
                                                  students studying at private and              SUBHASH VAID
                     Vacuum created by            some public universities have
                     death of Lagoo               remained unaffected by the mis-  Boris Johnson’s win ensures
                     The country has lost a vet-  leading propaganda of certain   Britain’s exit from EU bloc
                     eran actor with the demise of   categories of politicians and   With reference to the report “Tough roads ahead
                                                                               for Boris Johnson” by Anil Singh (December 20)
                     Shreeram Lagoo, a stalwart of   other vested interests, they have   The epic win of Boris Johnson
                     Marathi theatre and cinema and   done a genuine service to the   ensures UK’s exit from the EU
                     a prolific character artiste in   country. Violence and disruptive   quickly, but torrid times lie
                     Bollywood.                   activities are not signs of good   ahead for him. The difficult part
                       Affectionately called      education and a civilised society.  of the Brexit process is negotiat-
                     ‘Doctor’in theatre circles, Lagoo                  SK DUA  ing an agreement on UK’s future
                     was known for his progressive                             relationship with the EU and
                     and rationalist views. A great   Women abuse needs        other partners.
                     socialist and versatile actor, his   to stop at any cost    The strong performances by
                     contributions will always be   With reference to the report “UP plans fast-track   Scottish and Irish nationalists
                                                  justice in women abuse cases” by Mudit Mathur
                     remembered.                  (December 31)                have hinted at a battle ahead in
                                         VANDANA  It is the bravery, and victory, of   trying to keep the UK together
                                                  the victim who did not relent   in the face of a second inde-
                     GST arrears payout           and wanted the guilty punished.   pendence referendum demand.
                     must be utilised well        Society, police, politicians and   Besides, he has to deliver on the
                     The Centre has cleared com-  judiciary are the four major or-  central promise of his campaign.
                     pensation of GST arrears of Rs   gans of the system to minimise
                                                                                                    SS PAUL

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