Page 43 - 15JUNE2019E
P. 43
moral policing
ments and tried to garner support
from embarrassed onlookers, by in-
dulging in ‘slut-shaming’ as it were and
allegedly ‘pointing out’ that women in
short dresses are asking for ‘it’.
The ‘it’ here being, an invitation to
rape, for committing the ‘grave crime’
of wearing what they were comfort-
able in and showing a little skin in the
She allegedly went on to rave that
because of ‘girls like’ them, women get
raped and supposedly asked seven
men in the restaurant to rape the six
women as punishment for wearing
what she considered ‘slutty’ clothes.
The girls, for a change, did not go and
lick their wounds in a corner, but took
the lady in question on, and asked her known and come out in support of were tut-tutting at her lack of toler-
to apologise. the youngsters. Within 15 of the video ance and archaic views!
Unsurprisingly the lady, refused to going viral the woman was forced to Don’t get me wrong! I don’t con-
apologise and threatened the girls with apologize on social media. done what she said, in fact I con-
dire consequences and the police and In a Facebook post she wrote, “I ex- demn it wholeheartedly as any right
even went as far as to mock them by tend an unconditional apology to all thinking person, especially, a woman
repeating her comments, which was all the girls. In hind sight, I realise, I was should! But in my humble opinion,
caught on camera by the enterprising harsh and incorrect in my statement. If aren’t those people who hounded the
young women. While I do not entirely any, I should have offered my opinion woman guilty of doing exactly what
agree with the manner in which they in private. I was concerned, however, I she did in the first place, that is insult
heckled and insulted a woman much realise that I should have been protec- and outrage the dignity and modesty
older than them, I do appreciate the fact tive and progressive in my outlook and of the young ladies.
that they fought back. not conservative and regressive. As By issuing rape threats to her aren’t
They called her out and asked her to a wife, sister and a mother and more they stooping to her level of thinking
apologise for her lewd remarks. importantly as a woman, I value ever that rape as a punishment for non-
What was even more heartening woman’s dignity. Once again, I pro- conforming to someone’s way of life
was the fact that the girls were sup- fusely apologise to all women whose or thinking is justified? By “fat-sham-
ported by another woman in the mall, sentiments have been hurt.” ing” a woman who “slut-shamed” the
who spoke up, loud and clear, about a Thanks to social media, the whole young girls for their sartorial prefer-
woman’s right over her body, includ- episode ended with someone being ence, are we also not guilty of showing
ing what she hangs on it. educated about the freedom of choice intolerance?
She went on to point out the fact that women have. While I appreciate Does this whole episode not smack
that it was unfathomable that a wom- the fighting spirit of the six girls and of hypocrisy of the highest order?
an should entertain such thoughts and the support that they got, what shook Doesn’t this trial and subsequent judg-
air such views against another of her me was the hate that poured out on ment of “rape” delivered by the social
gender. Especially as in this case the the woman’s head. While it’s good media not sicken and shake the col-
girls in question were young enough to voice one’s opinion on things that lective conscience of right-thinking
to be her daughter. matter, it’s not ok to abuse someone. Indians?
To cut a long story short, the wom- There’s an increasing tendency How does standing up for the rights
an stuck to her guns and as a result the and a frightening one as that, by self- of young women to dress the way they
girls uploaded the video on the social appointed “social justice warriors”, to want justify talk of disrobing and rav-
media to publicly shame her. What troll people, call them names, threaten ishing another woman?
followed was the outpouring of rage them and abuse them, all from the Agreed that what she did was rep-
against the woman, which was very comfort of the anonymity that social rehensible, but in the end, do two
heartening to behold. media offers. wrongs make a right? I leave it up to
It’s good that the common men The woman in question was “body you to decide, the mores of right con-
and women whose sensibilities are shamed” for being obese and very, very duct, on social media or otherwise.
shocked by such narrow minded- ironically, rape threats were issued
ness, were quick to make their opinion against her, by the very people who
Tehelka / 15 June 2019 43