Page 7 - 31MAY2019E
P. 7

/tehelka      @tehelka

                     excesses of political parties,   the Rafale fighter aircraft deal   posts for possible terror strikes
                     especially those of the ruling   submitted by petitioners. Taking   on India.
                     party, is unacceptable.      shelter under the guise of ‘sensi-             r SiVakumar
                       It did not move to take note   tivity of documents’ is no ground
                     of the explicit oversteps of the   to cover wrongdoings.  The strikes have also exposed
                     ruling party until it was rapped   The Prime Minister’s Office   the political fault lines in the
                     on the knuckles by the Supreme   (PMO) seems to have created a   island nation. The Sri Lankan
                     Court. Even after being remind-  fait accompli for the Ministry of   President should set aside any
                     ed of its own powers, it did not   Defence (MoD). For argument’s   lingering tensions, if any, with
                     find it fit to act. The Model Code   sake, if we take that the PMO was   the Prime Minister and develop
                     of Conduct exists only on paper.   indeed monitoring progress, it   a working relationship with
                     The EC should reinvent its role.  brings two points to the fore.   him in taking concerted steps to
                                   Dr DVG Sankararao  First, the PMO has shown its   correct the security situation. Si-
                                                  lack of faith in the competency   multaneously, the investigation
                     President shall ensure       of the MoD. Second, why does   into the blasts should be speeded
                     impartiality in CJI case     the PMO not monitor other    up, possibly enlisting the help of
                     With reference to the editorial “CJI in the dock    ministries to the same level and   global agencies.
                     as allegations of sexual harassment surface”    extent? Selective monitoring   koSaraju ChanDramouli
                     by Charanjit Ahuja
                     The readiness of the Supreme   of the MoD raises questions on
                     Court Special Bench to take at   the intent of the incumbent   Alda’s role in promoting
                     face value the conspiracy theory   government.            science is immeasurable
                     advanced by a lawyer even be-                Deepak SinGhal  Like many I was saddened
                     fore verifying the bonafides of                           to hear that American actor,
                     the affidavit submitted by him is   In the Supreme Court, Congress   director, screenwriter, come-
                     baffling.                    president Rahul Gandhi has   dian and author Alan Alda has
                       While no one is guilty unless   reportedly expressed ‘regret’   Parkinson’s disease. I was also
                     proved, it is not proper for the   over his “chowkidar chor hai”   saddened that he felt it was
                     judges who are going to decide   remark, explaining it as com-  necessary to discuss an issue
                     on the case to attribute motives   ments made “in the heat of   that many may keep private
                     to the act of the complainant till   political campaigning”. Thanks   because as he said, “I thought, it’s
                     the legal process is completed.   to his flippant remarks against   probably only a matter of time
                       Since the case involves the   political adversaries off and on,   before somebody does a story
                     CJI, why can’t the President, who   Mr. Gandhi has become the butt   about this from a sad point of
                     administers the oath of office   of several jokes, especially on the   view, but that’s not where I am.”
                     to the CJI, take a call to ensure   social media. He needs to keep   In times of illness and passing
                     impartial conduct of the case?  watch over what he says.  we should consider the theme of
                                     V Subramanian                   pG menon  his message and concentrate on
                                                                               the positives in life
                                                  Lanka must have taken          Most will know him for his
                     The Constitution of the panel
                     is against the basic tenets of   attack warnings seriously  acting in MASH as a brilliant,
                     natural justice. Instead of ensur-  The deadly serial bomb blasts   trouble making doctor although
                     ing that an inquiry is conducted   that have devastated Sri Lanka   his role in West Wing as a
                     by retired judges, the court has   pose a huge challenge to those in   brilliant potential President is
                     decided to appoint a panel com-  charge of our safety and security.   well worth watching. His real
                     prising its senior-most judges,   It is baffling that the island na-  brilliance is however as a story
                     including future CJIs, to examine   tion did not take warnings about   teller and his contributions to
                     the case. This type of judicial   a possible terror attack seriously   science in this role at the Alan
                     action will create a sense of   enough.                   Alda Center for Communicating
                     hopelessness among the people.  It is even more baffling that   Science. There are many who
                                      C SambaSiVam  the Sri Lankan Prime Minister   can tell a story well but few tell
                                                  has claimed that he wasn’t   stories of importance so well.
                     Selective monitoring of      ‘informed’ well in advance about   Science is better off because of
                     MoD raises questions         the intelligence alert. Perhaps   him as there is a need for clear
                     The government appears to    a new worry for Indian intel-  communication in a world of
                     be doggedly challenging the   ligence agencies is of countries   fake news and fake science.
                     admissibility of documents on   in the region becoming staging-         DenniS FitzGeralD

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