Page 55 - 15JUNE2019E
P. 55
Payal Tadvi: Attacks on
Dalits remain unflagging
The 26 year old post graduate medical student Dr. Payal Salman Tadvi was found dead and hanging
in her hostel room of BYL Nair Hospital in Mumbai. A report by MITHUN DEY
he series of viciousness they attempt to exercise their rights as
against Dalits remain un- the citizens of India over the past five
flagging, the Payal Tadvi years. Not merely so, many Dalit wom-
murder case attested it en are being sexually harassed, the chil-
Tonce more. In India, Dalits dren are being tainted here in India but
are considered to be untouchables dur- miserably, our government is trying
ing the British colonial period and they to silence. They have now become de-
face an increasing amount of violence pressed and feel pretty helpless. What
in various forms on regular basis by do we expect from our government?
those who belong to upper-caste. We In India, there is no value for working
must think of it that we are Indians class people. Do we cast our votes as per
and it can’t be identified on the lines of the casteism? A government is formed
caste, creed and religion. with the support of all classes’ people.
The 26 year old post graduate medi- Let’s not forget it.
cal student Dr. Payal Salman Tadvi was It is said that the concept of human-
found dead and hanging in her hostel ity is more superior to the concept
room of BYL Nair Hospital in Mumbai of casteism. We firmly believe in the
Central on May 22. As per a report, the theory of universal brotherhood. And,
Mumbai police arrested Dr. Tadvi’s Dr. Payal Salman Tadvi we are the follower of Sanskrit phrase
three senior colleagues belonging to ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (the whole
the upper-caste for allegedly abetting who receive elite educations vent such world is one family). So, our nation
the suicide by tormenting the Dalit stu- feelings through such acts of caste vio- should be generous towards the caste
dent with casteist slurs. Interestingly, in lence. It seems that they are simply ‘half- system.
this 21st century, highly educated peo- educated’ as they act as an unlettered The upper-caste citizens of India
ple still believe in casteism in India. As based on caste system. need to know that human rights are
we know, education gives knowledge, Reportedly, the attacks on Dalits un- rights innate to all human beings ir-
enlighten, excitement, empowerment der the BJP led NDA government are on respective of ethnicity, language, reli-
and it doesn’t give something that re- the rise here in India. The diabolic attacks gion, caste or any other class. Everyone
sembles a afflict chamber in a dark against Dalits and Adivasis are waged is entitled to these rights without bias.
dungeon. Hence, let’s try to spot which by the government and thus, civil rights Importantly, what’s next for India’s new
is good and bad for our societal stage. violation and natural justice are being government? Will Modi government
Casteism is nothing but a social impeached. Recently, an Indian Dalit boy ‘Modi-fy’ the caste system in India and
evil, menace, with roots in our soci- aged 21 year old was killed for eating in provide justice for the Dalits and tribal
ety where inhuman, anti-social feel- front of upper-caste men at a wedding community or will remain silence as
ings are now widespread. People have ceremony. More, the people belonging before to thrust 21st century nation into
higher degrees but limited sense of to Dalits and tribal community are fre- darkness?
humour. Hence, the upper class people quently going into feared situations when LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM