Brain2Brain to reach out to brain cancer patients in India

As terminal brain cancer cases rise in India and the International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC) reporting that there are over 28,000 such reported in the country each year and more than 24,000 people reportedly dying due to brain tumours annually, a USA registered non-profit organization Brain2Brain, Inc (B2B) has announced to make forays into India to help out such patients.

A brain tumour is a serious condition and can be fatal if not detected early and treated. B2B focuses on assisting terminal brain cancer patients and their families to overcome the hardship they face from the moment they are diagnosed with this deadly and unforgiving disease. The organization seeks to assist those in need by extending physical, emotional and financial support.

According to Pam Date Chong, Founder Brain2Brain, Inc, “the objectives are multi-faceted, which includes establishing a network of friends and family of patients with GBM, providing home based peer level support, building an informative resource centre which empowers patients, their families and community to live with GBM. To understand life’s journey with their families and to ultimately ensure their long-lasting legacy and an endearing tribute to the life of the GBM patient. In addition, to assist in funding scientific research and promote other holistic approaches to wellness.

She informed that Brain2Brain is committed to support the research and advancement for a scientific cure for patients who are inflicted with the dreaded Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) as well as enhancing their health and well-being.  Brain2Brain was founded in 2021 by Pam Date Chong, in loving memory of her only son who was diagnosed with terminal stage 4 GBM cancer in September 2014 at the age of 26 years. Despite the terminal diagnosis, he fought a brave and strong battle until the disease took his last breath three and a half years later. Rory embraced life in every aspect and had a wide range of hobbies and interests. He was loyal, generous, empathetic, respectful and deeply spiritual. His mantra was “Life is just a Dream, don’t take it too seriously”.

During his battle with cancer, Pam realized with a deep conviction, having unlimited resources and knowledge is key to transforming the lives of the patients and families suffering with GBM.  The GBM diagnosis completely altered the world of her son, and he was suddenly thrust into a maelstrom of bewildering medical treatments, invasive biopsies, chemo, immuno-therapies and surgeries. He remained positive and hopeful, yet he approached every moment with inner courage and strength. He never gave up, even when his disease worsened. He managed to keep a smile on his face and somehow found humor amid his difficult situations. He continued working as long as he possibly could despite his increasing physical constraints.

On November 20th, 2017 Rory succumbed to the vicious disease after three plus years of battling an aggressive cancer and treatments that had left him with little of the physical strength and vigour he had known all his life. The caring, giving and jovial Rory who was the light of family’s life and whose magnetism, energy and kindness was loved and cherished by all who knew him, was no longer with them. Brain2Brain  was founded in his memory to continue his spirit of caring, love and generosity.