Page 13 - English Tehelka Issue 1&2
P. 13

OpiniOn                                                                                            2G scam

 2G scam: Can multi-crore                                                 • Vindicated  The Special Judge found former

                                                                          telecom minister A Raja and 18 others not guilty
 ‘notional’ loss be reclaimed?                                            in 2G spectrum allotment scam

                                                                            During the period when the CAG re-
 The trial court verdict vindicates the accused due to CBI’s failure to   port was presented in Parliament, the
 Spotlight  present substantial evidence, but there were glaring irregularities    functioning of the temple of democra-
                                                                          cy was virtually at a standstill. The dys-
 in allocation of spectrum and even the SC had voiced its concerns
 Vipin pubby                                                              functional Parliament had led to loss
                                                                          of credibility as well as promoted other
 t was difficult to count the zeroes   as a ground for holding people guilty   institutions such as Supreme Court and
 in a newspaper headline in   without legal evidence”.                    CAG to go beyond their brief.
 2011 when the Comptroller and   It is thus clear that even the judge       The CAG itself has suffered due its
 Former resident editor   Auditor General’s report placed   was not convinced that there was no   then chief Vinod Rai seeking attention
 of the indian express,    in Parliament put the notional   corruption or scam involved. He had   by putting forward a highly exagger-
 Vipin Pubby is a senior   I figure of  1,76,000 lakh crore loss   no choice but to bank on evidence to   ated figure of  1,76,000 lakh crore as
 journalist based in   in the allocation of second generation   prosecute the guilty but, unfortunately,   notional loss or what it called “pre-
 Chandigarh. He can    spectrum. The 2G scam, as the deal was   he was not presented any proof. There   sumptive loss”. To be fair, the figure
 be contacted at   subsequently called, became a by-word   are a host of questions which remain   the CAG has mentioned was a loss of
 vipinpubby@gmail.  for corruption along with the other   unanswered.  photo: pushkar viyas  58,000 lakh crore to  1,76,000 lakh
 com. The views    scams associated with CWG games and   One of the most glaring linkages,   crore but the higher figure had caught
 expressed are personal  mining leases.  which the CBI failed to investigate, was   allocation of 2G spectrum ironically   the public imagination. The CAG had
 These together led to the taint on   the payment of  200 crore by one of the   had come in a Supreme Court judge-  Besides the political   obviously given a flawed calculation to
 the UPA Government headed by Dr   companies which had succeeded in get-  ment in 2012. A division bench of the   fallout of the 2G   arrive at such a huge figure.
 Manmohan Singh and contributed to   ting contract to DMK run Kalaignar TV   apex court, comprising Justice G S Sin-  The Congress and its allies are
 the victory of NDA under the leader-  station. While the then Union telecom   ghvi and Justice A K Ganguly, had cat-  scam, the so-called   evidently in a jubilant mood. Former
 ship of Narendra Modi in 2014. The CBI   minister A Raja and others, including   egorically said that the material before   exposure had also   prime minister Manmohan Singh has
 Special Court judgment, acquitting all   DMK chief Karunanidhi’s daughter   the bench proved that former telecom   demanded an apology from the BJP for
 those charged with corruption in the al-  Kanimozhi, produced several wit-  minister A Raja “wanted to favour some   severely dented   “defaming the Congress and mislead-
 location of 2G, may have given reasons   nesses to claim that the payment was a   companies at the cost of public excheq-  India’s image and   ing the nation”. He also described the
 for former UPA partners to rejoice but   “genuine deal”, the CBI made no efforts   uer” and that the allocation of spectrum   former CAG Vinod Rai as a “lackey” of
 the judgment has left several important  to establish a link between allocation   was “wholly arbitrary, capricious and   hampered its   the BJP. Rai is now the chairman of the
 questions unanswered and the issue   of spectrum and money paid to the TV   contrary to public interest, apart from   growth story  Banks Board Bureau with huge pow-
 remains far from closed for good.  company.  violative of the doctrine of equality”.  ers to appoint Managing Directors of
 If anything, the trial court has   Among the other obvious irregulari-  While quashing the allocations, it   Banks. He is also the chairman of the
 pointed out gaping holes in the pros-  ties were the arbitrary method of alloca-  concluded that the “manner in which   The perception of India as a country   administrative committee of Board of
 ecution case and severely indicted the   tion of spectrum. While for some major   the exercise of grant of letters of intent   afflicted with high corruption had   Cricket Control of India. Congress has
 Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for  companies the rule of first-come-first-  to the applicants was conducted on   further dented its image.  demanded that he be removed from all
 its shoddy investigation and collection   served was imposed, for others it was   January 10, 2008, leaves no room for   The judgment has also opened doors  posts.
 of evidence. The premier investiga-  waived off. The last dates for receiving   doubt that everything was stage-  to far reaching consequences for differ-  With the Special Judge holding Raja
 tion agency of the country not only   applications were arbitrarily changed   managed to favour those who were   ent institutions. Although the Supreme   and 18 others not guilty, the Supreme
 refrained from linking corruption with   which led to undue benefits to some   able to know in advance change in the   Court was dealing with the question   Court’s action in quashing the allot-
 the deals, it filed a “well-choreographed   companies. The CAG pointed out that   implementation of the first-come-first-  of only allocation of spectrum and not   ments can now be challenged. The
 chargesheet” only making it a case of   of the 122 licenses issued, about 85 did   served principle”.  the criminality involved, its decision to   CBI is also bound to challenge the trial
 high profile corruption.  not qualify even by the first-come-first-  Besides the political fallout of the   rely on the CAG report and not asking   court verdict and would, hopefully, go
 Heads must roll for the the poor   served policy. It also found that several   2G scam and the taint that it left on the   for an independent inquiry, including   better prepared with evidence to prove
 investigation. Although the CBI does   companies had manipulated their ac-  UPA government, the so-called expo-  a judicial inquiry, was not correct. It   its charges. The fact that the prosecu-
 not have a great track record as far as   counts and had back-dated entries to   sure had also severely dented India’s   now appears that it took on the role of   tion failed to do enough homework or
 convictions go, it should have been   become eligible. It appeared as if these   image and hampered its growth story.   Parliament where the CAG report was   had proved to be a failure should not
 more thorough in this case. Even the   companies were aware of the decisions   It had led to cancellation of contracts   submitted and the general practise is to  mean that the guilty could go unpun-
 Special CBI Judge O P Saini, who deliv-  likely to be taken for allocation of spec-  which included foreign players like   have parliamentary sub committees to   ished. Some of the facts are too glaring
 ered the judgment, said he kept waiting   trum. Indeed, the judgment delivered by   UAE’s Etisalat, Norway’s Telenor and   first examine the reports. It cancelled   and too telling to be ignored.
 for evidence and stressed that “high   the trial court has left gaping holes.  Russia’s Sistema which had, in turn, led   all allotments without going into the
 profile nature of a case cannot be used   The most damning comments on the   to huge loss of investors’ confidence.   merits and demerits of each case.

 Tehelka / 31 january 2018  12  Tehelka / 31 january 2018  13

 12-13 Opinion Vipin Pubby.indd   2-3                                                                 12/01/18   3:57 PM
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