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present the customary Econom- accessible. His tenure as Union Don’t make Universal Basic
ic Survey and the controversy Defence Minister will remain Income an escape route
around unemployment data etched in our minds. In the end, With reference to the report “India must now go
reflect badly on the government. George Fernandes was simple to for Universal Basic Income” by Charanjit Ahuja
(February 28, 2017)
Manohar aleMbath the core and always accessible Universal Basic Income makes
to the common man. It would be for good politics, but bad
Many within the BJP are well no exaggeration to call him the economics. And it is almost
aware that even with a flood of poor man’s politician. sickening that the rhetoric of
promises, most people are not r Sekar eliminating poverty makes the
going to believe them as the rounds every election year, even
ruling party has been unable to It can be rightly said that he was decades after Independence.
fulfil any of its significant and the last true socialist leader our Instead of a dole for the poor,
earlier promises. country has produced. He was the state must empower them
The fact is that the BJP did not also a self-made man, with a by focussing on human devel-
pay much attention to issues of number of anecdotes to prove opment — through education,
public interest even after four this. His strong principles and health care and vocational skills.
and a half years of rule. values will be remembered for Universal Basic Income is an
The Opposition did take some long. escape from the responsibility
of the wind out of the sails of kM diVakaran of providing essential public
the BJP. Sugar-coated interim services.
budgets by the government at Indians voters have been
the fag end of its term are only to While it was painful to read responsible and dutiful constitu-
win the elections. about his passing, it was even ents. They deserve an equally
Mohan ariMboor more distressing to have very responsible government.
poor coverage on the great
George Fernandes always politician. Most news channels Sudhakar Singh
stood by his principles had the news only as part of the Those left out are trying
With reference to the obituary of George scroll. Didn’t he deserve better? hard to prove citizenship
Fernandes titled “A farewell to be remembered” abid PaSha
by Gopal Misra (February 15, 2018) With reference to the report “Mere birth shall
With the passing of George not be linked to citizenship” by Humra Quraishi
Fernandes, India has lost a very Leaders must not equate (August 31, 2018)
It is disheartening to note the
sincere politician who dedicated themselves with country difficulties being faced by those
his life to the cause of the nation. With reference to the report “In a first, left out of the draft National
leadership changes hands in separatist camp”
He was frank and forthright and, by Riyaz Wani (April 15, 2018) Register of Citizens in trying to
at the same time, very simple. One of the essential qualities prove their citizenship.
There are many political anec- that our leaders should have is Although the exercise is an
dotes to prove that he stood by the ability of succession plan- essential part of the commit-
his principles. He will be missed. ning. In most of our political par- ment to the people of Assam, as a
kV SeetharaaMaiah ties, the assumed and presumed part of the Assam Accord, it mer-
next lines of leadership are its a more humane approach.
India has lost a bold, daring and family members of leaders. The account amply illustrates
much loved leader. Honest and In certain cases, it is a case of how the marginalised are left
forthright, he fought for the “After me, the deluge”. Leaders in to fend for themselves amid
rights of the poor and the down- all spheres should have the acu- bureaucratic inefficiencies and
trodden and won many over men, foresight and selfless cour- procedural complexities.
with his brilliant oratory skills. age to encourage and develop It is imperative that there be
He shone as a Minister. The west the best among their followers course corrections; otherwise
coast will remember him as a to take up their mantle when the the exercise runs the risk of
far-sighted leader instrumen- situation warrants this. fuelling a parallel movement
tal in the Konkan Rail project For this to happen, we must against the state by those being
becoming a reality. have leaders with unimpeach- victimised now.
M Pradyu able integrity, rectitude and And if this happens, it would
patriotism. Unfortunately, India only heighten unrest in the
Goodbye George. With his pass- has seen leaders equating them- already disturbed Northeast.
ing, an era ends where politi- selves with the country. yogeSh aggarwal
cians were sincere, simple and Cg kuriakoSe
Tehelka / 28 february 2019 7