Page 42 - 31DEC2019E-4
P. 42
tehelka bureau
Some states achieve
maternal mortality
rate before target
any states in India have statement in the Lok Sabha on Decem- India. This decline is important as it
achieved the distinc- ber 13, 2019 that there were a number translates to nearly 2000 additional
tion of achieving the of states in India that had achieved the pregnant women saved annually.
Maternal Mortality Rate distinction of achieving the target of Indeed, India seems on track to
M (MMR) target before the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). achieving even the Sustainable Devel-
year 2020. The states include Andhra Further enquiries reveal that Ma- opment Goal (SDG) target for reduc-
Pradesh, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Har- ternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) of India ing MMR by 2025, five years ahead of
yana and Gujarat. The Minister of State has declined by 8 points in one year as timeline of 2030. The states doing par-
(Health and Family Welfare), Ashwini per the latest Special Bulletin on MMR ticularly well in this regard are Kerala,
Kumar Choubey confirmed in a brief released by the Registrar General of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra