Page 15 - 31JAN2020E4
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rather the raw milk. The survey further showed that In raw milk, proportion of fat and solids not fat (SNF)
many samples had residues of antibiotics above the varies widely by species and depends on breed as well
permissible limits. Amongst the top three States with as quality of feed and fodder.
highest levels of aflatoxin M1 residues are Madhya Cattle must be properly fed and good farm practic-
Pradesh (23 out of 335 samples), Maharashtra (9 out es must be adopted to improve the amount of fat and
of 678 samples) and UP (8 out of 729 samples). SNF in milk. Thus, low fat and SNF for these reasons
The survey has shown that about 41 per cent sam- or due to dilution of milk with water in understood.
ples, though safe, fall short of one or another quality Non-compliance on account of fat and SNF in stand-
parameter or standard. There is non-compliance on ardized and processed milk is however surprising.
account of low fat or low SNF (solids not fat), two key The report was finalized after detailed discussions
quality parameters both in raw and processed milk. with stakeholders. It was discussed and accepted in