Page 39 - English Tehelka Issue 7 - April 15, 2018
P. 39

column                                                                                          technology

 Face off with Facebook:                                                   • Privacy hit  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
                                                                           is likely to testify before the US Congress
                                                                           about the company’s ongoing privacy scandal
 Politics rife over data breach                                            traps to discredit clients’ opponents.

                                                                           The combination of using personal
                                                                           data without consent and tailoring
                                                                           slander campaigns, fake news and
 News &   The Cambridge Analytica issue is a wake-up call for India, as the   propaganda to discover preferences
 government is still dragging its feet on framing a comprehensive and
 views  robust data protection law                                         of voters is a potent and corrosive
                                                                              The shocking revelation has
 Bharat hiteshi                                                            brought to light several issues that
 fter turmoil over Aadhar   number over 20 crore. In fact, India           need to be addressed. The companies
 Hiteshi is an    data breach possibilities,   comes at a second slot after USA to use   have been collecting data and tailor-
 independent journalist-  Facebook is under attack   Facebook. This is a scary case of pri-  ing marketing campaigns using the
 turned-author and a   from the ruling NDA   vacy violation. Electioneering targeting   data during elections accordingly.
 political commentator.   government which has   specific voter groups and even individu-
 The views expressed   A warned its CEO Mark   als has existed for some time but it has
 are his own  Zuckerberg of “strong action” if it at-  rarely assumed such underhand and
 tempted to interfere with elections in   insidious proportions. While Facebook   Facebook cannot
 India. On his part, Zuckerberg has now   CEO Mark Zuckerberg has called it a   play the victim card
 apologised for the “mistake” and has said   “breach of trust” given that mass data
 that Facebook has a “responsibility” to   collection was restricted to academic   as it adopted a
 protect its users’ data and if it fails, “we   use, the company cannot attempt to play   cavalier attitude. It
 don’t deserve to serve you”.  victim. Rather, going by revelations from
 However, the controversy does not   whistleblower Christopher Wylie, Face-  did not immediately
 end here because the BJP has accused   book adopted a cavalier attitude.
 the Opposition Congress of using the   It did not immediately stop such     stop such massive
 services of Cambridge Analytica in   massive data flows out of company      data flows out of
 elections. It is known that social media,   servers. Though Facebook claims to have
 particularly Facebook, has been used ex-  done course correction, the damage has   the company’s
 tensively during polls. It is also a fact that   already been done. A larger investiga-  servers
 social media platforms worked better for   tion is needed and the global footprint of
 the BJP before, during and after the 2014   such practices need to be identified. The
 Parliamentary elections. Significantly,   Union Information Technology minister
 the balance is tilting now with Congress   Ravi Shankar Prasad has warned Zuck-  Personal data cannot be allowed
 hitting back in the same coin.  erberg about his powers to summon him     to be violated in any way. The CA
 Once stolen, electronic data is very   to India. The controversy is a wake-up   issue is a wake-up call for India; the
 easy to transmit, manipulate, inter-  call.                               government is still dragging its feet
 polate, or interpret for various needs.   The data of Facebook users can be   on framing a comprehensive and
 Did Facebook become an accessory for   used to come out with strategies such   robust data protection law. The IT and
 Cambridge Analytica (CA) to game US   as ‘behavioural micro-targeting’ and   Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad
 Presidential elections and the Brexit   ‘psychographic messaging’. Christopher   has made it clear that “we fully sup-
 referendum? There are allegations that   Wylie, a former CA employee-turned-  port freedom of press, speech and
 a Cambridge University researcher   whistle-blower, set off a storm with   expression; we fully support free
 contracted by CA allegedly lured Face-  revelations of how the company had de-  exchange of ideas on social media.
 book users to take a personality quiz   ployed a ‘psychological warfare’ tool for   But any attempt, covert or overt, by
 app which worked in the background to   alt-right media guru Steve Bannon to try   social media, including Facebook, of
 collect personal data of quiz takers and   to sway the election in Trump’s favour in   trying to influence India’s electoral
 their friends, including status updates   America. CA chief executive Alexander   process through undesirable means
 and Facebook ‘likes’. CA allegedly cre-  Nix, who was suspended a few days ago   will neither be appreciated nor be
 ated a database of 50-60 million people   following an undercover report by a   tolerated. If need be, stringent action
 including everything known about their   British TV broadcaster, said the com-  will be taken”.
 personal traits and political persuasions.  pany has used other dubious methods in
 The Indians hooked to Facebook   projects worldwide — including honey           

 Tehelka / 15 april 2018  38  Tehelka / 15 april 2018  39

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