Page 9 - 15JAN2020E-1
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are registered in Rajasthan and marginal farmers of the farmer’s bank account,
tehelka bureau alone. As of now, data of 7.20 country would witness a sea reaches the right place. As
crore farmers have been change. The data will em- of now the government has
collected under the PM power the farmers as well released 33,000 crore to
he Department KISAN scheme. From Uttar as the state to access all fi- the poor farmers under the
of Agriculture, Pradesh alone, a data of 2.10 nancial and farming-related PM KISAN scheme since the
Cooperation and crore farmers have been information, ranging from scheme was launched in
Farmers Welfare included in the data bank. soil testing to flood alerts, December last year.
T has constituted By the middle of next and from satellite imagery The Planning Commis-
a Task Force to develop a year, the Modi government to land revenue records. sion of India has also cre-
comprehensive Farmers’ would have a direct con- The data bank would ated the databank on Agri-
Database for better plan- nectivity with over 11.5 crore enable the farmer to have culture sector with the sole
ning, monitoring, strategy farmers and their families access to all sorts of market purpose of making available
formulation and smooth across India and the data information. It is certainly all relevant statistics at one
implementation of schemes place for all kinds of users.
for the entire country. The data provides infor-
The task force has been Farmers’ comprehensive mation about GDP from
tasked to have a direct con- agriculture, gross capital
nectivity with over 11.5 crore database by June 2020 formation in agriculture,
farmers and their families pattern of land utiliza-
across India, making it a
communication exercise
hitherto unprecedented A new task force
in scale. If all goes well, the has been set up
massive data bank on the
farmers would be ready for to have a direct
release by June 2020. connectivity with
According to informa-
tion provided by the Union over 11.5 crore
Minister of Agriculture and farmers and
Farmers Welfare Naren-
dra Singh Tomar in Lok their families
Sabha on December 10, 2019, across India in a
this centralized Farmers
Database shall be useful for communication
various activities like issuing
soil health cards, dissemina- exercise
tion of crop advisories to the
farmers, precision farming, bank on the farmers would going to be a game changer tion, area under irrigation,
smart cards for farmers to be ready for release by June in the rural sector and a state-wise land utilization,
facilitate e-governance, crop 2020. A top level committee, boon for farmers. It is learnt production of major crops,
insurance, settlement of headed by Union Agricul- that besides the Agricul- yield of principal crops and
compensation claims, grant ture Secretary Sanjay Agar- ture Secretary, former IT production of major crops
of agricultural subsidies, wal, is working in tandem Secretary J. Satyanarayana, etc. other inputs created in
community/village resource with the Information and the man behind imple- the data bank of Planning
centres etc. Technology Ministry and mentation of Aadhaar card Commission include import
At present, Centralised its National e-governance scheme, and a team of IT and export of agricultural
Farmers Database has not Division (NEGD) wing, to experts, is looking after commodities, wholesale
been created in the country. meet the deadline of the the database project for price index, net availability
However, under PM-KISAN mega data project, set by the farmers. of food grains, live stock
90,165,852 number of Prime Minister’s Office. The team is working population in the country
farmers have been regis- The government main- overtime to complete the and all India consumption
tered in the country as on tains that with the help of task by June 2020. The data of fertilizers.
30.11.2019, out of which this database and use of would also ensure that
5,813,813 number of farmers technology, life of the small the money credited to a LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM