Page 51 - English Tehelka Issue 3&4
P. 51
column Foreign aFFairs
New US policy on S Asia • Friends in need India appears to have
acquired the key position in the US scheme of
things for South Asia and the surrounding areas
has lessons for India
together to bleed Pakistan to death.
These elements are bound to prosper
India is taking the USA’s new policy on South Asia especially with with all kinds of help coming to them
ASIAN DRAMA regard to Pakistan in its stride. However, the situation is not as from different sections of society and
institutions like the army, which even
Syed simple as it appears. Delhi must recall Washington’s past exploits otherwise has been sympathising
with the extremist elements owing to
NooruzzamaN their anti-India and anti-US activities.
he US under President from its new Af-Pak policy because now US strategists must keep all these
Donald Trump is no longer Washington DC has come to realise factors in view while going ahead
The columnist — former what it was during the days that India can play a significant role in with the implementation of Washing-
Deputy Editor of The of the Obama administra- establishing peace in the region using ton DC’s new policy framework. The
Tribune, Chandigarh — tion or even before that so its popularity in sections of Afghanistan. US will have to go ahead with its re-
specialises in foreign T far as its South Asia policy Earlier, the US viewed India’s role by designed scheme for the region with
affairs. With a career is concerned. Its interest in Afghanistan putting Pakistan at the centre of its Af- great caution so that its moves do not
spanning 41 years, he remains intact, but the US today seems Pak agenda, which was not a wise policy. boomerang or worsen the situation
keeps close watch on to have no love lost for Pakistan, once Pakistan has never been sincere in network and unwillingness to go in South Asia. India may ultimately be
issues related to South the most important non-NATO ally of getting the Taliban factions in Afghani- against these elements with “decisive US failed to the biggest loser with the extremists
Asian countries. The Washington DC in the war on terrorism. stan defeated, essential for enabling the actions”. This may not be the end of eliminate Taliban getting a protective shield from the
views expressed are Pakistan has ceased to enjoy centrality government in Kabul to establish its the US’ resort to coercive diplomacy China-Pakistan axis and India being
personal in the US policy for the region whereas sway all over the landlocked country. to force Pakistan to honour the prom- in Afghanistan in used by the US to further Washington
India appears to have acquired the key The reason is that the decimation of the ises made to the world community by the wake of 9/11. DC’s geopolitical interests. The US has
position in the American scheme of Taliban may not help Pakistan achieve acting decisively against the destruc- How can one expect always been trying to use India for
things for South Asia and the surround- its larger objective of finding ‘strategic tive elements having presence all two main purposes: to capture the
ing areas. depth’ in Afghanistan. Besides this, a over the country. The Trump admin- a different result second biggest market after China for
Washington DC’s main worry strong Taliban factor in Afghanistan istration has threatened to impose its costly products to keep its indus-
concerning the region is that under no will work against India’s interests which economic sanctions too on Pakistan in Pakistan, where trial wheel moving at a fast pace; to
circumstances should terrorists and obviously suits Pakistan. That is why if the latter does not put the extrem- the US campaign push India against China to prevent or
extremists be allowed to strengthen Pakistan has been clandestinely doing ists under the leash. These sanctions delay Beijing’s projected emergence
their position as they pose the grav- all it can to ensure that the network of against Pakistan, it seems, are not far is likely to be as the world’s future super power.
est threat to US interests in the region. the Taliban, including the Haqqani fac- off though it may be difficult to get limited to coercive However, the refurbished US
As President Trump mentioned in his tion, remains as strong as ever. approval for such a measure from the policy for South Asia can result in a
latest policy speech, “In Afghanistan This has been a major worrying fac- UN as China can come to the rescue diplomacy? major gain for India if the US suc-
and Pakistan, America’s interests are tor for the US as it cannot afford to allow of its all-weather-friend with its veto ceeds in freeing the region from the
clear: We must stop the resurgence of any country or agency to provide any power. extremist scourge. Can the Trump
safe havens that enable terrorists to kind of help to the Taliban because the The tightening of screws on only multiply Pakistan’s difficulties administration do it? At this stage,
threaten America, and we must prevent extremists remain as strongly opposed Pakistan has evoked welcome from obviously owing to its short-sighted, such a denouement appears almost
nuclear weapons and materials from to the US presence in Afghanistan as Afghanistan, which has been suf- adventurous policies. impossible. We all know that the US
coming into the hands of terrorists and they are against India. President Trump fering not only because of internal But India too is unlikely to feel used all its might to eliminate the
being used against us, or anywhere in is, therefore, right is his observation factors but also owing to external comfortable under such circumstanc- Taliban in Afghanistan in the wake
the world for that matter.” Since this is (through a tweet), “The United States designs mainly involving Pakistan’s es. Chances are that terrorist attacks of 9/11 but without success. If this has
contrary to Pakistan’s undeclared policy has foolishly given Pakistan more than intelligence agencies to keep the pot may go up considerably if foolproof been the experience in Afghanistan,
with regard to the extremist elements, 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 boiling in its own interests. precautionary measures are not how can one expect a different result
the increasing distance between Wash- years, and they have given us nothing All these indicate serious trouble taken in time. The scenario that may in Pakistan, where the US campaign is
ington DC and Islamabad is not entirely but lies & deceit.” ahead for Islamabad on the economic emerge will be in accordance with the likely to be limited to coercive diplo-
unexpected. What is remarkable is that This has resulted in the US freezing and other fronts. The US may intensify terrorists’ designs. They have always macy? There is one way that may lead
President Trump is not hesitant about more than USD 1.15 billion security as- drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas been opposed to any kind of peace to victory: if the US cannot defeat the
pursuing his policy aimed at punishing sistance to Pakistan, accusing Islamabad which may result in the latter’s tribal drive involving the US as well as India. extremists, it can formulate a strategy
Pakistan for its pro-extremist approach. of harbouring terror groups like Hafiz population mounting its pressure on They will get an excellent opportunity to render these elements irrelevant.
The other noticeable point is that the Saeed’s Lashkar-e-Taiba and Afghan Islamabad to meet the challenge with to mislead Pakistan’s common man
US does not intend to keep India away Taliban factions such as the Haqqani full might. These developments may that the US and India have come
Tehelka / 28 february 2018 50 Tehelka / 28 february 2018 51
50-51 Column-Nooruzzama.indd 2-3 12/02/18 3:50 PM