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          Indepth Govt, Supreme Court ColleGium aGree to diSaGree on judiCial appointmentS     44
          issue                                   Heading congress             weakness (what it is depends
          10                                                                   on your political leanings) is his
          Volume 16
          31 may 2019                               Whether Rahul Gandhi       consistent opposition to forces
          New Delhi
                                                  decides to stay as Congress   espousing the cause of virulent
                                                  President or steps down is his   nationalism and his commit-
                                                  personal choice. It is not yet   ment to the preservation of
                                                  clear if he is amenable to be   India’s cultural pluralism.
                                                  dissuaded from giving up the   More than his father and
                   E l E c t i o n   2 0 1 9
                                                  post. It would be unfair on the   grandmother, Rahul Gandhi
                           E l E c t i o n   2 0 1 9
                                                  young leader to attribute the   represents the traditions
                                                  party’s rout brought about by   and values that sprang from
                                                  the widespread support Hin-  the freedom movement and
          Permutation & combination               dutva attracted for BJP to him.   empathizes with the country’s
          rule the nation                         The blame cannot be laid on   impoverished masses.  India
                                                                               certainly needs a party that
                                                  Rahul Gandhi for the tsunami
              Though the exact numbers will be known only on May 23, when
              results for all the 543 Lok Sabha seats will be out, the ongoing   of Hindu revivalism that swept   is big enough to embrace and
              discussions among political parties and general public revolve
                                                  Narendra Modi to power. If the   accommodate all communities
                   around the likely scenarios   10
                                                  voters did not weigh up social   and sections of society and hold
                                                  strife engendered by hardline   the nation together. Rahul Gan-
                                                  Hindutva zealots, economic   dhi is certainly suited to head
         Rajya is stRong,                         failure and increasing unem-  such a party. In the inexorable
                                                                               march of time the tide is sure
                                                  ployment during. Modi’s 5-year
         WheRe is the                             rule out of Hindu nationalist   to turn.   maruthancode, kanyakumari
                                                  sentiment, there was little
         RashtRa?                                 that Rahul Gandhi could do                      tamil nadu
                                                  about that other than criticiz-
                                                  ing the Modi government and   congress party is domed
                                                  promising a better deal by the
         With reference to the online report “Rajya is strong, where
         is Rashtriya”                            Congress, if voted to power to   As reported,Congress party
                                                  the impoverished masses. The   has called for a meeting to dis-
                                                  answer to the question whether   cuss its massive failure. The
           I have always loved how Rajiv          the party would have done    reasons are very simple. It is just
         ji is able to magnify the breaking       better under the leadership of   like writings on the wall. Con-
                                                                               gress party thinks they are the
                                                  someone else would be in the
         India forces at every level &            negative. Electoral outcomes   divine and permanent  rulers
         provide us with a much clearer           are not an accurate measure of   of India and that India belongs
                                                  leadership qualities.  Measur-
                                                                               to them. It is also riddled with
         view of ground realities. The            ing a leader’s worth merely   multiple scams, scandals, cor-
         portion towards the end where            in terms of his or her party’s   ruption etc. Rahul Gandhi has
         he talks about the lack of supply        performance in an election   neither qualifications, merits  or
                                                  excludes a raft of factors that
         of solutions to this uprising            influence the electorate. We are   He has given resignation
         caught me in a mixed feeling~            unable to think of a better tal-  which will never be accepted .
                                                                               It is a pure drama. Besides most
                                                  ent and more principled leader
         happy that the concept of                in the Congress than Rahul   of the Congress leaders are
         Rashtra is getting acknowledged          Gandhi to lead and revive the   involved in corruption, scams
         & also there is a concern at the         party when it faces its greatest   and scandals.
                                                  trial. Rahul Gandhi is a foil to
                                                                                 Thus, there cannot be revival
         lack of infrastructure to shape,         Narendra Modi and is always   of Congress party and is fast
         modify & provide perpetuity to it.       run down for his simplicity,   heading towards doom. At the
                                                  humility and unpretentious   same time now, Indian voters
                                                  demeanour. Should he swag-   are quite wise, mature  and
                                   kali yug       ger in the manner of Modi to be   intellgent  enough to judge.
                                                  perceived as a strong leader?            S.P. Sharma - mumbai
                                                  Rahul Gandhi’s strength or

                                          Tehelka / 15 June 2019  6
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