Page 9 - 15MAR2019E
P. 9

foreign affairs

             ndia has been invited     IndIa InvIted to oIC                       mir issue.
             for the first time to                                                   Pakistan Foreign Minis-
             the Organisation of                                                  ter Shah Mehmood Qureshi
             Islamic Cooperation       meet for fIrst tIme                        had threatened the OIC that
         I as “Guest of Honour”.                                                  he won’t attend the meet
         The official spokesperson                                                after the latter extended an
         of the Ministry of External   The UAE visit of Sushma Swaraj has come    invitation to Sushma Swaraj
         Affairs, Raveesh Kumar con-  at a time when tensions between Indian      to be the guest of honour.
         firmed through a tweet that   and Pakistan are on an all-time high,      The invitation was opposed
         External Affairs Minister,                                               by Pakistan who threat-
         Sushma Swaraj will attend            reports Tehelka Bureau              ened to boycott the meet
         the 46th Session of the                                                  over the Indian minister’s
         Council of Foreign Ministers                                             participation.
         of Organisation of Islamic                                                  Pakistan’s Foreign Minis-
         Cooperation.                                                             ter Shah Mehmood Qureshi
           The UAE visit of Sushma                                                has reportedly said, “I have
         Swaraj has come at a time                                                spoken to the United Arab
         when tensions between In-                                                Emirates foreign minister
         dian and Pakistan are on an                                              and have expressed my
         all-time high as one Indian                                              reservations over her invita-
         Air Force pilot remains in                                               tion. I have made myself
         the custody of Pakistan. This
         is the first time India has                                               The invitation
         been invited as the guest of
         honour at an OIC meeting.                                                 was opposed
         The OIC is an international                                               by Pakistan
         organisation founded in
         1969 and works towards                                                    Foreign Minister
         protecting and safeguard-                                                 Shah Mehmood
         ing the rights of the Muslim
         world. It is an organization                                              Qureshi, who
         of Muslim majority nations.  desire of the enlightened   ties and forging a multifac-
           The invitation for the   leadership of the UAE to go   eted partnership at the in-  threatened to
         event was extended by HH   beyond our rapidly growing   ternational level. In fact the   boycott the meet
         Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed   close bilateral ties and forge   Ministry of External Affairs
         Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister   a true multifaceted partner-  has thanked UAE leadership  over India’s
         of the UAE, and accepted   ship at the multilateral and   for the invitation.  participation
         by Sushma Swaraj. Sushma   international level.”   Last year, Bangladesh
         Swaraj is expected to ad-  It added, “We see this   proposed the restructuring
         dress the inaugural plenary   invitation as a milestone   of the charter of the OIC to   clear that India has shown
         in Abu Dhabi. The Islamic   in our comprehensive   pave way for the inclusion of   aggression. Under the cur-
         meet is to be held on March   strategic partnership with   non-Muslim countries like   rent circumstances, it will
         1 and 2.                the UAE. We also see this   India as an “observer state”   not be possible for me to
           Extending the invitation,   invitation as a welcome   of the 50-year old groupin  attend OIC meeting where
         the UAE Foreign Ministry   recognition of the presence   India’s presence at OIC   Sushma Swaraj is present. In
         said the “friendly Republic   of 185 million Muslims in   is crucial, especially at   fact earlier Pakistan was all
         of India” had been invited   India and of their contribu-  a time when it has been   set to attend the meet and
         as the guest of honour for   tion to its pluralistic ethos,   pitching diplomatic efforts   wanted to raise the issue
         “all its international political   and of India’s contribution   against Pakistan to isolate   of airstrikes by India into
         weight and diverse cultural   to the Islamic world.” The   it internationally following   its territory but changed its
         heritage and an important   invitation shows that the   the Pulwama terror attack   plans after UAE extended
         Islamic component.”     UAE wants to go beyond   in which 40 CRPF person-  special invitation to Sushma
           Responding to the     parochial aims and recog-  nel were killed. The OIC has   Swaraj to bethe “guest of
         invitation, Indian Ministry   nizes close bilateral ties with   usually been supportive of   honour”.
         of External Affairs had said,   India. The invitation can   Pakistan and, often sided
         “We see this invitation as the   lead to further improving   with Islamabad on the Kash-

                                        Tehelka / 15 march 2019  9
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