Page 42 - 30NOV2019E
P. 42


         Six decades old IITK gears up                    spective fields. The presence   mitment to the welfare of              razy old man”.     Baghdadi is dead,                             Jahromi reminded US about
                                                                                                                                 This is how IS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that when he tweeted after
                                                          of Dr. Krishnamurthy V.
         to revolutionize treatment                       Subramanian, Chief Eco-  cadre, Vikas Vaibhav too was                  spokesman       but not his ideology                             the IS head’s death: ‘Not a
                                                                                     A police officer of Bihar
                                                          nomic Advisor to the Union
                                                                                                                                                                                                  big deal, you just killed your
                                                                                                                                 described US
                                                          Government, reaffirmed the   honoured with Satyrendra         C President Donald                                                        creature.’ Iran holds the US
         IIT Kanpur plans to march towards a new field    resolve of the present dis-  K. Dubey Memorial Award,          Trump after he announced                                                 and its allies responsible for
                                                                                  who is trying to improve
                                                          pensation that the country
                                                                                                                                                                                                  creating the IS, a throwback
                                                                                                                         Baghdadi died “like a dog” in
         with the Department of Biological Science        needs technocrats to be on   the confidence level among        a televised address from the   IS has warned US that its supporters will avenge   to America’s unstinted
         and Bio engineering in its bid to revolutionize   the driving seat of the apex   the public about the much-     White House. In an audio    the leader’s death, reports tehelka bureau   support to the mujahideen
                                                          of the administration.   tainted police force of Bihar.        message, the new IS spokes-                                              during the almost decade-
         treatment of patients, writes gopal misra
                                                            Among the notables was   Satyendra Dubey was as-             man warned the US that the   gloating in glory.  captured in 2003, but was   long Soviet-Afghan war.
                                                          Dr. Ram B. MIsra, a re-  sassinated by the contractor          group’s supporters would   This is how the drama   released about a year later   In the past, Baghdadi has
             t was on the 61st   the occasion were Prof   searcher and management   mafia in Bihar.                      avenge Baghdadi’s death.  unfolded. President Donald   as his captors thought he   risen like phoenix so when
             foundation day that   Abhay Karandikar, Direc-  teacher, who has served as   Others honored on this           “Do not rejoice America,”   Trump watched the raid   was a ‘civilian agitator   the Islamic State jihadist
             the premier institute   tor IITK; Sandeep Verma,   Executive Director at the   occasion included Professor   the spokesman warned, “the   in real time via a video link   rather than a military   group confirmed the death
             announced forays into   Secretary Science and En-  Bell Labs and Bell Commu-  Rajesh Gopkumar, Profes-      new chosen one will make   as troops blasted into the   threat’. Little doubt that Ira-  of its leader in a statement
         I a new field. The re-  gineering Research Board   nication Research founded   sor Ajit Rastogi, Professor      you forget the horror you   hideout and sent the most-  nian information minister   and named his replacement
         search focus of the proposed  (SERB) and Ajay Kumar,   by Founded by Alexander   Nitash Balsara, Dinesh         have beholden... and make   wanted militant running the   Mohammad Javad Azari-  as Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi
         centre would on three main   Defence Secretary, among   Graham Bell in the 1870s.   Kumar Jain, Ravindra Kumar   the achievements of the                                                 al-Quraishi, it was finally
         areas: (a) Regenerative   other dignitaries. Rahul                                                              Baghdadi days taste sweet”.                                              confirmed that Baghdadi
         Medicine, catering to Stem   Mehta created the family                                                           Baghdadi’s killing came just                                             was no more. Little is known
         Cell Engineering., Scaffold   foundation in 1998 with the                                                       weeks after US President                                                 about Hashimi, whose name
         Engineering, Growth Factor   objective of empowering                                                            Donald Trump announced                                                   was seldom mentioned as
         Engineering and Immuno-  people through philan-                                                                 the withdrawal of forces                                                 a possible successor the
         Engineering (b) Molecular   thropic activities focused                                                          from northern Syria. For                                                 multiple times that Bagh-
         Medicine, comprising    on education, children, and                                                             sure, Islamic State (IS) chief                                           dadi was reported killed in
         Genome Engineering,     healthcare. The foundation                                                              Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, one                                                recent years.
