Page 17 - English Tehelka Issue 5 - March 15, 2018
P. 17

foreign affairs

 Once the Generals take over, overt-  there through widespread econom-  played the smart Gujarati dealer   already seen Palestine withdrawing
 ly or covertly, there is no space left   ic frustration of the people there.  there. Sensing that China was look-  its diplomatic representative from
 for diplomacy in the foreign policy   Diplomacy, as we observed at the   ing for a larger role for itself in FATF  Pakistan at India’s request. Modi’s
 of a country — and diplomacy has   start, is about the next century while   in future, Modi played on their   forays into the Islamic world are
 meaning only in the foreign policy.   politics is about the next elections.   weakness and offered them India’s   incredible for any Indian Prime
 In Pakistan, that foreign policy is   But here, the diplomatic victory of   support there as quid pro quo for   Minister, but more so for a PM from
 dictated by the army. And they have  India actually runs the risk of being   China voting against Pakistan.  the saffron party.
 slapped a so called ‘consensus’ on   an extremely short-term gain and   There could be no bigger diplo-  Perhaps the greatest example
 the national opinion on the issue.   huge long-term disaster. Not that   matic rebuff to the Pakistan gov-  of Modi’s new thrust on diplomacy
 No civilian government, even to the  China or other countries come off   ernment and their Generals than to  can be seen in India taking its ties
 extent that it can be called a govern-  any better. China seems to be push-  have China sing India’s song against  with Israel to a new high, and that
 ment, can dare even suggest a shift   ing its own interests in Pakistan far   Pakistan at the most critical FATF   too without hurting our standing
 in the country’s foreign policy vis    too brazenly to be sustainable for a   meeting. That sealed Pakistan’s fate.  with Palestine and the rest of the
 a vis India.  very long time. There is already a a   This was India’s hour of diplomatic   Islamic and the Arab world. The
 At the extreme other end are   rising popular sentiment of resent-  glory. How long term this glory   other equally impressive example
 India and the USA, both avowedly   ment in Pakistan against the China-  would be remains to be seen be-  shines through as India continues to
 committed to a war on terror ema-  Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).   cause it is not yet clear. It is also not   have very close economic and dip-
 nating from Pakistan. But some of   China is being accused of doing to   clear how supporting China in se-  lomatic collaboration with mutually
 the recent diplomatic moves of both  Pakistan what the East India Com-  curing a larger role for itself in FATF  antagonistic Iran and Saudi Arabia.
 India and the US have helped only   pany had done to  India — turning   suits India in the long run — unless   Iran in fact has offered the con -
 to further isolate the civilian gov-  the country merely into a colony   Modi has also gained something far  trol of the Chabahar port to India
 ernment and thus strengthen the   and finally leading it towards bank-  more massive in return: an end to   for the next 18 months — and this
 hands of the army in that country.                                          period can be used to a stunning
 And the army is in no mood, at least                                        effect to render Pakistan’s Gwadar
 not for now, to stop making a dis-  nel running the show, with Paki-  • Boosting   outsmarted both China and Paki-  port completely irrelevant. This Ira-
 tinction between the good terror-  Modi’s diplomatic   stan’s youth just hanging around   bonds After   stan and successfully weaned the   Once the Generals   nian sea port can in fact completely
 ists (those who target the innocent   forays into the   as beggars disallowed employment   meeting   support of even Islamic countries   take over, overtly   alter and undermine the strategic
 citizens of India and the US) and the   in the project which is forced on   Netanyahu,   away from Pakistan. Out of 34 coun-  geopolitical significance of Paki-
 bad terrorists (those who target the   Islamic world are   Pakistan  by their “taller than the   Modi visited   tries voting, only Turkey turned up   or covertly, there   stan with regard to Afghanistan.
 Pakistani state or its people.)   incredible for   Himalayas” friend, China, through   Palestine  to support Pakistan, something that   is no space left   And if that happens, we might see
 The end result of this double   extremely unsustainable loans. This   even China didn’t do.  results that no one can even dare to
