Page 7 - 15JUNE2019E
P. 7

/tehelka      @tehelka

                     pm modi’s unity pitch        strating their might before the   tion marks, or more precisely,
                                                  rest of the meek and vulnerable   cements India’s transition into
                       It was elevating to behold   population.                a polity with a certain political
                     Prime Minister Narendra Modi                  G.david milton  complexion. Juxtapose the win
                     bowing reverentially before                               of Sadhvi Pragya Thakur with
                     a copy of the Constitution   election result              the defeat of Kanhaiya Kumar to
                     placed in the Central Hall of                             appreciate the popular rejection
                     the Parliament. It brought back   In true democratic spirit the   of the pro-poor and progressive
                     the memory of his prostration   BJP must be congratulated on   forces in the clash of ideologies
                     at the steps of the Parliament   winning the election. It is not   and its implication.
                     on his maiden entry. For his   quite simplistic to say that BJP’s   In today’s India even Ma-
                     addition of sabka vishwas (trust   emphatic victory is not just a   hatma Gandhi might not make
                     of all) to the catch-phrase sabka   triumph of nationalism, but of   it in an election. The nation has
                     saath, sabka vikas (solidarity   Hindu nationalism . Prime Min-  to now deal with the incompat-
                     with everyone, development for   ister Narendra Modi’s ill-dis-  ibility between India’s civiliza-
                     all) to be more than symbolic   guised invocations of a majority   tional ethos and constitutional
                     lip-service and have real effect,   Hindu identity to polarize the   values and what BJP represents -
                     it must be more than a wish   voters during electioneering   Hindutva or Hindu nationalism.
                     made to look broad-minded and   escaped nobody’s notice   A leader who hailed Mahatma
                     all-embracing. Since Naren-    To take a dispassionate view   Gandhi’s assassin as a ‘patriot’
                     dra Modi is an unadulterated   of the results, the kind of victory   would now grace the hallowed
                     product of the Sangh Parivar,   BJP won is a fitting tribute to the   floor of the Parliament.
                     an amalgam of hardline outfits   party’s extraordinary ability to   The most striking and salient
                     for which Hindutva is central to   tap religious identity to the hilt   feature of the electoral outcome
                     Indian nationhood, it cannot be   to its favour. The overarching   is the preference shown by
                     said for sure that he will be able   appeal of Hindutva has proved   the impoverished multitudes
                     to practise what he preaches.  to be undiminished and incom-  to Modi and BJP in that order.
                        Ideally, Modi’s life should be   parably too strong for the Op-  Clearly, ‘Modi worship syn-
                     his message as it was in Mahat-  position to stall BJP’s return to   drome’ was at work in the elec-
                     ma Gandhi’s life.            power with more seats and vote   tion. It is as if the Modi bhakts
                       The plain fact is that Modi   share than in 2014. The con-  derive a vicarious thrill out of
                     owes his phenomenal rise in   solidation of ‘Hindu vote’ that   watching their demi-god play
                     politics to his adherence to ag-  has made BJP’s decisive victory   the political game.
                     gressive Hindu nationalism.  possible despite the unfulfilled   However huge the victory
                       Obviously his speech in    promises on vikas and acche   may be, it cannot make what is
                     favour of ‘inclusivity’ or ‘inclu-  din will now further consoli-  wrong right and what is right
                     siveness’ cannot carry much   date Narendra Modi’s position   wrong. Nor can it invalidate
                     conviction. It is dichotomous for   as the country’s strong man.   Rahul Gandhi’s passionate
                     anyone to be a polarizing figure   Now the biggest worry is that   opposition to Sangh Parivar’s
                     and a unifier at the same time.   the Hindutva hardliners might   virulent world-view and his
                       Modi’s claim that the elec-  think that the renewed man-  strident criticism of Modi’s
                     tion has broken down barriers   date leaves the way open for the   style of leadership and govern-
                     and connected hearts is untrue   Sangh Parivar to implement   ance. Narendra Modi is back
                     and misleading. Actually, it has   its core agenda. No matter how   in the saddle with renewed
                     accentuated and reinforced   huge and impressive the vic-  mandate. Even as we congratu-
                     religious distinctions, read   tory is, no government can act   late him, we urge him to try and
                     fault-lines.                 against the Constitution either   transmogrify himself from a
                       His statements that the    in letter or spirit.         Hindu nationalist to a states-
                     minorities have been misguided        maruthancode, tamil nadu  man worthy of the world’s
                     and cheated and the fear among                            largest democracy.  His priority
                     them is only an illusion require   changed political      should be to deliver basic living
                     further elaboration and elucida-  complexion              standards and commodities
                     tion. None the less, there is noth-                       to the country’s impoverished
                     ing heroic or valorous about   The scale of BJP’s victory and   masses..
                     80% of the population demon-  the secular parties’ decima-                 G.david milton

                                          Tehelka / 15 June 2019  7
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