         Precision Medicine, Drug   has also funded the creation                                                         of the world’s most-wanted                                                 “We mourn you... com-
         Discovery and Neuro-    of the School of Biosciences                                                            terrorists, is no more now                                               mander of the faithful,” said
         Engineering., and (c) Digital   at the Indian Institute of                                                      and he blew himself up                                                   Abu Hamza al-Quraishi
         Medicine, for Software-as-a-  Technology in Chennai.                                                            along with three of his                                                  — presented as the jihadist
         therapy, Digital Diagnostics   The IITK has engaged                                                             children.                                                                group’s new spokesman
         and Computational Drug   a renowned architectural                                                                 Baghdadi is dead, but                                                  — in an audio statement.
         Discovery. Each of these   firm, Akshaya Jain and As-                                                           the ideology of sectarian                                                Baghdadi, who led IS since
         areas has been chosen by   sociates, which has created                                                          hatred he propagated is                                                  2014 and was the world’s
         the Institute as they are   many IIT buildings and cam-                                                         well and truly alive. Despite                                            most wanted man, was
         expected to revolutionize   puses in the country and                                                            the reversals, the jihadist                                              killed in a US special forces
         the way medicine would be   also a Buddhist temple in   • Learning lot Over 7,500 are    Dhariwal, Ajeet Singh, Arun   movement remains a potent   last steps of his life. Within   Trump deserves   raid in Syria’s northwestern
         practiced in future.    China. The architects com-  getting education At IIT Kanpur  Seth and Manu Prakash.     force as it has managed to   hours, al-Baghdadi was   credit for         province of Idlib. The seven
           The much-awaited first   prising father Akshya and                     These luminaries excelled in           establish a cyber caliphate   dead. The stout, bearded                   minute message said “The
         initiative in the country   son Kshitij have a unique                    entrepreneurship, research             that runs beyond borders. IS   militant leader wore a   destroying       Islamic State shura council
         began on November 2, 2019,   blending of energy with   The Bell Labs has nearly   and civil services too. The   teachings are spreading fast   suicide vest and dragged   Islamic State’s   convened immediately after
         when the Union Minister for   experience and are affiliated   33,000 patents to its credit.   foundation day will also be   online.     along three children as he                       confirming the martyrdom
         Human Resource Devel-   with Indian Green Building   He is currently professor of   remembered for Ramesh         Indeed, the US, which   fled from the American   so-called             of Sheikh Abu Bakr al-
         opment (HRD) Ramesh     Council (IGBC).          management at the reputed   Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ who            had offered a $25-million   troops. Trump said that   ‘caliphate’,       Baghdadi, also announced
         Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ and    During the Foundation   Montclair State University,   was being criticized for sup-  reward for his capture, has   “He reached the end of the                 his replacement. Is it dead
         Rahul Mehta, a New York-  Day celebrations, the IITK   New Jersey, USA. Another   porting studies in astrology   every reason to feel elated   tunnel, as our dogs chased   which at its   end or an opportunity for IS
         based philanthropist and   honoured a galaxy of former   recipient of this award is   promised full support to the   over Baghdadi’s death. US   him down,” “ignited his vest,           to rebuild and make fresh
         founder of the Mehta Family   sholars. Apart from Naga-  New York-based Rakesh, a   IITK mission. Pokharial, on   President, Donald Trump,   killing himself and the three  zenith occupied   territorial gains? That is a big
         Foundation, laid the founda-  vara Ramarao Narayana   1978 pass out, has success-  this occasion also welcomed   in particular, has received   children.” The special forces   territory in   question. The IS has become
         tion stone and unveiled the   Murthy (Popularly known   fully brought many IITians   and felicitated those who   a shot in the arm at a time   had come prepared and had                 a big Jihadi outfit and Bagh-
         model for the new research   as Narayan Murthy), who   under one umbrella and   were present and made a         when he is facing an im-  brought along samples of   Iraq and Syria      dadi’s death may be more
         building ‘Mehta Family   founded the INFOSYS , the   raised funds for promoting   name in various fields.       peachment inquiry in the   al-Baghdadi’s DNA. “It was   roughly the size   than symbolic.
         Center for Engineering in   IITK honoured many others   the concept of the philophy                             US House of Representa-  him,” Trump said.
         Medicine’. Also present on   who excelled in their re-  of the institute and its com-      tives. America is indeed   Baghdadi was earlier   of Great Britain     

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