Page 33 - English Tehelka Issue 5 - March 15, 2018
P. 33

women’s day

 Education: The Primary Means   their home assignments.  less than celebrity stars who are   macy (28%) and secretarial prac-
                                                                             tice (19%) shows the preferences of
                   This is incredible. An unedu -
                                               roped in at hefty fees to publicise
                                                                             Indian society.
                                               girls’ education?
                 cated young woman understands
 of Empowering Women  the value of girls’ education. With   Beti Bachao’ programme would   do household chores simultaneous-
                                                                               Indian women are expected to
                                                 The government’s ‘Beti Padhao
                 her limited means, she is investing
                 in the education and learning of
                                               have got more wings if such women  ly with their professional respon-
                 her  daughters  without giving a    were associated with the promo-  sibilities ignoring their physical
                 second thought to saving for her   tion of the scheme who can con-  and mental health. This also curtails
 There are many prejudices in our country against women whose lives are dedicated to    old age. Not only education, but as-  nect with the masses with their true  their desire to pursue challenging
 raising families rather than looking after themselves. Focusing on the education of girls as    pirations of her daughters are also    achievements in protecting and   professions for which they have
                                               educating daughters.
                                                                             an  equal,  or  sometime  better
                 important to her and she chose to
 a policy measure can solve many problems facing us, komal amit gera writes  put them in schools with focus on   By educating girls, we reduce   intellect and smartness than men.
                                               poverty,  improve  maternal  and   Whether organised or unorgan-
                                               child health, prevent HIV-AIDS,   ised sector, women in India burn
 he annual athletic meet   learnt that  her daughter happened   and raise the standard of living of   their candle at both the ends to give
 at my son’s school is a   to be my son’s classmate. I was cu-  everyone. Despite an overwhelm-  out light. Very few organisations
 congregation of the elite,   rious to know what concessions   ing evidence of gains of educating a    follow  the  norms  laid  down  to
 carrying an air of sophis-  are actually offered to the students   girl child, millions of school-age   provide  child-care  facilities  for
 T tication, flaunting their   classified under EWS (Economi-  girls in the country are out of class.   employees. As the productive and
 trendy outfits and greeting each   cally Weaker  Section)  category.   As per the 2011 census, the female   reproductive  years  of  women
 other with a pleasant demeanour.   The humble lady told me that they    literacy rate is 65.46 per cent and   coincide, many women have to
 For a person like me who spends   get full fee concession on tuition fee   male literacy rate is 82.14 per cent.   take career breaks to take care
 more time in polishing the mind   but no relaxation on other expens-  As per government data, the literacy  of babies. Many end up leaving
 and cares less for the exterior, there  es. Though the tuition fee is totally    rate of women in year 1951 was 8.9   lucrative jobs in the absence of a
 is little inclination to hobnob with   exempted, she pays through her   per cent that reached 57 per cent   support system.
 fellow spectators. But this year,    nose the fat expenses of books,    in 2004. It is a significant milestone   Those engaged in the unorgan-
 the  annual  event  was  unusual,   uniform, sports day dress, bus fee   reached post-independence. But   ised sector can’t afford to take a
 extraordinary and inspiring. Not   and sundry expenses.  India is ranked 109 amongst 128   break due to their economic com-
 because of the sports and cultural   Saying  so,  she  was  beaming   countries in its education index   pulsions. Constantly facing dispar-
 extravaganza, but a chance meet-  proudly to see her girl in the midst   for women; this indicates that a lot   ity of wages across sectors, women
 ing with a women of substance.    of the ‘creamy layer’ of society. “My   more needs to be done.  have to face many hardships at the
 The untold story of this spirited   daughter wishes to emulate her   The statistics on gross enrolment  workplace to prove themselves.
 woman having only basic educa-  peers and demands fancy accesso-  rate of women show that more   While government now provides
 tion and scarce means but above   ries like school bag, lunch-box and   sincere efforts need to be made   many benefits along with maternity
 all a strong determination, stirred   water bottle, and lunch in the school   to bring girls into classrooms. The   and childcare leave of two years
 my mind with a million thoughts   cafe. Sometimes I am able to meet   number of girls per hundred boys   that can be availed over a period till
 of hope for a better future of girls in       upto class eight is 80 per cent. This   the child attains the age of 18 years,
 our country.                                  declines to 70 per cent in second-  these have not been incorporated
 I occupied a corner seat in the   Rather than   ary level. There is drastic fall in   by the private sector.
 last row in the stands of the school   celebrities,   gross enrolment ratio for women in    “No country can ever truly flour-
 stadium with the seat next to mine            secondary education that is esti-  ish if it stifles the potential of its
 being  vacant.  A  young  woman   shouldn’t women   her demands, sometimes I have to   holistic development of children.  mated at 35.8 per cent and is alarm-  women and deprives itself of the
 dressed up in a glittering saree   who fight all   pacify her,” the lady told me.  I was deeply touched to know   ingly low at 9.4 per cent in higher   contribution of half of its citizens,”
 turned up and after slight hesitation   She said she has three daugh-  her thoughts. Authors generally   education as per a government    Michelle Obama has said. The time
 settled next to me. As she smiled   odds to educate   ters and all of them are studying    use a quote: ‘If you educate a man,   report of 2008.  has come to introspect about the
 coyly at me, I was charmed by her   in  top-rung  schools  of  the  city.   you educate an individual but if    In case of preferred profession-  fruits of women empowerment.
 modesty. At the same time, I was   their daughters   The two elder daughters are in a    you educate a woman, you educate    al-level medical and engineering   Educated and financially empow-
 intrigued by the thought of cul -  beyond their   missionary school. The youngest   a nation’, and this woman to my   courses, women constituted only   ered  women  can  bring  desired
 tural dissimilarities, financial and   wanted to study in this school and “I   mind has put the words into prac-  25.1 per cent and 7 per cent of total   change in the outlook of the entire
 educational divide she must be fac-  means be brand   am trying my best to give my daugh-  tice by educating our daughters.   enrolled candidates, says a UN -  nation towards prevailing social
 ing to pull on in a school based on    ambassadors   ters as much as I can”, she said.    Will she or a woman like her not   NESCO report of 1991. The concen-  prejudices and cultural bigotry.
 the model of global learning meth-  The family, with a poor economic   be more appropriate to promote   tration of women in stereotype   Education of the women is the only
 ods. Many questions cropped up in   of women   base, also provides for the tuitions   the schemes rolled out for girls’   non-engineering, non-technical   way to elevate the women.
 my mind. I could not resist. I initi-  empowerment?  of their daughters as they are not   education and women empower-  programmes  such  as  nursing
 ated a conversation with her and   educated enough to help them with   ment? Are these real-life heroes    (97%), primary teaching (91%), phar-

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