Page 57 - English Tehelka Issue 3&4
P. 57

social media

 n a winter morning,   Social media menace:   not achieved something.’ Research-  lated to adults are equally pathetic.   It  also  creates  a  false  world
 the screen of my mo-  ers and psychologists have toiled for  ‘GlobalWebIndex’ has published a   around you. Alone in your house,
 bile phone lit up early.   years, surveyed many people and   report that says, at the end of last   you start believing that you have
 A WhatsApp message   found this simple truth. Studies by   year, people were spending more   millions  of  friends  around  the
 O hung and I could read   I knew I had been an   Christina Sagioglou and Tobias Gre-  than two hours on their respective   world. Is it true? If you fall sick, no-
 the excerpts, which winked at my   itmeyer in 2014 found that spending  social media applications and it    body will come and help you to
 torpid eyes mockingly. It read —   more time on social media was one  affects many things — from pro-  reach the hospital. They will defi-
 “Happy Birthday…”. No, it was not   idiot to stay addicted  of the root causes of our unhappi-  ductivity to their personal lives. It is   nitely show their ‘caring and real
 my birthday; probably one of my   ness. It was an old report. Present   a global average. It does not belong   feeling’ by writing immediately on
 friends was mistaken or meant to   crisis seems to be more sinister. Elli-  to a particular country; although,   your social media wall. The attitude
 wish somebody else.  ot T.Panek, YioryosNardis, and Sara   62 percent of people living in North  is like ‘share first, think later’!
 Why should I be happy for some-  Konrath researched on the relation-  America  alone  have  Facebook    We want to share any ‘interest-
 one’s birthday, or rather feel unhap-  ships between narcissism and social  accounts and they spend a lot of   ing or unknown thing’ very fast. We
 py? If ‘someone’ was alive and this   People’s constant dependence on social media is dangerous    networking sites. They found it var-  time on it.  do not care to check the veracity;
 message went to his or her inbox,   as it affects mental health, promoting loneliness rather    ies from one platform to another.   The technology giant Apple’s   we do not even care whether the
 it would have been ‘meaningful’. It’s   than becoming more social, sanjib sinha writes  There  are  more  complaints.   head Tim Cook recently said that   receiver would find it interesting
 utterly meaningless to wish some-  The social media really blocks out       or not. We do that because we are
 one’s birthday to somebody else   real emotions. You may become             competing with others to make us
 and you could have been the victim   normal 1 AM Darkness. Someone   Let us enter the ‘meaningless’   a constant-attention-seeker. You   Technology giant    superior to anybody else — we want
 of ‘mistaken identity’. People abuse   tweeted, ‘Wow, lights off on the   world of social media more deeply   hop from one social application   Apple’s head Tim   to say, ‘look, how knowledgeable I
 social media in the grossest terms.   Eiffel Tower for the first time since   and see what really happens there   to the other for getting more ‘likes’   am!’. Sadly, most of our social media
 After the infamous Paris attack, Fox  1889.’ Double mistake. The lighting   and how it keeps affecting our per-  or checking whether people have   Cook recently   posts remain unread. Most often,
 News had mistakenly broadcasted   was installed in 1925. However, the   sonal and social lives; moreover, our   given enough attention to your   said he didn’t   people quickly scroll downwards;
 that the Eiffel Tower paid a tribute to  wrong fact was re-tweeted 30 thou-  mental health.  ‘posts’. For you, ‘my posts’ become   they do not waste their ‘precious
 the victims of the attacks by switch-  sand times and almost the same   Yes, I also belong to those bil -  more important than ‘other posts’.   want his nephew   time’ reading your posts. Within a
 ing off the lights. Actually, it was the  number of people had liked it!  lions of social media users; the   You really do not know what is hap-  on social media.   fraction of seconds, they jump over
 majority of them do not know,   pening inside and how it is chang-          and give a quick ‘like’, expecting that
 they  do  not  have  the  faint -  ing you. You are turning into a little   It’s ironic when   the recipient would reciprocate in
 est idea, that actually they are   dictator-in-your-own-world.              due course. Constant mental cal-
 making  social  media  owners   Every dictator is what you know   someone like Cook   culations run parallel. This person
 super-super-rich  by  getting    very well. History has proved it.   worries about   never likes my post, so I will not give
 addicted to those applications.   Only openness can save us from            it a ‘like’.
 However, people may argue, we   getting lost in the maze of different   a technological   People say extremely rude and
 can use them for free. Really? I   views. Social media, although dis-  invention  insulting things and do not hesi-
 do not think so. Nothing is free in   guising itself as an open mediator,   tate to abuse others. Troll or social-
 this world. You need a device and   actually closes your mind-doors.        media-abuse is a major concern in
 internet connection to use any so-  One after another; and that is more   he did not want his nephew on so-  every country. Taking full advan-
 cial media application. So, directly   dangerous.   cial media. You may find it ironic   tages of communicating in real
 or indirectly, you have to pay for   For a brief moment, let us forget   when someone like Tim Cook wor-  time, extremists often misuse these
 it. Majority of people believe it is   about the adults’ concerns. Think   ries about another technological   ‘so-called-free’ platforms. No, we
 free. But social media companies   about the children. They are our   invention.   cannot blame social media for these
 offer it for free because in return   future. There are no points of re-  The root cause of any addiction   occupational hazards. That is not
 they get access to precious ‘big   peating a host of reports that have   looks very simple in nature. It is all   our concern at present.
 data’! This is the first step to the   warned of the negative impact of   about ‘feeling high’. Think about ad-  We  worry  about  our  mental
 hotheaded ideas; and next comes   social media on children’s psycho-  dicted gamblers; whether they win   health. Excessive use of social media
 the disguise. Social media applica-  logical health. For the last few years,  or loose, they keep playing. A flock   is a serious threat in our time and
 tions disguise themselves as free   these reports keep warning us con-  of social media applications wheels  we need to address it with patience
 and just make fools out of us and,   stantly. Children and teens easily   overhead; it constantly reminds you  and collective thinking. When eve-
 finally, it becomes a nuisance to us.   become victims of bullying. It ex-  that something might have hap-  rything goes out of hand and we
 It may become a menace to   acerbates already worse situations   pened in between. Before it traps   start experiencing the terrible feel-
 your privacy. It may turn you into   that  are pushing them towards   you, please remember one thing —   ing of sadness, we do not want to
 Narcissus. It makes you less happy   the dark world of anxiety, depres-  they want you to spend your entire   say, “I knew I had been an idiot to
 because after spending some time   sion and loneliness. It causes sleep   time on them for one and only rea-  stay addicted to a stupid thing”.
 on social media people often feel   problems. They adopt the vicious   son — they just use your presence
 like, ‘I have wasted my time. I have   cycle of self-harming. Reports re-  for making more money.

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