Page 33 - 31MAY2019E
P. 33
general elections
is not finding enough elbow room for quite a statement of permanent rel- and worse at Nitish Kumar’s end, the
his political ideas, although he is still in evance. This comes from the architect history will be also not kinder to him
action but his adversaries are count- of campaign that resulted favourable for letting down the moral-social con-
ing on the ‘real power’ which is not gain for Modi in 2014, and disillusioned struct by not acting hard on dirty souls
backing up his high-profile induction with ‘politics of hype’, he sums up the who acted badly in Muzaffarpur shelter
in party. While he was seen by many changed ‘realpolitik’ of India. case and series of other unfortunate
as political successor of Nitish Kumar, A public health professional who incidents in Bihar’s recent past. Before
Nitish himself attributed his induction served UN for years, Prashant Kishor falling down further, he must recall
into the party majorly influenced by was and is a remarkable political en- the differently lived better times and
the BJP National President Amit Shah’s trant in Indian politics. By believing admit his failure in changing Bihar’s
insistence in Kishor’s favour. Notice- in beauty of delegation, Nitish Kumar political, social and economic funda-
ably, Nitish was once wary of any public could have set a positive precedent by mentals beyond tokenism and think for
recognition with his association with fielding Kishor at right place. His mar- course-correction.
Modi-Shah duo! ginalization for petty motives of few old His new political partners can think
In an interview on 11 November 2018, guards in JD (U) is glaring example of well of them, they can’t think the same
Kishor made it point as a pragmatic party’s undemocratic working culture. way for well-being of Nitish Kumar
thinker. Without undermining Nitish The state is in need of positive politi- whose political DNA is still different. To
Kumar’s position in Bihar politics, he cal interventions, but JD (U) leadership stop the decay of Bihar’s political tradi-
praised Lalu Yadav and suggested dis- is now relying on ‘lexicon and gram- tion, he should give a chance to his in-
pute resolution on Ayodhya through mar of politics’ which are alien to the ner call that hopefully would be saner
Supreme Court verdict instead any progressive ideas and action. Prashant than his political decisions taken of late!
kind of political activism. Strikingly, Kishor’s marginalization is pitiful but
he voiced it too, “Modi is a big leader, hardly shocking since ‘politics of hype’ Atul K Thakur is a New Delhi-based
but generating 2014-style hype again augurs well for few only. Of late, he was writer with special interest in South Asian
is hard.” and is a profession. An existence that affairs. Views expressed are his own.
If not having a compulsion or zest can be ignored and forgotten!
for keeping ‘selective memory’, this is Beyond how politics went good, bad
Tehelka / 31 may 2019 33