 diplomatic whammy is that Paki-  any Indian Prime   Project has already become a politi-  The  FATF  resolution  against    for diplomacy in   dream of at this point of time. With
 stan has finally been placed on the   Minister, but more   cal eye sore for many in that coun-  Pakistan is a huge diplomatic tri-  the foreign policy   America showing no signs of with-
 grey list and runs the serious risk of    try and not just in Balochistan.  umph for India. Prime Minister   drawing from Afghanistan anytime
 being finally put on the Black List   so for a PM from   Whatever may be the economic   Narendra Modi’s hard work in for-  of a country. In   soon, and with India, the US and
 by FATF. When that happens, inter-  the saffron party  and political dimensions of this   eign affairs seems to be paying off.   Afghanistan developing a new pow-
 national funding and investments   “game changer for Pakistan”, dip-  Saudi Arabia, a role model for Islam-  Pakistan, that   er axis in the region, the Chabahar
 in Pakistan will dry up. That would   lomatically, it has already pushed   ic states, backed off from supporting   foreign policy is   port acquires a significance that has
 mean devastation of an already   Pakistan unwittingly and unwill-  Pakistan; although Washington ob-  the potential to alter the long term
 shattered economy. An unintended   ruptcy. There are strong voices in   ingly into the jaws of a direct con-  viously played a role there, Modi’s   dictated by the   political,  diplomatic,  and  most
 result of this devastation would be   Pakistan that are becoming louder   frontation with the world sole super   own goodwill with the Saudi rulers   army  importantly economic equations
 the economic frustration among   in their opposition to what they call  power, America. The project which   was not a small factor in finally tilt-  not only for India, Iran and Afghani-
 the  common  Pakistani  people,    “the Chinese colonization of Pa-  seems doomed never to realize   ing the scales against Pakistan .  stan but for the whole world.
 especially the educated and semi-  kistan.”  The fact is that Pakistan is    its promised potential stands as a   Modi’s greatest diplomatic coup   The ground for that new equa-
 educated youth. And that frustra-  receiving massive doses of debts   monument to a rare Chinese diplo-  was seen in what must rank as the   China’s opposition to India’s claim   tion is laid on the waters of the
 tion will be exploited by the Jihadi   from China for a controversial pro-  matic failure in the region.  most humiliating diplomatic defeat   for Permanent Membership of the   Indian ocean where India and the
 outfits to inflate their own ranks.   ject — the CPEC — from which the   The other end of the diplomatic   for Pakistan. China, which is seen   UN Security Council. That seems   US have a shared stake in stalling
 These Jihadi recruits are the same   Chinese gains are expected to be   failure of the regional players can   by Pakistan to be their ally against   unlikely, but if that ‘unlikely’ a pros-  China. Diplomacy is going be the
 whom the world community rec-  over 80 per cent, compared to just   be seen in the  inability of China to   India, was won over by Modi in a    pect has been put on the Indo-China  buzzword for the next five to seven
 ognizes as Islamic terrorists. Thus,   20 per cent for Pakistan. Thus , the   ensure that there is enough interna-  reported deal in which both In -  table in the backdrop of FATF, then   years in the new world order. Wars
 the very decision to put Pakistan   CPEC is seen by the people of Paki-  tional support for locking the FATF   dia and China will gain — at the    this would be a major, major gain.   are all set to change their character
 on the grey List, which is intended   stan now as a project on Pakistan’s   resolution against Pakistan. China   expense of China’s vaunted ‘broth-  Meanwhile, Modi’s success in   from a military to a diplomatic-eco-
 to wean that country away from   territory, using Pakistani soil, with   failed to get the requisite interna-  erly friend’ Pakistan. China was   foreign policy — which I believe is   nomic exercise.
 Jihadi terror, will only add further    Chinese engineers, managers and   tional support behind Pakistan on   not inclined to support the move   not being projected as massively at
 ammunition  to  terror  factories   other key human resource person-  that issue. Put another way, India   against Pakistan initially, but Modi   home  as it can and should be — has

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