Page 34 - 31DEC2018E
P. 34
Associate Journal • Double trouble Haryana’s ex-CM Bhupinder ed Solanki on the recommendations
Haryana government had suspend-
Hooda is in trouble for re-allotting a plot to AJL
of the Chief Administrator of HSVP, J
case returns to gress high command for re-allotment Ganeshan and AK Singh, Commissioner
of the HSVP. Ganeshan has been shifted
from the department. Both Ganeshan
of the plot. Hooda re-allotted the plot
and Singh have described Solanki’s
at an old rate of 1982 although with in-
haunt Bhupinder terest. In the meantime, Manohar Lal action in re-allotment of show-rooms
as illegal.
became the chief minister and the gov-
ernment referred the case to the State
Solanki, however, got stay against
his suspension from Punjab and
Vigilance Bureau which registered a
Singh Hooda case against Hooda. After that, the gov- Haryana Govt. arguing that his ac -
tion was on basis of the letter writ -
ernment transferred the case to CBI
and recently, the Haryana Governor,
ten by the headquarter. However, on
Satyadev Narayan Arya, had accorded
sanction for prosecution of Hooda in the recommendations of Ganeshan,
showrooms in question have been
the case which is mandatory according resumed by the department thus sav-
Bhupinder Hooda had described the case as totally politically to the new law as Hooda being a public ing twenty crores as showrooms
motivated adding that plot was re-allotted by charging interest, servant. It is alleged that Bhupinder Sin- were re-allotted at the old price of
gh Hooda had re-allotted the plot at Rs
one crore whereas, the market price of
writes PAWAN KUMAR BANSAL fifty-nine lakhs where the market value
at that time was Rs. twenty-two crores
hile Haryana govern- able. A copy of 746 issue of the paper, still no action has been taken. When approached for comments, thus causing huge loss to the exchequer. Six out of the seven
ment has moved with dated 26th May 2018 was displayed on Dalal told Tehelka, “Prime plot was Rajiv Jain, media adviser of chief min- Moreover, even the legal opinion was stories of the building
jet speed in what is the notice board. allotted for running newspaper but ister Manohar Lal told that he was not sought by the government was not in
known as Associate This exposed the double standard of instead publishing any newspaper, the aware of the facts of the case and was favour of re-allotment. have been rented
W Journal case (AJL) for the Haryana government in dealing the building had been given on rent against busy in some social function. However, Bhupinder Hooda had described
registering a case against former Har- similar cases. While Bhupinder Hooda rules. During the year 2007-08, when Raman Malik, party’s spokesman told the case as totally politically motivat- out to India Bulls, a
yana chief minister Bhupinder Hooda is bete noire of BJP and had launched I in my capacity of the chairperson of that although he was not aware of the ed adding that plot was re-allotted by real estate company
for re-allotting a plot to AJL, for publi- a campaign in the state against vari- the estimate committee of Haryana facts of the case at this moment, he charging interest.
cation of a newspaper, it is maintaining ous acts of commission and commis- Assembly had visited the site and found assured to talk with the officer con- owned by Narender
a studied silence in a similar case of al- sion of Haryana government, headed that no newspaper was being published cerned He, however, assured that the Gurugram showroom re-allotment Gehlot and Sammer
lotment of a prime plot allotted to Jan by Manohar Lal, Haryana government from there. Also, the site was rented to government will get the issue exam- case
Sewa Trust in Gurugram for setting up has a soft corner for Om Parkash Chau- India Bulls company. Dalal demanded ined and definitely take action accord- In the AJL case, the Haryana govern- Gehlot at a hefty
high-tech printing press for publishing tala for obvious reasons. Firebrand that Haryana government should im- ing to law. ment initially ordered a probe by the amount of rent
newspaper. Krishan Kumar setter of the Congress MLA Karan Dalal, who in his mediately resume the plot for violations State Vigilance and later the case was
trust registered at Delhi is stated to be a capacity of the chairperson of the esti- of term and conditions of the allotment. What is AJL case? referred to CBI for investigations, but in
close relative of former Haryana chief mate committee of the Haryana assem- Ran Singh Maan, spokesman of Associated Journals Limited publisher a similar case which is more serious in today is around Twenty crores. Highly
minister, Om Prakash Chautala. bly had investigated the matter a dec- Haryana Pradesh Congress Commit- of newspaper National Herald was al- nature, Estate officer of Haryana Shahri placed sources told Tehelka that PR Dev,
Tehelka investigations reveal that ade ago and recommended appropriate tee told Tehelka that in fact, the gov- lotted a plot measuring 3360 square Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) Gurugram, DG Vigilance is sitting over file seeking
no printing press is functioning and action in accordance with the law, but ernment needs to take action against meters by Haryana Urban Develop- Mukesh Solanki, had re-allotted three his permission for inquiring the matter.
no newspaper is being printed from Jan Sewa Trust for using the property ment Authority which has been now showrooms at Gurugram which were There is feeling in official circles that
the building constructed on the plot No printing press is as commercial whereas, it was allotted named as Haryana Sahari Vikas Pra- resumed in 1998 for non-payment in this case should also be referred to CBI
in the prime location of Udyog Vihar, for publication of the newspaper. Maan dhikaran in 1982 at Panchkula. Ac - 2018 at old price of 1998. The Haryana which is inquiring Associate Journals
Gurugram. In fact, six out of the seven functioning and no further told that the Haryana Urban cording to the terms of allotment, the government is not giving permission Ltd case as both are of similar nature.
stories of the building have been rented newspaper is being Development Authority Act clearly pro- company was to start construction to the Vigilance Bureau for the probe. Role of office of Chief Minister is also
out to India Bulls, a real estate company vides for such a definite step for resum- within six months and complete it in Solanki who was earlier suspended has under cloud in the case as the represen-
owned by Narender Gehlot and Sam- printed from the ing estate property and action should two years. When AJL failed to construct got stay on his suspension from Punjab tation of affected party for considera-
mer Gehlot at a hefty amount of rent. have been dully taken. the building H.U.D.A, had resumed it in and Haryana High court on the ground tion of their case for re-allotment was
Only a skeleton office has been set up building constructed Talking about Associate Journals 1992 and AJL ’s appeal was also turned that he had re-allotted the showrooms forwarded to H.S.V.P,authorities by the
on its sixth floor where few employees on the plot in the Limited case, Maan told that discrimi- down by the department in 1995. on directions of senior officers. office of C.M ignoring the fact that party
were present watching television. Even nation has been done by selecting for Meanwhile, an appeal was made to This is more serious as the party had lost case in various courts.Rajesh
the copy of the weekly newspaper, prime location adverse action and thereafter lodg- then chief minister Bhupinder Hooda concerned has lost the case in courts. Khullar,P.S. of C.M, told that he was duty
Jansandesh, which the trust publishes of Udyog Vihar, ing of F.I.R ignoring the precious role in his capacity as chairman of H.U.D.A. Solanki told Tehelka that he had done bound to forward any representation
was not available in the office, whereas, played by National Herald during the Hooda took over as chief minister in it on the basis of a letter written by the received by him.
about twenty newspapers were avail- Gurugram freedom struggle. 2005 and he was pressurized by Con- Head office (copy of letter attached). LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
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