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come them with open arms.”       were forcibly stopped from fleeing from   had then extended it to the national
        The All-India Congress Committee on   Pakistan to provide lavatory cleaning   level? In 2003, Clause 14 was added,
      the November 25, 1947, stated that Con-  facilities. He explains how the Ashraf or   and NRC which was to be prepared for
      gress is duty bound to provide complete   the elite Muslims were frightened to lose   Assam was extended to the national
      security to non- Muslims of Pakistan who   their privileged position at the advent   level. Who did it? In 2009, Chidamabram
      have crossed boundary to protect life   of democracy and were responsible for   saw that the law was not strong enough
      and honor. But this needs to be looked in   holding back minorities in Pakistan after   and hence, Rule 4 was added to strength-
      the wider context of persecution of mi-  partition.                en it. Who is responsible?”
      norities as Pakistan was consolidating   After the objective resolution in
      itself as a rigid state moving forward on   Pakistan to declare it an Islamic state   aving said that, there is no coun-
      the communalist path shown by Jinnah.   was passed. Christian missionaries ap-  try in the world which does not
                                       proached minority dalits, convincing  H have a register of its citizens, Khan
           rif Mohammad Khan underlined   them to convert to Christianity to escape   added. Regarding the nationwide pro-
           how the 1949 objective resolution   persecution. Arif Mohammad stressed   tests over the issue, the governor said, “A
      A passed in Pakistan asserted itself   how unlike India, Pakistan had no laws   picture has been painted as if other than
      as a Muslim state. But Pakistan’s Mus-  to safeguard discrimination. Pakistan’s   those listed, nobody would be given citi-
      lim laws were at variance with Quran as   extremist path continues to impact India   zenship. The move will deal with the par-
      Prophet Mohammad himself said that   in Kashmir. And the nature of Pakistani   ticular subject, with those who have been
      there is no compulsion to anyone to fol-                           made to flee because of their religion.
      low any law blindly. We cannot impose                              Each case will be decided on own mer-
      homogeneity on society as diversity is                             its, but these people (persecuted minori-
      the law of nature.                 Both the Congress and the       ties) as a class, a commitment was made
        He narrated another engaging sto-  Left strongly criticise       to them in 1947 and it is understandable
      ry of J.D. Sethi an officer in the textile                         that they were victims of a demand that
      department of Moradabad who migrated    the Governor for           they never made. They were victims of a
      to India from Lahore during partition. J.D.   supporting the Citizenship   system that was created against the as-
      Sethi re-visited Pakistan and arranged a                           surances given to these people.”
      meeting with ParvezMussaraf. On meet-  Amendment Act, with           Both the Congress and the Left
      ing Mussaraf he said “I have four doc-  the Congress saying the    strongly criticised the Governor for sup-
      tors at my home- my two sons and their                             porting the Citizenship Amendment Act,
      spouses, if partition would not have hap-  Governor has ‘stooped   with the Congress saying the Governor
      pened then they would have been serv-                              had ‘stooped to the level of a BJP spokes-
      ing their own people.” Arif recalled how   to the level of a BJP   person.’ K Muraleedharan, Vadakara MP
      he pinched J.D. Sethi when he narrated   spokesperson’             and son of K Karunakaran, also attacked
      this encounter with Mussarafto him by                              the Governor ‘for not acting with the
      asking, “Don’t you take us as your own                             dignity that the post demands.’ He had
      people,” only to realize the complex ways   state in fact was such that Jinnah’s law   also said that if the Governor continues
      in which people remain tied to their    minister J.N. Mandal was disillusioned by   to justify the Citizenship Amendment
      native land.                     the government and flee to India before   Act, they would be prompted to consider
        JD Sethi replied, “If Muslim state had   offering his resignation.   boycotting him. They alleged that his
      to be formed, then so be it, we just have   Arif Mohammad Khan then brings    views are based on distortion and con-
      had to give them Jaziya tax but have   attention to recent law passed by the   gress never favoured citizenship on the
      stayed in our native land.” “Vaisetoh   parliament, deliberating whether we can   basis of religion.
      Raja Badalte the, 1947 meintohPraja   open citizenship for all. The Sanatan Tra-  Arif Mohammad Khan, an alumni
      hi badaldiya”- “It was the kings who   dition of India conveys that divine dwell   of Aligrah Muslim University, where
      used to change, but in 1947 something    in all. But is it possible to welcome all? He   students suffered fatal injuries during
      unheard happened when the citizens   questions. We can’t even accommodate   protests over CAA. Arif has always been
      were changed.” Arif Mohammad Khan   all persecuted minorities for instance   known for his free and frank stand on
      stresses over these lines, and urges peo-  Syrians or Yemenis. But this law, Arif    contentious conflicts. Hequit the Rajiv
      ple to understand with utmost sensitiv-  Mohammad explains is for those per-  Gandhi government opposing his stand
      ity the issues of nativity and citizenship,   secuted minorities to which we made a   on reversal of Shahbano judgement of
      learning a lesson from our own past.   commitment to grant citizenship.   apex court by way of enacting a fresh law
        Arif Mohammad Khan then brings    “Who introduced NRC? In 1985, the   just to appease minorities’ community.
      on the discussion to the Schedule caste   (Assam) Accord was signed with the
      minorities during the partition who   (AsomGana Parishad) AGP leaders. Who           LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

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