Page 9 - 30NOV2019EA
P. 9


         Does the Lord want

         women in Sabarimala?

                 housands of devotees  Few in the South claim that the presiding deity in the Sabarimala
                 swarmed Sabarimala tem-
                 ple, located in Pathan-  Temple does not want females in his vicinity and devotees are
                 amthitta district, Kerala,  keeping the wish of the deity alive, reports pari saikia
         T when it opened its gates for
         the annual Mandala-Makaravilakku   South India are the one creating a con-  age and dismay the devotees who have
         festival on November 17. The festi-  troversy since they don’t understand   a reason to visit this place,” Madhusud-
         val will go on for two months. Heavy    the customs and history surround-  hanan says.
         security has been deployed outside the   ing Sabarimala or southern region”,   On the protest led by some women
         temple in the backdrop of the ongoing   one devotee says, “Otherwise, women    on their ban inside the temple he says,
         controversy on whether the temple   devotees too do not want the age-old   “There are some people who want
         should break its ancient rituals to allow   tradition to be revoked at any cost.”  to be branded as rebels, they want to
         women inside its premises.         KV Madhusudhanan, former IGP   question everything in the society. We
           Nevertheless, women devotees were   from Kerala, a devotee of Lord Ayyap-  should let them do, as the democracy
         not sighted among the thousands who   pa, maintains that there are suitable   allows it. There are innumerable tem-
         gathered for the congregation at the   places where we can promote women   ples of Lord Ayyappa across the coun-
         Lord Ayyappa temple amid vehement   empowerment and gender equality. He   try, so protesting only here doesn’t
         protests by women activists.     said that all women in the society have   really matter.”
           Unaware of the tradition that bars   been wholeheartedly supporting the   He says altering the tradition will
         the entry of women inside Sabarimala,   tradition and welcoming it, and that it   take away the essence of the place, and
         10 women tried to visit the temple on   was unnecessary for outsiders to come   it will exude the same aura for the dev-
         November 16 but were sent back from   and create a controversy.  otees. It will then be like just any other
         Pamba after police warned them of the   “I want to ask all those people pro-  place, he adds.
         temple’s age-old rituals.        testing if allowing women in the temple   Another Lord Ayyappa devotee from
           Tehelka spoke to multiple eminent   will help end the problems of gender   Kerala, Shivshankar, who is a financial
         devotees (mostly men) of Lord Ayyappa   disparity in our society? This place is   manger, says he strongly opposes the
         to find out why people are opposing   unique and attracts millions of peo-  Supreme Court verdict of September
         to the entry of women in Sabarimala   ple because of these special traditions,   2018 as the decision was purely based
         and on what grounds. Of course, the   tampering with the rules will discour-  on gender equality, giving zero impor-
         devotees defended the rituals of the                             tance to faith and religious belief, which
         temple baring women of certain age-                              has been the tradition for centuries and
         group inside its premises. In fact, when  The Supreme Court      should have been respected.
         interviewed, both men and women   asks the Kerala                   “The situation became more worse
         from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra                               when the women who tried to enter
         Pradesh claimed that it is the wish of   government to come      were not even Lord Ayyappa devotees,
         the presiding deity in the Sabarimala                            and they were supported by the Left
         Temple to not have women in his vi- out with an exclusive        government. But this is not surprising,
         cinity because Lord Ayyappa left the   legislation regarding     because it is this government which
         worldly desires to observe celibacy for                          had filed a PIL (in 2008) supporting the
         life. And the devotees are just keeping  the administration of   entry of women without understand-
         the wish of the deity alive.     the Sabarimala temple.          ing the faith of the Kerala Hindus. It’s
           There seems to be unanimous opin-                              good now they have realised this and
         ion amongst the devotees who state  The state has been           reverted their stand. In the parliament
         that the controversy has been blown   told to place before it    election, they faced a huge defeat. So
         out of proportion, and that the tradition                        clearly, fundamental rights, faith and
         had nothing to do with disempowering  the legislation by third   politics should not be mixed, Shivs-
         women.                           week of January 2020            hankar says.
           “People who do not belong from                                    “The Kerala women who are not the
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