Page 15 - English Tehelka Issue 5 - March 15, 2018
P. 15

foreign affairs

 Diplomacy set to

 replace wars in new

 world order

 The perennially contentious relations between India and Pakistan are being overshadowed
 by other nations with strategic interests such as China, the USA and those of the Middle East.    • Curbing
 Diplomacy and foreign relations have take drastic new turns and the times to come will be    rebellion
 interesting in this aspect, harcharan bains explains  Pakistan
      banned two
 iplomacy , they say, is   It is obvious that Islamabad mistook   could make for an exciting script for   charities linked
 about the next century   the sentimental value of friendships   a TV serial. But we will come to that   to Hafiz Saeed
 while politics is about   among nations as a substitute for   later.
 the next elections. Seen   hard-nosed diplomacy. It relied too   But this is just one of the many
 D in this perspective, the   heavily on the “emotional bonds   instances where an abject failure of   Pakistan that supports Hafiz Saeed   dominant player among the deci-
 fact that global diplomacy — or   between the people of Pakistan and   diplomacy and foreign policy had   and the global community led in   China is being   sion makers. In the end, because of
 the lack of it — has been on a Fast   China” and remained convinced till   resulted in a major global decision.   this case by the USA-India combine,   accused of turning   its brute force and because of the
 Forward mode in recent months   almost the proverbial Friday-after-  On the face of it, that decision will   who oppose all sources of terror, ap-  history of the country since its in-
 should encourage optimism about   noon that China would stand by it   affect only Pakistan and its already   pear to be playing straight into the   Pakistan merely   ception,  the army has remained
 the direction international relations   like a rock, and would in no case al-  tottering economy. But the fact is   hands of the very terror outfits in   into a colony and   the only force to reckon with. And
 are taking or are likely to take in fu-  low its arch regional enemy, India,   that an economically devastated and   Pakistan whom they actually want   that force does not want normal
 ture. But would that optimism be   its moment of diplomatic triumph   diplomatically isolated Pakistan is in   to liquidate.  finally leading   relations with India because peace
 justified?   against Pakistan in the FATF. What   the best interest of the very forces of   The problem with the govern-  it towards   reduces the relevance and signifi-
 Two  major  events,  each  emi -  transpired at Paris just prior to the fi-  terror which the International com-  ment of Pakistan is that there is no   cance of the men in uniform. Peace
 nently preventable through even   nal act of the high diplomatic drama   munity wants Pakistan to eliminate   entity with that name in that coun-  bankruptcy  with India destroys the narrative of
 the normal course of international   — or at least to stop allowing them   try. There is a name-plate institution   a permanent existentialist threat to
 back-channel diplomacy, have left   to use the Pakistani soil as a terror   which is best described as the “titu-  Pakistan. And once that threat is no
 the Indian sub-continent in tremors,   Both Pakistan that   launch-pad against the people and   lar” government of Pakistan which   openly stated by a few of the most   longer there, why would you need a
 although, thankfully, India might   governments of other countries.   is only a soulless, unarmed and   daring journalists from Pakistan,   powerful army? The Generals un-
 appear to be sitting on the winning   supports Hafiz   Although India is the first direct   toothless giant with a civilian face.   like Rauf Klasra, Rauf Hasan, Amir   derstand this simple equation. More
 side of the final equation in both   Saeed and the   target of these forces of terror, even   But everybody knows  who the boss  Mateen, Ejaz Haider — to name just   importantly, they also know how to
 these instances. That at least is the   the USA has not been immune to   in that country is. Neither the army   a few. And the relevance and the   dub as “traitors or Indian agents” all
 dominant belief among our Foreign   global community   attacks from these Jihadi loose can-  nor its opponents question the fun-  celebrity status of these Generals in  those who promote this equation
 Policy mandarins. It is quite another   that opposes   nons. America’s critical interests in   damental truth of Pakistan — that   their own country is dependent also   As  anybody  even  remotely
 matter that even India’s victory may   Afghanistan are compromised by   it is neither a democratic country   on the security narrative that they   familiar with the way armies func-
 in the end prove to be merely ‘a short   all sources of   the long leash which Pakistan gives   nor even an honestly Islamic state:   feed to their people .   tion all over the world  would tell us,
 term gain’. But for the moment, it is   to the fountainhead of international   it is just a security state. As Shashi   As per this narrative, Pakistan   armies and diplomacy do not share
 celebration time, India.  terror appear to   terror — Hafiz Saeed. In the name   Tharoor once put it, “All over the   faces a permanent existentialist   a dining table. There have been only
 Last week, the Paris-based Finan-  be playing into   of “mainstreaming the Islamic radi-  world, every country possesses an   threat from India every hour of the   a handful exceptions to this rule –
 cial Action Task Force (FATF)  decid-  cals”, the government and, especial-  army. But in Pakistan, the army pos-  day, every day of the month, every   the most notable being the states-
 ed to place Pakistan on the terror-  the hands of the   ly, the army in Pakistan continue to   sesses the country.” And that army   month of the year — year after year.  man warrior Napoleon Bonaparte.
 financing watch list after its  “Loftier   very terror outfits   treat the internationally designated   is led by Generals whose children   Thus, the country — so goes the nar-  But no one would enjoy the joke if
 than the Himalayas and Deeper than   terror outfit of Hafiz Saeed, Jamaat-  study abroad and whose families   rative — needs a powerful army.   we begin to talk of the great French
 the Oceans”  friend China stunned its   whom they want   ud -Dawah (JuD) as “a missionary   have huge stakes in countries like   And the army can remain power-  General and emperor in the same
 ally by withdrawing support to the   to liquidate  and humanitarian, social welfare   the USA. These Generals have no   ful only if it controls the govern-  breath as we speak of the Yahya
 Islamic  country at the last moment.   organization.” Thus, ironically, both   personal stakes in Pakistan — a fact  ment or is, at the very least, the most  Khans  and  Parvez  Musharrafs.

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