Page 16 - English Tehelka Issue 1&2
P. 16

cow milk

              Stray cows’ milk in demand                                                                                   • Homeless innocents There are one lakh
                                                                                                                           stray cattle in Punjab as per 2012 census

              in Punjab. Will other states                                                                                 of the cows in these cattle ponds could
                                                                                                                           be useful in rehabilitating them in the
                                                                                                                           poor households.
                                                                                                                             Experts believe this could be a
                                       follow suit?                                                                        workable idea for the state govern-
                                                                                                                           ment to motivate commercial dairy
                                                                                                                           farmers to hand over cows directly to
                                                                                                                           the poor as and when they find them
                                                                                                                           commercially unviable. It is alleged
                 It’s being felt that a comprehensive rehabilitation model may help restore the economic                   that a multitude of stray cows and
                                                                                                                           bulls are abandoned on the roads and
              value of stray cows and in the process address the emotive aspect of their protection. It is to be           public places at this stage. A senior of-
                         seen if state governments will emulate the process, raju william writes                           ficial of Punjab Animal Husbandry
                                                                                                                           Department said there were one lakh
                                                                                                                           stray cattle in Punjab as per 2012 cen-
                      bandoned on roads for   they will not abandon them,” disclosed  both districts. Over 1500 stray cows,   sus. Cows outnumber bulls and that is
                      being  unproductive,   Pawan Kumar, a founding member of  bulls and calves are being looked after    why they are more visible on roads.
                      scores  of  stray  cows   the Mansa cattle pond. Similar is the   at these three places.             The current census is going on.
                      brought to the govern-  case in the two cattle ponds in Fate-  “It’s a new lease of life for such      Developing a proper rehabilitation   ones because milk-yielding cows are   Those behind the idea hold that
             A ment  cattle  ponds  lo-     hgarh Sahib and Ludhiana districts   cows at our cattle pond but it’s at ini-  model can lead to optimum capac-  financially useful. “The poor wanting   besides restoring economic status of
            cated at villages Burj Powat, Gadolia   which together are home to over 400  tial stage and need to be sustained. It   ity utilization of these cattle ponds as   to take home these productive stray   cows, the problem of bulls, now of only
            and Khokhar Kalan in Ludhiana, Fate-  stray cattle, majority being cows.   could be a wonderful step if they find   well as those in other districts of the   cows due to their economic value is a   nuisance value due to highly mecha-
            hgarh Sahib and Mansa districts of   Both cattle ponds are being man-  ways into homes again. Yes, this model   state. The Punjab government had,   new form of community participation  nized farming practices, too can be
            Punjab have resumed yielding milk.   aged by the volunteers of Delhi-based  needs to be studied to make it worth   over two years ago, constructed cat-  that should be seriously thought about  resolved  by  resorting  to  selective
            This has led to poor people of the are-  spiritual and charitable organiza-  replication at a larger scale but should   tle ponds each costing nearly Rs one   if the governments want to tackle the   breeding. Their unwanted propagation
            as approaching the cattle’s caretakers  tion Dhyan Foundation (DF) who, on   be tried at local level to start with,”   crore on village lands in every district.  problem of wandering cattle. Their   can be checked by employing avail-
            with the request that they be allowed   the instructions of their guiding light    observed Kanwalpreet Kaur, Deputy   But these remained non-operational   rehabilitation in the poor households   able ‘sexed semen’ besides castration
            to take them to their homes with the   Yogi Ashwini, volunteered for this    Commissioner, Fatehgarh Sahib. Her   as no animal welfare organisation   offers a more constructive solution,”   when they are 6 to 8 months old. “The
