Page 62 - 31MAY2019E
P. 62

A little poop goes

                                 A long wAy in AntArcticA

                  ntil recently, human beings   The nitrogen-rich droppings   an “ideal natural laboratory” to study
                  were unable to under-   from colonies of cute penguins   the relationship between nutrients
                  stand how organisms cope                                and biodiversity because of the
                  with Antarctica’s severe   and seals play key role in   simplicity of the overall food web, in
         U drought and the coldest        sustaining life on the continent,   contrast to other parts of the world
         conditions on the planet. Now every-                             where ecosystems were far more com-
         one is amazed when it has been found   finds  tehelka bureau     plex. But the study also underscored
         that the nitrogen-rich droppings from                            how interconnected the continent’s
         colonies of cute penguins and seals   Braving bitter temperatures, the   ecosystem was — and therefore its
         play key role in it.             researchers waded through fields of   vulnerability to human activity.
           In other words, the fetid waste of   animal waste - not to mention hordes   All countries working on the conti-
         penguins and elephant seals helps   of clamoring elephant seals and gen-  nent are subject to the Antarctic Treaty
         spread nutrients across surprisingly   too, chinstrap, and Adelie penguins —   System, which obliges them to protect
         large areas of Antarctica. This fertilizer   to examine the surrounding soils and   its wildlife, but Bokhorst said the study
         traveled nearly as far as a kilometer   plants using infrared gas analyzers   showed “if you start poking at one end
         past the edges of their active outposts,   that measured their respiration.  it will have an effect at the other end.”
         floating on the chilled Antarctic winds.  Samples brought back and exam-  “You need to keep a good eye that
           In areas where the poop wafted,   ined in labs revealed that there were   you’re not overfishing the oceans so
         tiny creatures such as mites, spring-  millions of tiny invertebrates per   you’re not harming food supplies, oth-
         tails (sometimes called snow fleas), and   square meter because of the lack of   erwise you’re going to have an impact
         other microscopic critters were two   predators in their environment - un-  for biodiversity,” he said.
         to five times more abundant than in   like in European on American grass-  The peninsula’s vibrant inverte-
         areas less fecally blessed, according to   lands, where the number may typically   brate communities face few predators,
         a paper in Current Biology.      be between 50,000 and 100,000.  but the advent of tourism means there
           The new study published by the   “The more animals we get, the   is an increasing chance people could
         journal has discovered that the influ-  larger the footprint there is, and we’re   bring seeds or even insects with them.
         ential excrement supported thriving   finding higher diversity in those sites,”   The discovery may help researchers
         communities of mosses and lichens,   Bokhorst told AFP, emphasising that   keep a close eye on these fragile and
         which in turn sustained vast numbers   species’ richness was linked less with   remote ecosystems without braving
         of microscopic animals like springtails   how cold or dry the region was and   Antarctica’s extreme landscape.Tiny
         and mites for more than one 1,000   more to the nutrients added by the   mites and snow fleas might seem small
         meters beyond the colony.        excrement.                      to us, but they dominate terrestrial life
           “What we see is that the poo pro-  Ultimately, the research allowed the   in Antarctica.
         duced by seals and penguins partly   team to map the hotspots across the   It’s a tough life, and unlike the visit-
         evaporates as ammonia,” said co-au-  Antarctic Peninsula, finding penguin   ing birds and mammals, they can’t
         thor Stef Bokhorst from the Depart-  colonies to be a proxy for biodiversity.   exactly venture into the nutrient-rich
         ment of Ecological Sciences at Vrije   The maps can be updated in the future   water around the continent for a quick
         Universiteit Amsterdam. “Then, the   using satellite imagery to determine   bite.
         ammonia gets picked up by the wind   the size and location of breeding   But near their colony, elephant seals
         and is blown inland, and this makes   colonies, freeing future scientists   and penguins deliver marine takeout
         its way into the soil and provides the   from having to conduct treacherous   to these hardy invertebrates.
         nitrogen that primary producers need   fieldwork.
         in order to survive in this landscape.”  For Bokhorst, Antarctica presented

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