Page 7 - 30NOV2019EA
P. 7
by the system? Why can’t those leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi nents of finance, HR, marketing
responsible shed their political by US forces in Syria, that was would need a lead minister
egos and do something to miti- announced by US President and a capable team to shape a
gate our sufferings? Donald Trump on Sunday, has competitive and progressive
Why can’t our legislatures, dealt a big blow to one of world’s company. This team should not
be it Parliament or state as- deadliest terror groups. But it only be able to win back the
semblies, discuss and deliberate would be premature to conclude lost clientele but also leverage
the issue on a priority basis and that the death of the IS leader changing technology to attract
suggest a way out? Why does had signalled its end. new adherents. There has to
the Supreme Court need to step While the persistent military be an independent and profes-
in in a matter that is purely in onslaught by the US and its allies sional board at the helm with
the realm of administrative and also others had annihilated technology and marketing as its
capability? And finally, when IS in Syria and Iraq where its main remit.
would our governments wake writ ran large once, it had spread R NARAYANAN
up from deep slumber and think its wings through franchisees,
about resolving this menacing affiliates and sympathisers in First and foremost, the govern-
problem? several parts of the globe with its ment must state whether the
Democracy is all about decentralised power structure. aim of the merger is to make
discussion and dialogue. But our Recent attacks in Afghani- the entity profitable or is it to
democratically elected govern- stan, Sri Lanka and Libya by the extend the telecom services to
ments are shying away from IS and its sympathisers reminds every nook and corner of the
meaningful engagement to the world of their capabilities to country — even inaccessible and
find a solution to the problem. unleash mayhem on the ground. non-profitable locations.
Hopefully with judicial interven- Given the fact that IS has If the answer to the ques-
tion and pressure from the repeatedly reconstituted itself tion is to make the organisation
civic society, the authorities after several of its leaders were profit-oriented, the following
would become more responsi- killed in the past and the more steps should also be considered.
ble, bury their egos and tackle diffused model it has adopted First, the government should
the issue. over the years, one could not permit the shut-down of around
SANJEEV KUMAR SINGH help but conclude that interna- 13,000 telephone exchanges in
tional community cannot lower rural areas that are incurring
I am surprised that no one has its guard and fight the menace of a loss of 3 lakh on an average
put forward the idea of convert- IS until it is fully eliminated from per month. Else, 100 per cent
ing rice stubbles into heat-com- the ground. compensation must be allowed.
pacted wooden boards that can M JEYARAM Second, the BSNL management
be used as walls by the poor in must function independently
constructing their own houses. Only a capable team can without any hindrance.
It is a widely used technology in handle MTNL-BSNL merger Third, allow BSNL to partici-
the West. You can improve the With reference to the online report “In revival pate in the auction of spectrum,
urban physical environment plan for MTNL and BSNL, Union Cabinet approves adhering to all the terms and
in-principle merger of two” by Tehelka WebDesk
and also improve shelter for the (October 23) conditions, such as repayment
poor. The new policy direction of the holidays, applicable to private
I am sure many would like to government should not come operators. Also allow the com-
finance such a project of conver- as a surprise. Considering the pany to choose the circles that
sion for the sake of common government has gone in for an are profitable.
good. I wonder if anyone has amalgamated public telecom, it If the government’s aim is
considered the idea. I also saw a must be taken as an acid test for to have a strong arm to protect
similar proposal from the US to the acumen of the government telecom customers from exploi-
study the possibility in Bhatinda. and its bureaucracy. This might tation, monopoly and pressure
SALEM SETHURAMAN set a new tone and direction in tactics from private operators
the emancipated governance and to fulfill the dream of digital
Eliminate IS fully of public sector undertakings in India, then it should not be so
from the ground future. keen on profitability. Some
With reference to the report “Baghdadi is The entire exercise for install- balance, without burdening tax
dead, but not his ideology” by Tehelka Bureau ing a model commercial entity, payers, is welcome.
(November 12)
The killing of Islamic State(IS) with many differing compo- VENU KP