            promise of looking after them.  service. Notably, the cattle ponds at   Mansa district counterpart, Dharam     came forward to take responsibility   opined Mohit Sharma, a DF volunteer.  insemination  technology  ensures
               The development is being seen   both places were in a locked state   Pal Gupta, shared her observation      of managing these mainly due to their   Being shelter-less, the cows that   birth of female calves with 10 to 12
            by many in the field as a notice-  before the DF offered to run these in   saying such a rehabilitation model   location away from urban centres and  move around are prone to accidents   percent error margin. Our state gov-
            able opening of a possibility of their    association with administrations of   could be a trailblazer.        lack of funds.                  resulting in human and animal deaths.  ernment has been importing filtered
            rehabilitation in a scenario where the                            The  agreement  of  commercial                 But things got going after DF took   In 2016, 1.23 percent of total road acci-  semen straws for the purpose,” in -
            freely roaming hordes of cows are                              dairy farmers too points to its likely          the initiative in Ludhiana and Fate-  dents in India were attributed to stray   formed Dr Surjit Singh Makkar, Depu-
            largely being considered a menace                              effectiveness. Daljit Singh Sadarpura,          hgarh Sahib districts and Varinder   animals and 5 to 7 percent in Punjab,   ty Director, Animal Husbandry, Mansa.
            for humans. A crude line of thought,   Stray cows can be       the national and state president of             Kumar Sharma, the then Deputy Com-  mostly in its Malwa region mainly due   But all this does not negate the need
            that packing them off for slaughter-  rehabilitated in         Progressive Dairy Farmers Associa-              missioner of Mansa district. The DF   to single roads and unrestricted access  of healthy bulls. The available embryo
            ing could be better riddance, brings                           tion, is not averse to evolving such a          also voluntarily contributed funds for   for animals, said Dr Kamal Soi, mem-  transfer technology is there to take
            along risks of social and communal   poor homes that           model based on experience of stray              Mansa during initial financial crunch.   ber, National Road Safety Council.  care of their propagation for breeding
            disharmony.                      can take care of              cattle management at these three                There is an increasing realisation that   Accident prevention too calls for   purpose. Does this small experience at
               About 100 cows out of the total                             places. “Of course, it’s a doable idea          the  incumbent  state  government   ways to reduce chances of stray cattle   these cattle ponds call for its serious
            800 at these three cattle ponds have   them for their          if the cows are brought back into the           should actively help out in resource   being let out to fend for themselves.   examination and pave the way for
            turned productive with daily average   milk which being        breeding cycle but massive efforts at           mobilization by way of ensuring com-  The charge that these innocent beings  evolving a model of restoring the
            yield of 100 litres of milk. Of this, about                    the government levels are required              munity participation to make all the   cause accidents is absurd to the core   economic  value  and  consequent
            70 litres is being sold to households   lesser than yielded    for this to happen,” he observed. Sa-           cattle ponds work at optimum levels.    because it is us who have forced them  rehabilitation of such stray cows else-
            daily and the demand is increasing.                            darpura pointed out that 50 to 60 per             It is an accepted fact that such   on to roads. Since the process of com-  where in Punjab and the country to
            Its quality quotient seems to be the   by dairy cows           cent of such cows are fit for lactation.        places cannot thrive without active   mercial dairy farming cannot be re-  reduce the incidence of hazards posed
            clincher given the presence of adul-  is commercially          He ruled out their commercial viabil-           participation of the area commu -  versed, ways have to be found for their  by their presence in public places and
            terated milk in the market. “So much                           ity as this requires minimum yield of           nity. It is seen that due to this factor,   rehabilitation by involving all stake   roads? It’s hoped that governments
            so, we are being approached daily   unviable for big           14-15 litre, which in the case of large         gaushalas being run in urban centres   holders including dairy farmers. This   will wake up to this issue.
            by poor people offering to take these   farmers                dairy farms is average 22-25 litre. But         are financially more resourceful. But   initiative has to be taken at the govern-
            cows home with the promise that                                he agreed that the reported low yield           these gaushalas do not accept stray   ments’ levels, argue animal activists.

                                        tehelka / 31 january 2018  16                                                                 tehelka / 31 january 2018  17

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