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                                                  Budget full of promises      of the monsoon and low farm
            Budget 2019   Wooing middle class With tax breaks, farmers & Workers With sops  10  with eyes set on polls   prices of produce as a result of

           3                                      With reference to the report “Budget 2019:    middlemen and government
           Volume 16                              Wooing middle class with tax breaks, farmers   policies have made farming less
           15 feb 2019
           New Delhi                              and workers with sops” by Dr Anil Singh
                                                  It is very clear that there has   attractive for rural youth.
                                                  been a yawning gap between     There need to be aggressive
                                                  what was promised by Prime   transformational structural
                                                  Minister Narendra Modi and   reforms to attract huge private
                                                  what the common man got on   investment which in turn facili-
                                                  his plate.                   tates massive job creation.
                                                    Demonetisation is sure to                N sadhasiva reddy
                                                  have had an impact on employ-
           SISTERly                               ment, with the informal sector   The all-time high unemploy-
                                                                               ment rate can be safely cited as a
           CONCERN                                badly hit. It was a move that did   manifest failure of the govern-
                                                  not help root out black money
           With barely 100 days left for the final battle    either, as trumpeted.   ment. It is no wonder that jibes
           of the ballot, will Priyanka Gandhi be able
           to do any magic? Is it a masterstroke or                            such as ‘Pakodanomics’ and
           ‘Much Ado about Nothing’?  12            With the general election
                                                  round the corner, the BJP-led   ‘Nomo jobs’ stick and gain cur-
                                                  National Democratic Alliance
        rency. Modi-nomics has come to
                                                  government has little time to   be equated with ‘jobless growth’.
                                                                               The hope and expectation that
         POWER MISUSE                             resort to any course correction   the Prime Minister would tackle
                                                  in an issue which is critical to
                                                                               the obstinate problem of unem-
         NEEDS TO STOP                            nation development. It is unfor-  ployment has come to nought.
                                                  tunate that industrial bodies too
                                                  have not made an effort to make   The ranks of the unemployed
                                                  their own evaluation of the job   are swelling by the day.
         With reference to the report “Adventurism and megalomania
         haze CBI probe in ICICI Bank case” by Bharat Hiteshi (February 15)  market or even cautioned the   G david miltoN
         First, CBI Director Alok Verma           government about its fallout on   From the data, it is clear that
         was removed in view of an                the economy.                 the our youth face a crisis. In
                                                    There would not have been
         adverse report by the Central            any need for 10 per cent res-  the 2014 Lok Sabha election, the
                                                                               vote share of job-seeking youth
         Vigilance Commission against             ervation for the economically   was high as they trusted the BJP
                                                  backward had the government,
         him and now Chanda Kochhar               soon after assuming power,   on the basis of its assurances.
                                                                               But they appear to have been let
         has been sacked.                         tackled in right earnest the issue   down. The impact of demoneti-
           Whether in the public or               of employment generation.    sation and the GST have ruined
                                                                  v subramaNiaN
         private sector, it seems common                                       the bread and butter options
                                                                               for many. The government has
         for people to abuse their power          It is unfortunate that the issue of   to answer a myriad questions
                                                  unemployment is being raked
         for personal gains. However, in          up by the Opposition only at   pertaining to the handling of the
         Kochhar’s case, it is curious why        election time even as millions              vimal vasudevaN
                                                  of unemployed youth are still
         she has been singled out and             struggling to make a decent
         punished when the Board failed           living.                      The Budget is to be seen more
                                                                               as an election manifesto than
                                                    Whatever may be the facts in
         to act initially and even jumped         the NSSO report, on unemploy-  what it is — an interim budget.
         to her defence.                          ment data, the ground reality is   The government has chosen
                                                                               to kick the can down the road.
           And what about responsibility          that the rate of unemployment   How resources will be found
                                                  is growing by leaps and bounds
         on the part of the bank’s                every successive year.       and whether the schemes
         loan-sanctioning and credit                Job creation is grossly dispro-  announced will be realised is
                                                                               anybody’s guess. About the pen-
         committees?                              portional to the exponentially   sion scheme? How much fund-
                                                  growing numbers of employable
                              N VISVESWaRaN       youths in the country. Agrarian   ing will be needed to ensure an
                                                  distress caused by vicissitudes   assured pension? The inability to
                                       Tehelka / 28 february 2019  6
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