Page 20 - 15SEPT2018E
P. 20
Governor’s appointment han’s 246 day spell as the governor he got to wield power, Vohra never an exercise. Would new Governor
play a more facilitating role in the
was one of the most popular such
gave an occasion for people to be
rules the state has ever had. The
concerned about any of his actions.
realization of such a prospect? The
In fact, in his latest spell at the helm, situation is likely to become clear in
reason for this popularity was the
triggers a sense efficient and responsive govern- the situation did show some mar- the weeks to come. Much of Malik’s
credibility will depend upon how he
ginal improvement.
ance provided by him.
Will new Governor be able to live handles these two issues. Or to put it
But his appointment again as
of déjà vu in Kashmir the Governor in 1989 offers a study up to Vohra’s reputation? Only time correctly, how the centre would like
in contrast. This was the year when
will tell. But apprehensions run
him to respond to them.
deep in Valley. And there are sev-
Malik has talked of winning the
the armed separatist uprising be-
gan in Kashmir and Jagmohan was
sent back to the state with a hope eral reasons for it. One of the most confidence of people and address-
obvious is that the appointment has ing imbalances among the three
that he will replicate the success been made by the BJP-led central regions of the state. But this would
nlike other states of In- The appointment of Satya Pal Malik as the new Governor of his previous tenure. He did any- government whose ideologically entail a tightrope walk and in the
dia, the governors rival has made the Valley curious and apprehensive of what thing but. His short spell at the helm rooted stance on the state has made first few weeks his every move will
chief ministers in the was marked by a tough security the Valley inherently distrustful of be closely watched as to what he is
distinctness of their role might be in store as his role is not limited to handling response to the then rampant mili- up to. One thing that is viewed posi-
U in the affairs of J&K. So law and order and the possible new government formation, tancy leading to a series of human tively is that he is the first politician
much so, that in political discourse rights violations including some The saffron party Governor the state has ever got.
they are often seen as much respon- writes RIYAZ WANI massacres. From once a darling will be more than He has earlier been with Congress,
• History sible for messing up the situation as of masses, Jagmohan was now the Samajwadi Party, Lok Dal and has
mystery the politicians. And validly so. ernor for two successive terms and rules have often been a subject of most hated ruler of the state and has keen to see that worked with the former Prime Min-
Governors have Governors have been direct par- has largely enjoyed the confidence intense controversy. One such rule been one since. the situation in ister VP Singh. This gives him a vast
been direct ticipants in the history of the state, of the people both as a ceremonial was that of Governor Jagmohan He was followed by Girish Chan- political experience. But as J&K Gov-
participants helping shape and direct it during head as well as the ruler of the state. who in 1986 became the ruler of the dra Saxena and K V Krishna Rao. Jammu and Kashmir ernor, Malik will have to do the bid-
in the history their respective periods of rule. And Unlike some of his predecessors, state after dismissing the govern- Between them they presided over normalised or ding of the centre. And which would
of Jammu and this is why the appointment of Satya Vohra has not run into a political ment of Ghulam Mohammed Shah. the longest Governor rule - six years mean he would do what the centre
Kashmir, help- Pal Malik as the new Governor has controversy. During Vohra’s time, Jagmohan had earlier sworn and 264 days — which ended in managed in a has already planned for the state. So,
ing shape and made the Valley curious and appre- J&K was placed under Governor in Shah in 1984 after he had engi- October 1996 after National Con- way that will be his first few weeks will deepen the
direct it when hensive of what might be in store. rule for four times. The state has neered a break-up of the then rul- ference returned to power in As- sense of uncertainty in Valley. Arti-
they were More so, when Malik is replacing witnessed a total of eight Governor ing National Conference led by Dr sembly elections held after a gap of electorally cle 35A and the anticipated govern-
in power N N Vohra who has been the Gov- rules so far. And the first four such Farooq Abdullah. However, Jagmo- nine-and-a-half years. ment formation would be the issues
KV Krishna Rao was followed most beneficial that are likely to hurtle to the centre
by another military man S K Sinha. for them stage. People would expect the new
His tenure too turned out to be bit- Governor to offer some reassurance
terly controversial. It was during as to the fate of Article 35A. And if
his tenure that a tract of forest land its actions in the state. Malik’s ap- Malik is unable to offer it, this will
was transferred to Shri Amarnath pointment also comes in the back- adversely affect the public confi-
Shrine Board which triggered 2008 drop of a tense situation developing dence in him that he looks forward
unrest leading to killing of around in the state over the legal challenge to build.
70 youth. His contentious actions to Article 35A in Supreme Court. The However, the new Governor’s
included aggressive promotion of intermittent hearings of the case challenge doesn’t stop with his
Amarnath yatra which played to trigger a spate of protests and shut- handling of the issues related to the
fears of a demographic change in downs in the state. And any tinker- state subject law and the possible
Valley, preparing a blue print for ing with the constitutional provi- new government formation. The
establishing religious universities, sion that forbids people from other situation in Kashmir will be likely of
involving army in the repair and re- parts of the country from settling a critical significance for the BJP in
construction of Sufi shrines etc. This in J&K can push the state headlong the run up to general election next
alienated vast sections of Kashmiri into a fresh turmoil. year. Therefore, the party will be
population and radicalized the new The state is also in throes of the keen to see the situation in the state
generation. rumours of the efforts being made normalise or managed in a way that
However, to the credit of Gover- to form a new coalition govern - will be electorally most beneficial
nor Vohra, the deep apprehensions ment between a possible breaka- for it. And Malik will be expected to
stoked by Sinha were put to rest way faction of the PDP and the BJP. make it happen on the ground.
by him. In his ten years in the state Governor Vohra was said to have
and also during the four times that expressed himself against such LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
20-21 Riyaz Wani.indd 2 9/1/2018 3:20:26 PM 20-21 Riyaz Wani.indd 3 9/1/2018 3:20:32 PM