Page 38 - 30NOV2018E
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        Freedom fighter and Congressman

          ND Tiwari dies on his 93 birthday

             A visionary, well-cultured, multifaceted, submissive and one of the most respected politicians
                  across the party lines, Tiwari was admired because of his immense knowledge and
               revolutionary ideas that shaped the industrial development and economy of the country,
                          especially Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, writes mudit mathur

                   any  folded  and                                              you. He smiled and said, “Chaliye
                   unfolded chapters                                             maharaj apse raste me baat ho
                   of pre-and post-                                              jayegi” (Come with me. We will
                   independence-                                                 talk en-route to PMO). Since then
       M era went down in                                                        I enjoyed his total confidence and
       history with the demise of nona-                                          perfect professional relationship.
       genarian illustrious statesman,                                           It helped me growing with break-
       freedom fighter and intransigent                                          ing first rate news stories in my
       Congressman Narayan Datt Ti-                                              career. I saw many up and downs
       wari exactly on his 93 birthday.                                          in his political existence but every
       His contribution to national life                                         time he sailed the challenges and
       began with “Quit India” move-                                             overshadowed his opponents
       ment during 1942-44 where he                                              with cordial manners and smil-
       was in prison along with his fa-                                          ing face. It was his unique quality
       ther Poornanand Tiwari for 19                                             that he never used harsh words
       months. A visionary, well-cul-                                            or foul language against his polit-
       tured, multifaceted, submissive                                           ical adversaries and never went
       and one of the most respected                                             in press against them.
       politicians across the party lines,                                         In  August 1984,  Tiwari re-
       Tiwari was admired because of                                             placed Sripati Mishra and be-
       his immense knowledge and                                                 came second time chief minis-
       revolutionary ideas that shaped                                           ter of the biggest and politically
       the industrial development and                                            crucial north Indian state, at the
       economy of the country, espe-                                             time when state Congress party
       cially Uttar Pradesh and Uttara-                                          was ridden with different fac-
       khand. Popularly called NDT, an                                           tions and groups. Indira Gandhi
       intelligent scholar blended with       1925 t o 20 18                     in those troubled times trusted
       his perennial ever-enticing smile,                                        the leadership of ND Tiwari as
       had a strong presence in India’s                                          uncontroversial leader accept-
       parliamentary democracy for more than   having the charge of Planning Commis-  able to all factions lobbying against Sri-
       half-a-century without any charges of   sion as its vice chairman besides Minis-  pati Mishra.
       corruption in his official capacity. He was   ter for Industries and additional charge   NDT always enjoyed confidence of
       a perfect Congressman and unsung hero   of Labour also. I met him at Udyog Bha-  Indira Gandhi, when he was elevated to
       in his party.                     wan where his private secretary Gupta   the coveted office of the UP chief minis-
          In the profession, I came in his touch   arranged my meeting with him. Sud-  ter succeeding HN Bahuguna in 1976. He
       in 1980 when after the downfall of Con-  denly the then prime minister Indira   had remained an Indira loyalist even af-
       gress party following the Emergency   Gandhi called him so he had to rush to   ter her assassination. During the tenure
       in1977, it rejuvenated to power and he   PMO. I told him that I have come here   of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, he had
       became key player in the national polity   all the way from Lucknow to interview   opposed the unlocking of the disputed

                                        Tehelka / 15 november 2018  38

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