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      puts about a possible terror attack in Sri   tifying her as a suspect linked to the   namon Grand Hotel, one of the targets
      Lanka, targeting the Indian High Com-  bloodshed.                  in the series of bomb blasts that ripped
      mission, were shared by Indian agencies   The name attached to the picture was   through luxury hotels and churches on
      with their counterparts in the island na-  Abdul Cader Fathima Khadiya — but the   Easter Sunday.
      tion earlier this month after the National   picture was of Baltimore-born Majeed,   Recounting the day, Chari said that
      Investigation  Agency completed its   whose parents are from Sri Lanka. “I have   he and his wife were in the middle of the
      probe into an ISIS-inspired module plan-  this morning been FALSELY identified by   Easter service when the priest requested
      ning to kill prominent leaders in south   the Sri Lankan government as one of the   people to leave the church premises
      India.                           ISIS Easter attackers in Sri Lanka,” she   calmly, saying he has received reports
        The inputs were sent through diplo-  tweeted.”What a thing to wake up to!”   about bombings in other churches, the
      matic channels to Sri Lanka after a thor-  “This is obviously completely false and   Gulf News reported.
      ough investigation pertaining to the ISIS   frankly, considering that our communi-  “After we left the church we got into
      case in Coimbatore was carried out by   ties are already greatly afflicted with is-  a taxi to go get some breakfast because
      the NIA, which has filed a charge sheet   sues of surveillance, I don’t need more   that is what we would normally do after
      against seven people. During investiga-  false accusations and scrutiny,” Majeed   Easter mass. We started noticing a com-
      tion, the probe team had stumbled upon   wrote on Twitter. “Please stop implicat-  motion on the roads and decided it was
      videos of NTJ leader Zahran Hashim,   ing and associating me with these hor-  better to go back to the hotel,” he said.
      which was indicative of a terror attack on   rific attacks,” Majeed urged. “And next   He said that on reaching hotel, they
      the Indian High Commission in Colombo.   time, be more diligent about releasing   saw everyone out on the lawn and
        After further investigation which in-                            thought that it was just some sort of secu-
      cluded cyber trailing of some of the ac-                           rity protocol. The gravity of the situation
      counts associated with the ISIS, the cen-  Though the ISIS         had not struck yet but soon it became
      tral security agencies shared an input   has claimed the           clear that it was much more. Chari’s wife
      with their Lankan counterparts about                               Navroop said, “It was too soon to know
      the churches being the likely target of the   attacks, Sri Lanka    anything on the news or social media, we
      ISIS module, the officials said.   has banned two                  still hadn’t registered the scale of the in-
                                                                         cident. I could not believe what was hap-
      Travel advisory                    Islamist groups — the           pening in front of us.”
      The government of India has advised the   National Thowheed          “It was all like a movie. I saw the am-
      people not to undertake non-essential                              bulance come in ... I saw the bodies be-
      travel to Sri Lanka in view of the prevail-  Jamath and the        ing taken out. I saw the blood. It was too
      ing security situation in the island nation   Jammiyathul Millathu   much and I could not believe it was real,”
      following the terror attacks.                                      she said, adding that when they saw the
        In a statement, the External Affairs   Ibrahim                   news of churches and five-star hotels
      Ministry said, those undertaking essen-                            been targeted, did it sink in that this was
      tial or emergency travel can contact the                           huge. “We felt the attack was not some-
      High Commission of India in Colombo   such information that has the potential   thing that was planned at a local level. It
      or the Assistant High Commission in   to deeply violate someone’s family and   was something at an international scale,”
      Kandy, or its Consulates in Hambantota   community.” Sri Lankan police con-  she said.
      and Jaffna in case of requirement of any   firmed the error in a statement, saying   Two Dubai-based Indians, Razeena
      assistance. The helpline numbers of the   “the individual pictured is not wanted for   Kukkady, 58, and Juno, 42, were killed in
      Indian High Commission are available on   questioning”.            blasts. According to Sri Lanka’s Foreign
      the Mission’s website.                                             Ministry, the number of foreign nation-
                                       Recounting the horror             als who have been identified as killed
      False implication                A Dubai-based Indian couple, who had   remained at 40, including 11 from India.
      The Sri Lankan police which wrongly   a narrow escape in the Sri Lanka blasts,   Sri Lanka has a population of 21 mil-
      identified an American Muslim woman   said the whole scene looked like a movie   lion which is a patchwork of ethnicities
      as a suspect in the deadly bombings has   and unreal, recounting that they saw   and religions, dominated by the Sinha-
      apologised for the goof-up. On April 25,   blood spilled everywhere as bodies were   lese Buddhist majority. Muslims account
      the police had issued a flyer with the   taken out from the hotel they were stay-  for 10 per cent of the population and are
      names and photos of six persons — three   ing in.                  the second-largest minority after Hindus.
      men and three women — wanted in con-  Abhinav Chari, manager at a health   Around seven per cent of Sri Lankans are
      nection with the attacks. On the flyer, a   insurance firm in Dubai, and his wife   Christians.
      photograph of Amara Majeed was put   Navroop were visiting the island nation
      wrongly by Sri Lankan authorities, iden-  for a business trip and staying in the Cin-

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