Page 26 - 30JUNE2019E
P. 26

Slowdown hitting across

           all sections of economy but

                    growth sparks remain

                   ll PSU banks, infra, auto, en- Second time ever in Independent   vestment and muted exports were some
                   ergy, FMCG, metal, and phar-  India’s history, a government   reasons for the slowdown.
                   ma indices have gained at
                   bourses in recent times but   with a clear majority has   FMCG sector
          A data points to an economic     returned to power consecutively   The  March  quarter  result  of  India’s
          slowdown across sectors. The Society of                         FMCG companies was one of the first
          Indian Automobile Manufacturers has   for another term. The stock   signs of stress. Hindustan Unilever’s vol-
          reported Domestic sales of cars, com-  market has given the mandate   ume growth was 7 per cent, a worrying
          mercial vehicles and two-wheelers in   a thumbs-up but a slowdown   dip from the comfortable double-digit
          April down vis-à-vis corresponding peri-                        growth it had recorded in the preced-
          od last year. The decline of almost 16 per-  is hitting across all sections of   ing five quarters. Dabur India reported
          cent in total automobile industry sales   Indian economy, writes suMan  a growth of only 4 per cent while Godrej
          is an indication that consumer demand                           Consumer Products’ domestic branded
          across markets urban and rural, institu-                        business volumes barely grew at 1 per
          tional and individual across length and   in March 2019 from the 14.1 per cent pace  cent. According to Nielsen data, the
          breadth of the country is melting down.  in March 2018.         growth in the FMCG sector slowed to 13.6
            Car sales were down 20 per cent and   Correspondingly, the manufacturing,   per cent in the first three months of 2019,
          there is no stimulus to jack up the sales.   which has a weight of almost 78 per cent  compared to almost 16 per cent growth
          In 2018-2019, the annual industry sales   in the index, continues to slow down.   recorded in the last three months of 2018.
          growth was a positive 2.70 per cent, but   Overall, the sector’s growth slowed to 3.5  Economic data for the fourth quarter will
          10 out of the 17 companies that compete   per cent in 2018-19.   be out by the first week of June 2019 and
          for space on India’s roads posted nega-  The new government after May 23   most experts say that growth will be be-
          tive sales growth. In April 2019, the auto-  would have its task ready to repair the   tween 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent.
          mobile industry recorded its worst ever-  economy. India’s consumers are spend-  Rathin Roy, a member of the Prime
          monthly sales fall in nearly eight years.  ing less on everything from toothpaste to  Minister Economic Advisory Council, re-
            According to data put out by the Soci-  automobiles, sparking fears of a growth   cently sparked debate when he warned
          ety of Indian Automobile Manufacturers,  slowdown. In fact the last six months   that India could be headed for a “struc-
          passenger vehicle sales slumped to 2.47   have seen weak demand and lower sales  tural crisis” if the demand created by
          lakh in April 2019 versus 2.98 lakh in the  growth in key sectors. The recent crisis in  the 100-million or so people who sit at
          same month last year, a fall of 17 per cent.  the aviation sector has put the brakes on  the top of the country’s socio-economic
          The huge hike in insurance costs from   passenger traffic growth.  pyramid has begun to exhaust itself. We
          September has also gone against the   An assessment by State Bank of In-  are heading for a structural slowdown.
          sales acceleration.             dia’s research wing has noted that out   This is an early warning”. He further
                                          of 384 companies, more than 330 exhib-  said that “It means, in short, we will not
          The downtrend                   ited “negative growth in mid-line and   be South Korea. We will not be China.
          Similarly, the Index of Industrial Produc-  bottom-line” in 2018-19. The Finance   We will be in Brazil. We will be in South
          tion for March shows that output fell to   Ministry too admitted that economic   Africa. We will be a middle-income
          a 21-month low. The capital goods sector   growth had cooled slightly in 2018-19.   country with large numbers of people in
          shrank by 8.7 per cent in April and 8.9 per  The Finance ministry’s department of   poverty seeing rising crimes. In the his-
          cent in March. The output of consumer   economic affairs said in a report titled   tory of the world, countries have avoided
          durables fell 5.1 per cent from a year   ‘Monthly Economic Report’ for March   the middle-income trap but no country
          earlier, and growth in consumer non-  2019 that a declining growth of private   once in it, has been able to get out of this.”
          durables production slid to 0.3 per cent   consumption, weak increase in fixed in-  In fact, almost every macro and the

                                            Tehelka / 30 june 2019  26
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