Page 33 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 33


         • independence prime   The UGC had often prevented the direct interference of governments in educational institutions

         aims to establish a tiered system of   The funding and academic decision-  The UGC had often prevented the
         higher education with a class division:   making should be done by an autono-  direct interference of governments
         the first tier for the elite, the second   mous body on the basis of academic   in educational institutions but when
         for the middle class and the third for   criteria, and it should be at an arm’s   institutional heads feel that funding is
         the masses. If implemented we would   length of any political institution. The   under the direct control of the Ministry,
         have ‘world-class’ universities with full   current reform is an attempt to further   they will be forced to carry out what is
         autonomy and exorbitant fees but also   exonerate the State from its financial   said to them even informally. India is
         a sea of common students in the third   responsibility towards higher educa-  a vast country and our socio-political
         tier having no recognition from the   tion. Whereas, the need of the hour is a   dynamics varies from state to state.
         government. It is unclear how the uni-  meaningful reform of higher education   The government can create a body like
         versities are going to function in the ab-  that can address concerns of access, eq-  HECI but the situation should allow
         sence of the UGC. We don’t know about   uity and affordability. It will further en-  those norms, should see the diversity
         how institutes will get their funds, and   visage the creation of autonomous col-  and variation and whether they can
         to whom will they be affiliated. In ab-  leges which would have considerable   help the state situation. The reforms in
         sence of the government’s intervention,   freedom in the matter of admissions,   higher education have to respond to the
         they are likely to be dependent on cro-  syllabus and the fees. This will advance   need of affordability, accessibility, qual-
         ny capitalists for funding. It will lead to   the racket of “self-financing profession-  ity and must respond to social responsi-
         more control of higher education being   al colleges” with their “management   bility of providing education to all.
         handed over to the political-corporate   quotas” to the higher education sector
         nexus.                           as a whole.                            

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